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The Circulating Library

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J lluro U no doubt that tilo Circulatlng Llbrary Hystein is a help and au udvantage to our couutry. Tliere ia seaicely a city or town of ii ny si i hui lias in ti IU publlu library mul mi III maiiy of llifiii liave tlieir tree clrculatI uk librarle. A good sysiwn of clrculatlng library, liowever, Im wliere a few persons uulto lu foruilng a club or readlng olrule. lt niay aam a llttle more raonoy aunuiilly to beIiiiiï UiNiich an organlr.ntlon, but tl) iiiomIii-imIiivi- the sailii.ii'ilnn of HttlectliiK llH'lr nwii booksor magazines, aH well uu the asmirance UiHt they wlll liuve the particular Ixiokn to read tbat they wint) to rciul at that time. At thv large publio llbrary we are oflen obligad to walt for luonths for some parI liiMik that we wímIi to read and that 1h iut Juut at iIiiih lt la called for. In Englaud there Ik a syiitem of olrcuïatiUK llbrary a llttle dldureut front anythlng in lili country. The ulebrated Mtidle has a ohalu of HbrarleH compriHliiK Ijoudon and all the leadlnK cIüch In Knglaud. The raeinhtm jiay iiniiuiilly lor the reailiut; of these librarles from one to live poundH. Uut they are assured that they can have the reading of any book In clrculatloii. The aHwIxtance Umi tlilH syètem Ih a help to the Ixmdon publhihrrs la evident froiu the faot Umi 1 1 xoinullines happens tlmt Mr. Mudie "will take mor copies of a new tiook at i lililí prlne than can be sold In tlils entlr country ut a luwer prlce." lu Niic-li h xyKiinii au thUevery llbrury subscrlber han the privilege of "glanclng at nittny booka eveu If he remin few ; he lu pi i v II. t., 1 10 taste, ii lijwere, un.l Helect. He doei not have to buy what alter all he muy not want. VV illlH Houghton of IIiIh city has orlglnateU a plan of clruulatlng llhrary whlch he calla HuiiyhLvH't tïrcitUUing Library. lle prup4meH to equlp librarles iu varliun partx 01 the country, and even to extend the privilege to thcxeh h1 dlKlrk-ia lu thla and nslghborini; nountle. The plau la different froiu anythlng that tuin vet been trled and promiïea to work well and be a. lantlng benefit to all commuultlPH that are lucky enough to obtaln oneof hls librarles. H 18 worked on the club syntcni. A few friends can organlze a readlng club and luvlte others to Joln Then by each oue paylug a merely nominal fee they bare thelr cholee of a valuable library from Mr. Boughton 's excellent cullectton of books, a new catalogue of whlch wi 11 aoon be lsKued from the CoUkikk office, There la no longer any reaxon why every communlty Nhouid not have ¦ clrculatlng library. Mr. Boughlon Is now eiuploylng a large number of persona to aaaltt hlui In orgaulzIng librarle and should be pleaaed to have persona Intereattd lu thls maller ur any oue wanting work, to correspond wllh hlm. Uls'1-.-.s Is Aun Arbor, Mlch. A regular meeting of the Ann Arbor Typographical Union, No. 154 was held last evening and the following oftlcers nstalled: President, Robert Shannon ; vlce-president, Edgar Mmiyon ; recording and corresponding accretary, Stanton Uovvell; treasurer, Pred öchulz; sergeant-at-arms, Chas. L. Da vis; board of directore, John Daley, Adam Qoetz and H. J. Clark.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News