County And Vicinity
Cherry ripe in Dexter. Saline siglis for strcet lauiis. Corn has grown so big ÍSTÍ5 - So. Lyon Excelsior. Farmers about Dexter village have comunenced hayine:. Wool buyers are fleecing the farmers at this time of the year. John Flynn, of Freedom lost a valuable borae recently by a barbed WÍT6 fence. The Dexter Leader claims that a íirm in that villagc paints Anu Arbor's delivery wagons. The village councilof Manchester have bought ii site and will erect a new COUncIl building and town hall. Jiiu Van Atta and John Farley captured an eel on the Huron, last week that measured 42 iuches, - So. Lyon Excelsior. The Chelsca creamery pald (2,260 for cream during the tnonth of May. It has turncd out as high as 1,000 lbs. of butter iu one day. The Soutli Exchange place of Manchester beat the Dorth side 39 to 16 iu u 6 Inning, lively, o ld fashioued amc of base ball on Friday. Thomas Jewetl bruught us a strawberry Monday that measured etght iuches in circuinfereuce and weigheil jlttt one ounOft - Clielsea Herald. Kev. Mr. Clements, Alvin Wilsey and E. J. Knowlten of Anu Arbor, were In the villaje yesterday looking after real estate speculation. - So. Lvon Excelsior. A musical wave has struck Saline. The village school boys are organizhijr a brast band, and an orchrstra which inducir all xpert trianglu pwrfbrroer la tM to be in operadoD now. The Chelsea junior base ball club cUllengea any club of their agí1 aadjweighl lp Washtenaw county to a game. Thcir average wcight is 115 pouüds, and average age is IC years. Tlic man who aal down iu the middle ot the pasture expeeting :i cow would come to be milked, Is not more foolish thau ha who stocks bis store and expects feeople to hunt him out and buy his gootls without advertising. - Ex. The wheat erop aronnd the county h reponed to be in a critical condition for lack of rain. The Hessian fly is also said to be severely damaging the erop In sections of the county. The report frorn these sections estimatcs the average erop at 1-' bu. per acre. The devotees of fast hordes met at the farm of Geo. Johnson, in Lodi, on Tuesday, for the purpose of grading a race track. A good course was laid out and fltted up in good condition, the track is one-third of a mile in circumferenco, and will be the scène of somo pretty races ere the season closea - Saline Obscrver. Eugene B. Cressey, of Saline, has contrived a machine which has been running now for over four weeks In deflance of the laws of gravitatiou, so it is allered, by men who claim to have inspectod it carefully. It is called a " pcrpc)u:il motion" contrivance and " lifta itself into the air by its coat collar" without eflbrt or steara power. "jUncle John " Townsend, an old resident of Adrián and well known iu Washtenaw county was found dead on a L. S. H. S. railroad train Friday at Inglewood, Ind. A post mortem held thure found his death to have resulted trom apoplexy. He was bom iu Entrland a carne early to this country and sinee 1854 had been in the einploy o'f the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana railroad comnanv. "Johnuy'' McMahon the circus performer whose liome is at Manchester, is receiving very nattering notices from the press on exhibitions of hia circus in Wiconsin. He is an old Ann Arbor boy and enjoys the distinction of " the world's greatest hurricane lmrdle rider." The thrilling and romantic incidents of his life In Central and South America whilecoudiirting a show there woukl fill a laige volume. From the Sanbourne, Dakota, Knterprise we learn of thedeathof Illram High, in the 73rd ycar of of his age. From the age of 20 to 53 Mr. High was a resident of Sharon, and was well known to many ofour readers. Alter leavin; Michigan in 186!), he resided in C'ass County Mo., twci ynirs with his son Beldiu at Fontana, Kas., and two years with hls son James near Odell, Barnes county, 1). T., where lie dled on the 28th of May, 18S6.- (Jhelsea Herald. Ann Arbor papers have recently buen Indulgtng in a silly controveriy about the orlgln of tlie name of tliat place. There is no query or room tor doubt in the matter. That neek of the wods was namcd so recently that its sponsors are yet alive, and can testify. It was named from Mrs. Ann Allen, :tnd Mrs. Mary Ann Rumsey, the Anu's Arbor, shortencd to Ann Arbor. The naming followed the general practice of settlements up the Huron. Thus, there was Vreelandt, but early namcd Flatltock, that being the bottom of the rlver. Higlier up was Otisville, now perhaiis forgotten, from its founder Otis; Uien Fieuch Landing, also forgotten. Then Bellville, from its proprietor, Bell, and Rawsoiiville, also namtd alter the pioneer of the place. Then higher up, Woodruff's Grove, now Ypsilauti, tuit tiefore the name Woodruff's Grove had been changed, the Kumsey-Allen settleuicnt, had tollowed the tashion set by the olil Major, and called their colony Ann's Arbor, the name it retains. There is uo need of inventinff Indian legends to account f or the name of Ann Arbor.- YpsilantI SenUiiL-1. Well, if you knew all atxmt this, why in the world didn't you say ao? The followlug correspondence from Chelsea Herald goes to show why Capt, Manly did not discuss McClelland with the Dexter pcople: Ann AiiBott, Mayiïi, 188B, In: vit Sik : I seo by your last meeting that some of your correspondent navetbesame coinplalnt tlial the war department liud in lStil : "Why don't the tinny miive." I wlHh to suy that the Ann Arbor boys were all ready to move when the followlug order was recelved : MANCHKfiTKK, Muy U, 1SS. With these eonllnnoUR ralns, I ara very auxloiiH iittout lloney Creek dlrectly In your line of iinirrli and may lnterfere with yuur llue oi eoiainunlcatiou. Please look to It. E. NOKK1S, Scc'y War. Notwlthstandlng 'the above order we held ouroelvMi In rcndlncss to move at ö:30 o'clock when the followliiK dihpaU;h wum lecelvuil : Man-chkstüh, May 11, 1S86. You wlll hold your cominand In such a i)Oittlon hm to protaot tuis plaoa from all iissiblQ iiltack. Q6D6TAI Kelly wlll move with bil oommand o as lo forra on ynur rlgtu nt (ius PeUTy" farm, you must without deluy ¦hHiiKO your base so as to form the above jiiiiciuin, and onder no olraomttanoe wlU iiiicrfcrc with Qeneral Kalley'i rommand or Clus Peters' clder. E. NOUHIS, 8807 War. ïho rcoeljit of tlif iiiovo order and the heavy niliis made thr lulvan i Dexter lmMisitili, 1 uin, t hcrcloli', obklced to rll;tIlK' Uiusi' and attack by the wuy ol Dheiaea. Your respectlully, D. ü. Mauly i We notice by the Lansing Journal tliat James Owen O'Connor is to play Kichelieu and Shylock in that city this week. We extend our heartfelt syuipathy to the residents of the Capital city, for uext to the occurrence of a real tragedy we can imagine no more wvere alllictioii than to witness O'Connor's attempt to present a mimic one.- Ypsllantian. Here too ! The wlll of Mr. A. 11. Mott,whodied ín this city some time ago, has been probated ín Wayne county, hu pro[erty to the Btnount of $20,000 belng In the'township of ('anton. The property was left to liis son, Mr. A. C. Mott. The widow, a second wife and her danghters QOBtMted tlie will mi tlie BKMUtd of incompetency, but withdrew tlie contest. It is probable some amicable arrangement was mule by the parties. The last time we saw Mr. Mott, he was certainly competent to make a will
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Alvin Wilsey