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"" 1 Campany A drilled lu the open air, I Monday evening. A force of thirty men is at work on the new depot gradinfi. The Grand Army were out In their uniforms Hondny nigut. The bicycle club intends to attend the state meet at Detroit, June 24. The will of the late Allen M. Crittenden was probated last Monday. Start Ann Arbor's boom by a big 4th of July eclebration in which all take hold. Whitmore Lake is becoming a more and more popular resort for Ann Arbor people. A party writing for the latest edition of the Recipe Book asks for " the Recled book, Liidies Addition." J. E. Harkins has been presented by Whittaker & Co. of Toledo with a valuablo lltshing rod and multiplying reel. This year we have the only eclebration in the county on the U. Fair weather will bring the largest crowd ever here. The etate medical meeting was attended last week by Drs. Breakey, Frothingham, StoweU, Kapp, Heidman, l'almer, George, Vaughan and Sullivan. Dr. Ramsay speaks before the Missionary society at Albion, Sunday evening. His pulpit will be supplied in the morning by Dr. Adama, and in the evening by Rev. A. F. Bournes. The houses supplied with water from the Cutherine street main have been inconvoiiienced by having the supply of water hut off for half a day at a time to allow slow workmen to Up the main. The Normal School has lts Commencement on the 30th. The Baccalaureate is for the Sunday precedinj? ; Mondny eyenIne a Commencement concert is to bo given and Tuesday are the class day exerctae8. The Ann Arbor Cemmandery will take a trip by special train to Chelsea, St. Johns's day, Ttiursday, June 24, for the nurpose of aUending divine services. Her. T. W. MeLean, of Ypsilanti will bc prelate, offleiating. Peter Woodruff, of Hastings, Mich., brother of Charles Woodruff, of Ann Arbor township, died June 13th at Ilastinr8, aged G5 years of dropsy. The re„ was brought here on the Grand Unpids Express Tuesday noon and interred in Forest Hill cemetery. Hereafter one will have the satisfaction of knowing when he eats genuine oleo margarine and not misUke It for butter.for it will be stamped according to law. It is now too uncertain when one swallows uniina-liouse salve as to whether he takes it " for butter or worse. Miss Irene Hancock, a young ( ington belle and niece of the late Gen. Hancock, lately in Florida, killed a black ' snakc measuring seven feet in length. j The brave girl proposes tolkeep her leet on that snakend to that end is havlng a pair of slippers made trom its cuticle. It required a deal of gall to come fore the city council and aak for more , favors aftr refusing to pay taxea on property within the city that produces a nrineely revenue, out of the city people, but thu Water works ieople were equa to it. The had it "cookcd up" in good shapc. Many friendo In this city will read with sincere regret of the death of Mm. Erniinuie A. Smith, of New York City, who becanio bo favorably known at the meeting of the American Science Association in this city last August. Mr. Smith was a monitor of the Sorosls, of the Londen Scientillc Astsociation for the advance of science. A prominent fruit grower near this city reports that the strawberry crop will be about aa last year with prices accordingly- Tlie reJ antl blaclc ra8Pberry promises to yield as heavy again as last year and prices will be probably or ehalf less. The blackberry has been injured somewhat by dry weather and wil fetch'about the IUM price, Ponches will be about one-third of a erop. An elegant engnived invitation card has been received at this office minouncing the marriage or Mr. Will W. Watts to Miss Carrie B. Benham, which will take place at the residence of Mr. 8. G. Benham on Huron streef, on Wednesday eveniiiK. June 23. The imrties to the marriage are two of the most popular or Ann Arbor's young people, and the congratulations of an unliraitcd circle of friends are extended to them. The bicycle parade last Friday night with lanterns was a wlerd and unearthly exhibition. A sight of that kind in the cighteenth century at Salem, Massacliusetu would have caused the natives to flee in terror from their houses. Several serious encounters witli gravel patches are reported and one catastroplie resultin" from an entiinglement of spokes and lantern handle cn bu substantiated at Osius &. Co' book store. The St. Louis club, composed of members of the Ann Arbor Commandery who expect to attend the conclave at St. Louis, was organized laat Friday night with a memberehip of 24. The following officers were electcd : President, W. W. Nichols; vice president, W. O. Doty; pecretery, W. A. Tolchard; treasurer, D. C. Fal); liouse committee, C. Fall, J. L.tStone, II. W. Hayea; agitators, J. R. Miner, ,V. A. Clark, Charles .B. Villen. The meniber.ship is restricted to meinberu of the Ann Arbor Commandery and ita plan Is to furnish a more handy orjOMlUtion to arrange for the coming triennial conclave. mm m Has shoal water anything to do with the dam ? The art club went oa a picnic excursión yeterday to Delhi. Let the water in the public cisterns be aired on the streets for the third. Captain E. P. Allen will deliver an oration on the 'M of July to the Dowagians. Overseer J. 8. McDowell, of the county house has been seriously ill for two weeks with sciatica. Hon. George A. Smith of Ilillsdule was a welcome caller at the Couuier ofüce this morning. Albert Sorg gave the grass on the court house square a lonjr-needed sprinkllng, Monday evening. The street musicians who attracted 80 much attention herefor a numter of days were Italiana, not Irishmen. Sunday was children's day at the M. E. church, and the congregational was magnificently decorated with floral offerings. Farmers In some section of the county are mowing their wheat for fodder, the Hesslan fly having ruined whole fields of it. The new depot exeavntion is