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Tin-, btU loricitiin,' tho nnearned lands o( tho Nonlit'in i'ur tlallroad Coinpanv ru pn-..-1-ii In the Sommi.' on the UStn, and the blll repcxlinir th l'ro-oinpi.on. ï1tnberCulture and Dosort -Land aote wil reported... [nthe House the ttme was oooupled In dlscuaain the Legislativa Approprlation iiil!. Mr II ¦ oook stated Umi tae aggrafrate of the approprlatton billa was JÏMloiMl, vrhtch wou ld !¦ swolled to $3III.OÍ8,1M. Tlio roceipls oro estlmiiU'd at f377,oou,uuú. The Military Aoadomy Appropiiatiou lilll and tho Iuvalld Pension bill wore puued In the Sonate on tho Uth, ai:d the b'ü niiikiii!,the rato of postauo on t'uurth -cluss matter two cents and Uio tneasure ior tho ropo tl of the Pre-ompilon, Timlii-r -Culture aut DeSertLand acts ware dlsoussed. In execnUve iel Blon tho nominutioti of John e. tthotea, ol Michigan, to be Chlef Justlce of the Artzoua Su promo Court, was rejectod . ... In lbo lloue tho legislativo Approprlation tiül and tho Benate meaiure Kiviny: the frankliiy prlv llege to the widow ol' ( Graat were passed. Bii.i.s wore passed In thcScnatoon tho ITih: Tot Ihe appmntim-nt of un addrtiooal Beoretary oí tho Troasury for ooe year; for au iuspection of meató for exportation, and prohïbltlng tlie Importatton of adultfirated articlcs of food and drink; to pro mote tho politioal progresi umi oonmerolal prospertyr ol the Am rloao ntiona. Mr. inalls offered a reaolul on roijuostiuir the Ptecident to transmlt liitorniaUuu roHrdln appo nmient and remováis ín the Bxeoutlve liepurtinent. Tbe Legislativa, Bxecutive and Judicial Approprlation bill was reoelved from Uie Houn In tho Route a inntion by Mr Moi riaon 10 yn into oouiniittoo of tho wholo 011 tlio Tanll blll was dofoatod by a VQte Of 161 t" II" Iciur aftirinativo -ote were ca-t by Republlcatta, and tliirty-fivc noKativo votos by Demócrata. The Naval Approprlation and tbc Sundry Civil bilis wero reported fiii-i.s wore passod lu tho Benate on the lSth Ra follows: Prohlbltlng publloatloo of lottery adverlisonirnt in the Dlstriol ol COlurobla and tho Tori-itoiio-í; to iDorease tho bfflolenoy of the ann.v of tho United Btates; reduuiuK to ttYO oo nts tho loo on tlo-ilollar inouoy-onlorH; for tho encouraifoinont of the American nierobani inaiiuo, and to promote postal and oommerolal reiatlonfl with forelffn oountriea. The Ka John Porter uili wa made the special order for the Zth Insl , ana Mr. anoe'l bill to repeal the ('ivil-Sorvice law was iiidetlnitoly postponed. Mr. lugalls joint resolution provldlng for the sultmisflion to the eo"orul Bfcatea of a oonstltutional amendmunt eztendlng the period of the Presldent's terni and t he Bession of the Klltlcth ('onifress untll tlio BOtb ol April. iNHii. mul stibetltuttnr the RUth of April for tlio 4th ol' Mait'h as in" cotninenoement, in futuro, oi tho Presidontlal and Oongressinuai terina, was pa-o i i a two-tblrdi voto. Adjoui-noil lo tho ','lsl tho House Mr. Anderaon presented a resolut nn prov ding for the tinal adjotinnnont ol onjrréfli Jnl :i, and Mr. O' Nellf reported a bill to amend tho aot prohib tinr the iinportatioii ol oontraci labor. Tho Naval-Appropriution bill was f urthrr coiisldered. At the evening tesslon twonty-aix private pension bilis rere passed. DOM EST C. Gerónimo, the Apache thieftain, told the wife of one of his reoent viotims uu tho Hth thst ha would eontinne to kill whito people until tuny ut bttok to hiiu his wife mul ohi.d. A (ur.AT wiiulstorm prevailed on the Hth ut Galveston, Tex. Part of the city was flooded and mach damaga was ra ported. Thi: senii-centennial anniversary of the nthnission of Michigan to tho UnUm attraotad fif een tbonaand cltlzena of the State to Lansing on the 15th, where represtint::iivj meu delivered aldress-js froni thri-i' standi. A gi.ind barbecue was beid attbe fair groonds. WiMin.n 1,i:i: TbomMOX, of Kangas City. who was niuined June i, and was on his wedding tour, shot and kiüoJ his young wife ut the Htui'tevaut House, in New Vork, on the 15th and thcn shot himself. No cause was known for the crime. It was thou'ht he inight reeover. TwENTY-FotH miuers n"ar Washington, Pa., who strtK'k and created a riot, were on the 15th sentonood by Jud-e Hart to pay a fine of one hundred dollars eac'i and eight months1 imprisonmont. Tiik eooks and waiters in the large restaurants a. Kan Francisco stmek on the 15tb, compelliui; the closing of uiany eating-houses. The Supreme Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmon mot in animal