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CoiiMMMjifioii Cured. Au ol.i phyaiclu, ...

CoiiMMMjifioii Cured. Au ol.i phyaiclu, ... image
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CoiiMMMjifioii Cured. Au ol.i phyaiclu, ratiiéd from pmotloe, haring had plaeedin liis haoda by an Kat India imssionary the formula "t n simule vegetable retnedy for the spcedy and permanent cure ofOentarnptlotl, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Aslbmaand all throatand Lung A Heet io ns, nlso n poaitireaild radical cure lor Nirvous Deblllty aml all Nervoua Complaints, lifter liaving testwl its wonderful 'iir:iiivc poucrs in thouaanda oi caaes, hu feit it his dotyto miake itkuown i hl8uffer1ns fellowa. Acluated by tbla motive and n desire to relieve luinmii sutftiiin, I will scnd free of charge, to all wlio dealro It, tliis recipe, in Oermaq, Frcncli or Eniisli, willi Inll dlrectious for preparing nul ualtig. Seat ly mail byad(ircssinir wiili .taini, iininiiir tliis piiper W. A. Noves, íVJ Powers Black, Itoche-stcr, N. Y. I370-1839. " [ should tlilnk you would nccd tnilitary gaard to keep the yoUug men awiijr," miiil a citizen to the father of six marrlact ? ahle dmilitcrs. "()h, ['ra a pretty í1"! looi soldier inysclr." raa the cbeerftil .111anrer Hu-kloii's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in thr world for Outs. SrulaoK, Sotes, Ulcere, Salí Rheum, Pever s. rcs, Tcitcr, Chapped Hand, Übilblaiivs, lorna, and all skin Eruptlona, and poalively cures I'iles, or no ay reqnlred. It 9 (iiiaranteed to ffive perfect antiafnetion, ir nioney rcfunded. I'rice 2 centa per I box. Por Sale by Eberbacli & Son. I


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News