progressing rapidly. The cellar is being dug and as soon as finished building will commence. Harry Nichols rode to Detroit and back last week on hls bicycle, making the home trip in tour hours and lifleen minutes. ¦ The pcople of the county are generally coming to Ann Arbor on the 3d to celebrate. Let it be one of the largest gatherings Washtenaw has ever witnessed. The Catholic school yard is being graded into the low places on the lot near State street, which will make a very handsome lmprovement on the property. Edward Duffy, P. M., chairman of the board of visitors to the Detroit college has appointed noxt Tucsday for a meeting of the members to examine the college. In his wool buying Mr. Hen had a man to help kim the other day, who In figuring tip what was due a farmer overpaid him $100.00. That is lnellned to tuke off a great part of the prolits. The Evening Nbws states that Mr?. Frank Gidilens, Mrs. Hanby and Misses Hanby were injured by a runaway in this city Saturday eveninR. H also states that Miss Dixboro was injured. Everart Scott is attending the meeting of the State Horticultural Society, at Lansing, aa a member of tho cxecutive board. A session was held Tuesday evening and It concludes its business to-day. The large quantities of ediblea remaining from the Father Fierle banquet was (iisposed of at a festival Thursday evening in Cropwy's hall, the proceeds to be applied on the new Catholic school building. Thomas Wandless a blind inmute of the county house for the last two years, died shortly after dinner Sunday, of apoplexy. Deceased was abpot 50 years of age lie was buried by frionds at Ypsilanti. The Couribr has received froin the class of '80, of the Michigan Military Academy an elegant engraved commencement invitation. It s equal if not superior to that ever produceil by a class in the University. John Sperry who uves about one mile south of the city killed a rattle snake on his place measuring thrce fi-ot one inch in length last Saturday. It had rrown to the size of a man's wrist and was minus u rattles. Couipuny B,of Adriun, which intended to join the procesgion at Ann Arbor on the third, in return for Company A'svisit last year has notified the committee that they will celebrate at home on that day and will be unable to come. Mrs. Dr. Hartley and daughter, Miss Meindermann nrj intending to take quite an extended trip through Europe starting the lOth of July. They stop at lvlinburh lirst nnd from there go to Germai"y, etc. They will return some time in October. Catharine B. Van Buren, of the 5th rard, died Monday, June 11, aged 73 'ears of dropsy of tbe heart. Mrs. Van Buren was a mother of Mrs. Thornas Speechley The funeral was held from he family residence on Travers Street, Cuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Wilüam Yerer, of Dexter, left his ïome at 7 o'clock Monday evening and las not been heard from s!nc althongh onstant Bearch lias been mude. His ab;enee is special cause for alarm as it is laid he has threatened to kill himselt. He had a sunstroke several years ago and ieyer fully recovered. Simón G. Danner, for several years ownship clerk of Northfield and present incumbent, died last Saturday at the residence of his mother. He was 24 years Dld and very highly esteemed by many friend. He has sulïeml for many years with hip disease wliicli was finally the reRUlt ..f his doath. The taowuyn held from Iland's church in Not th Held at 10 o'clock yesterday. The Ann Arbor Commaudeiy expects to altend the triennul conclave to be held at St. Louis, Mo., September 21, 22, 23 and 24 The expenses attendant on the trip will be large, but wlll be borne bv individual members taking the trip, eiccept as to a certain sum wlnch the commandery will have to furnish as a body and a social, a notice of wlnch will be found in another column, will be given to help defray the expenses. The leglslative reunión at Lansing last week, proved a very happy occasion. One notable feature of the meeting was the enthusiastic reception tendered to our rovcred fellow townsman, cx-(kyernor Alpheus Felch, on the delivery of lus pa oer on the early legislatures, and wlncli was highly compllmented by the newspaperx throusrhout the state '1 he meetin ainounted to a jam, and everytlniiK pertaining to it pasaed off satisfactonly. The most sensible part the presidential weilding was the omission of the slobberinif ceremony of "kissing the bride, by the gentlemen present. It is to ba hope the omission in this case, will set the fashion for future redding! among all respectable ieople. Mr. Cleveland himsclt; did not "salute," her, which however required no great deal of seltdeniul, as he had the pleasiug consciousness that he was about to carry her off into the mountains, and devour her at nis leisure.- Ypsilanti Sentinel. If they still slobber over brides in Ypsilantí she has the sympathy of all in belng, aa usual, ten year behind the time. lbe difgusling, nauseous ceremony has ben lonjt out of fashion in the cultured cities of Anu Arbor and Washington. A colored lady by the name of Mr-. John Freeman, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has been visitinff her father-iii-Uw John Freeman, in this city. bhe attended a party of friends at the residence of "Jefl" Davis Sunday evening, and when she nrenared to leave she discovered her nocket-book, said to contain $Ü8 in money, a diamond pin valued at $70 and other miseellaneous artkles was N mine was lelt on the table with her urapa and was for sotuc time annoUoeU bv the owner. A thorough search was made in the house and Mr. Fruui. DOUlied the Iolice and luul a party searched at the Michigan Cw.ti al depot, without success. All efforU to recover the property have proven fruitless and the pólice have about abandoned tl e tí .e matter. The wo.nan is neorlv tranüc with the loss and can give DO ilil.lnn!iUon leading to the discovery of the thief.