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M1I4OMIC 1IKI I'UHI' A.NN iHua Coïhasoühv, No. 18 meets flrst Tueaday of each laoutU. W. O. Doty. h. O.; W. A. Tolohiird. Recorder. Waühigkaw OUAPrKH. No. 5, R A. M.- Menu Brut Mnnday eaoh raonth. Isuac Handy, H. P.; Z. Koath, Socretary. BUSINESS CARDS. O. IMZ-AJRTIIN", CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Coiuimm ('oiniis. Culis attented to Pay or Nlibt. Emlmlmlng a apecliilty. Storeroom on E. Washington Street. ResldeDce Cor. Liberty and Klfth. W. II. JACKSOX, ÖJESIUXIITIIIII SUTIL OKFICK : Orer Bach & Abel's Dry Good Store. Entrance next to National Bank. ii ii n in. kx., House, Sin, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlo. Olazltig, Gilding, nd C'alcimtnlnpr, nd work oí every decrÍDtlOH done in the beat ntyle, and warrtinted U give aatisfactlun. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W . W. A A. C. NICIIOL.S, DE1TTISTS. Room Over Arm Arbor Savings Bank, Masouic Temple Block. QA-SorVITALIZED AIR A'ltulninteri'd for Ihu ftiMi eltractlon ut leeth. IOMI'11 BKRRV, The Practical TA1LOR AND CUTTKR, Üt tbs late mui ui WINANS 4 HKKUÏ. bat lucoted bis plce of buíineiw at NO. 7 HURON STREET, WITH A RU LINE OF Suitings and Trouserings, And wuuld ay to kb olil friendo and new olie that ir they ani a UOol) FIT and a NOBHY FIT at RKA8UNAHLK I'KICKS, cali on htm and they will be aure to ie' '""'¦ CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Becarlty keld for the protection of the pollcy CHRISTIAN MACK Bepreaenta the followlBK first-clas companlef, of which one, the itna, bai alone pald 5,ÜOO,OUI Bre 1 oate In nIxty-Bve years : Jitna, of Bartford $ 9,193,844 Frankün of l'hiladelphia 3,1 18,7l: Germatiia, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,066,968 Loiidon Assurance, Lonílon.. . 1.410.TSS Michijrau W. & IC., Oetroit. . . 27, 08 N. Y. Uiulerwriters, N. Y 2,i. T! National, Hartford 1,774,505 l'lwenix, Brooklyn 3,750,0:! Ixiisca liberallT adjmted and promptljr paiü. Polieiei Usued at the luwest rates of premium. llKltf LÜMBËRÏ LUMBER! LÏÏMBER! If you contémplate bulliling, cali at FERDON I niiiiii lui! Corner Fourlh and Depot 8ts., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarautee AERY LOW PRICES WGW ua a cali and we will make it to your Istereit. as our large and well graded stock fully ustains our asemon. Telephone Connettioni "ij! KKKCH Supt. JAMKS TOLBKRT, Prop W. TREMAIN, OEKERAL Insurance gwy! OFFICE, OTer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, OOR. HURON AND FOURTH STS.. North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edinburg. cpiui, i:t,ooo,ooo, Ooid. Detroit Flre and Marlue Insurance Cc, CMhAwel $60O,0üü. MprlullcKl In. Co. or Maaehusetts, Cuh Asseta (1 ,800.000. llowanl Ihs. Company of New York, Cuk AlKtt (1 ,000,000. Igrlcnltural Ins. Co., Watertown,3.Y., Ciab Amit 1,XI,iio IMa;i.lhrally Ad)utsrt and l'romptly I'ulrt. iMMPKJN CRÊAMW mm OB i)NVKIEX K Cm2v of bandlliig Milk ft ii d H f ('rentn w ilii bett reHulU. ¦'.Liw"' OWCTCIW"'T 'CIMilt tlie van. II ¦¦ I "¦¦ 11 doulilc -kluimliix IJ"""1 ll Hllurlimrni. DrftWlng B . [¦ I k:ilk or (.'rcam flrst as leWmi- . ' ji ment. í.uttVr madeft-om ¦ ? Hl'JL " "¦" uwarded llie ,Jf FIKST IMtKMII M M -4jH T'.l. -.I,., 1HM.1, Mkh. Niatr Fulr. 14imm. Pat Nto.u Kkirw ñtr Mlrh., I " ¦". U M tnken the Kirht PXKVir x at nearly very State "airwhereuihlI.liiMl. luirl üirtna Chunu, Kurrta Hd Shnnrr W,irl ,-r-, rtbltt Butler lYintert, 4 AgeDti wantid In viry county and town. if IniiiI.ui.lii Co., II. llow 'ull.,VU Uw vnén iw


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