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Assault With Intent To Murder

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The resldonce of Ilenry I?. Jacksoti about 15 miles south of this city auü onc milc nortli of Moorevillo, was tlie scène of a serious shootinjr utiriiy ut half-pa.-t eight lust Thursday mornlng. The desperado in the case is au old Englishman 60 years of age by the name of John Burnett, who has previously borne the repututlon of a peaccable, harmless niiin aniong liis neighbors, hut who f requently indulged in quarrels wlth hia wife. 8he is sald to be a wonian of light characteristics, and her strange acts have led to several separations from her husband, resultiiifronce in a divorce wliich was afterwards compromised. In a recent family fracaa she left hlm and took up her abode with her mother, Mrs. Jackson, lcaving three cliildren, one of whom is an infant, to the charge of lier husband. He eould stand the separation from his wife, hui he wantud the baby to have proper care, so he armed hunsflf, as the Evening News states, with a glgantic English buil do(V) revolver whlch cost 1.50 and carried a bullet the aize of a sniiill pea, went to her mother'jt house with the intention of inducing his wife to return with bim or shoot her 11" she refused. fie opened the door, walked in and found hU wife alone. He asked lier if she would return and take care of the babies, and she Is reported to have said "not by a d sijrht, you can take care of taem yourself." At this, he grabbed her by the shoulder, held the toy pistol against her forehead over her left eye and lired, the bullet flattening out on the skull, not even producing unconsclousness. Slie tore herself loose from hlm and started to run out doors wlien lie flred the pop-gun ajain at her and scraped a Hule hair off over her right ear and she than escaped out of doors. About tliis time the old lady Jackson entered the room, interferinr with the business and Denuctt shot hei1 la the neck, tlie bullet penetrated thiougli the flusli and was extructed by the doctor near the rightear. After the shooting he stood arjund for ten or tifteea minutes, sedng the women wagh off the blood.and tlien started for Milan near wliich village he wa8 arrested. Sheriff Walsh and Prosecuting Attorney Norris arrived on the scène at noon and conducted the examinatinn of Burnett before Justice Doyie, who bound him over to the circuit court on the charge of assault with intent to murder. The old man was brought to this place and is in jiil on the above charged witli murder if either of the wounded women die. Their condition is reported to be favorable for recovery. The front of Henry IModer'l pl.icc on S. Müin st. is being rep:iinto;l and flzed up. A. II. Holmes, of (liis city lias bought one of the ruagnificent Arabian liorses of C. T. Henion. J. Keek & Co. invite the public to make thelr head-quarters at tlicir store during the day of the 3d. The Detroit orchestra will be entertained by Wm. Frank of the Germanln, during their stay in the city. Will Hatch says that the party wlio borrowed his flag for decorating pnrposes better return the same before the 3d of July, or there will be fun in camp. On the lCth inst., the 3 month's old child of Joseph Martin died at the home of his father on N. Fiftli street, and was buried in Forest Hill Cemetery on the 19th. The babe soon followed its motlier who died on March 14th last. On Saturday next the Knights of Labor give a grand excursión to Orchard Lake, a place of interest to nearly every Ann Arborite, and one of the most deHghtful spots in Michigan. You will want to go of coiirse, as the cost will be trifling. The country is said to be full of sharpers pretending to be engaged in selling something about the country. They eniuge board wtth the unauspecting, and aftor procuring from one to tliree weeks board without pay in advance, they smldenly "come up missinf.'1 One of the large píate glass Windows in Hungsterfer's block was broken a day or two since by a boy throwing a mnrblc against it. We ex peet De Forest s out azain on tliis accident. Well, plate glass insurance is a good thing when accidenta happen whicli seems to be quite often in Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mm. C. Haskall of Ypsilanti, celebrated tlieir golden wedding a few days since. Six of their children were present, of whom tour are married, and even grand cliildren, mnklng a total of nineteen descendants. Tlie old couple were presented with a purse of gold and other articles. John P. Herben, who lias resided In tiodl township for the past 45 years, died June 18th, aged 81 years, 2 months, of Briglifs disease and paralysis. Funeral services were held at the residenco at 3 o'clock Sunday. He leaves a family of nlne chlldreu, soinu of whom are res-idents of tliis oity. July meeting of the Washtennw Pornological Society on the 'M of July at 2 p. m., in the basement of the court house. Kvery fruit grower is nvited to hear tlie report of the committee on transportation and freiglits. Prospects ol the raspberry and otlier fruit. .Work of the season. Exhibitof fruit of the season, and flowcrs. On Thursday last information vvasglvcn out in he comniunity tliat Mr. J. N. Bailey had disponed of the Aan Arbor Argus to Mr. S, W. Beakes, formerly of the Adrián Record. Mr. Beakes ia a man accustonied to newspaper work, is a writer of much lorce and llfe, and will undoubti'dly keep the Argus well up with the times. On the Cth of June, at Ift. Carmel, Cmnecticut, the life of Lemuel In;alls possed away. He was a brother of Mr?. B. F. Giles, of thia city, and also a brotlier of Mr. Chester P. Ingalls who died in this city several years since, who carne here in 1824, after whom Ingalls strect was iiamcd, and wlio was ui mir best known pioneers. The dcceased was a cousin of Senator Ingulls, ot Kinsa?, and had been a man prominent in .ill'iiirs at his home. One of our exchanges gives the followlns; sure cure for potato bugs which some of our f.irmer frieuds inight try, as It U coinparatively inexpeiisivc: "Tuke a quantlty of potatoes, cut as for planting, and boil In a strong solution of Paris green. Do not boil enough to make soft . Then drop a few slices of these prepared potatoes near the growing hills and the potuto bugs will at once indulge in a fenst that ïueans death." Tlic editor lias tried lliis, and he says he has no Uouble witli bugs.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News