session at Minnoapolis, Mnn., on the l")th. Thirty-oue Btates and Territorios were represented. John J. Pui:ss.;u, a fainoiis hermit of Eastern Penusylvania, was found dead in a swamp on the 15th near Reading with tHO in inoney ou his person. At Dayton, O., Arthur G. Frank, a boy, while playing baseball on the loth with scboolmates was atruok by a pil heil ball and killed imtantly. On the Waller farra, near Newmarket, Va., two young colored girls nearly beat to death an agod white man and his sister on the l"th nd fled with $350 in monej. Tin: banking-house of Johu A. Veach & Sons, at Wost Middlesex, Pa., closed its doors on tho lölh, with liabilitias of $100,000. On the lñth two brothers named Anderson, aged thirteen and fifteen years respectively, wore drowned near Indiana, Pa., while fishing. Maky Adams, of Harper, Kan., daughter of the editor of tho Daily Orajhic, was Imrued to death on the lyth while trying to start a fire w ith kerosene oil. Tn f.he were two fatal cases of sun-stroke in Chicago on the l.",th. Advicks of the 15th say that a Mexican named Santos Sulano wascaptured by the Apaches near Nogales, A. T. , tied to a tree and hacked to death with knives. The packing-house of Rperry & Barnes, at New Haven, Conn., valued at $300,000, was destroyed by fire on the 16th. DriUN'G the recent storm at Sabine Pass, Tex., dwelliugs, warehouses and wharves were blown away. The eutiro town was submerged, but no lives were lost. A shower of fish several inches in length feil at Wyoming, O., on tbe löth, where the children gathered them by the pocketful. The Railway Commission of Minnesota issued an order on the lOtb reducing passenger rates to three cents per mile. While returning from church at Hinesville, Ga., on the evening of the Hith a party of colored persons quarreled over the text, and in the fight which followed one ma was killed and two men and a woman feere fatally injured. In th iron and steel milis at Pittsburgh, Pa., t.'ie meu were on the lUtb woiking overtime, indicating a prosperous condition of the trade. TnB conference committee of Iron manufacturen gathered at Pittsburgh on tbe ltith signed the sealo of the Amalgamated convention, thus forestalling wage troubles for a year among tho milis of the country. SrvF.KAi. lives were lost duringa cyclono on the 17th in Cook and Dentón counties, Tex., and immense damage was dono to crops aad farm building. A secret circular was sent out by the Giineial Master Workman of the Knights of Laboi en Hm 17th warnlng th asseinbliai tliiithe had discovered thatpoliticlani i'ill attPinpt to park the convention to be held In i tober with the object of disrupting the onlor. i rsTiv ai. mul hall in aid of the Irinh PnrUnmtntinry (tod took place at Boston on tlio evoning of the 17th, anti uearly ten thotisand dollars were roceived. Ui Zk iinkk, an old and wealthy rmident of Delaware County, Ind., was stillig ly honey bees on the 17th, and died w ah in ai: hour in graat agony. Ei.i OWEMS, who lny in jail at Hebron, Heb., on charge of criminally assaulting his siste r-in-law, was taken out and lynched by DUwked men on the lTth. Tuk ten-milo bicycle race on the 17th for the worlii's champiouship at Lynn, Mass., was won by John U. Priuce in thirty minutes and eight seconds. A Kiir.iinir train of twenty cars feil thiough a trestle near Foxburg, Pa., the other night, three men being killed and oub fatally woundeil. A FiitB on the 17th in M. T. Antisell & Co.'s piano manufuctory in San Francisco caused damago in that and adjoiniug buildings to the extent of $230,000. Wim.i: drilling for gas on tho 17th at Akron, O., ui a depth of 2,400 feot woikmen touched a vast luke of very strong salt water, into which an iron sounder was lowered l,0Ü0 feet. Sixtep.n iii'NDRED reports received by a Toledo (O.) flrm from the six principal winter whent States gave the prospects on the lMh as favorable, excopt in Kan sas and Michigan. Mixnik AUhTix, aged eightoen, shotherself dead at Mingo, O., the otbor nigbt because her mother refusod to let her attend a lawu-fote with her lover. The Missouri Car and Foundry Works at St. Louis wero burned on the 18th, causing a loss estimated at $300,000. Seven liundrod men wero throwu out of work. On the lSth Acting Secretary of th Treasury Fairchild estimated the receipts for tho uext tiscal year at about $Si3,0ü0, 000. A fire on the night of the 18th at Minnenpolis, Minn., swept away Goodenough'h North Star Saw-mill, causing a loss of $155,000. Thkke were 179 business failures in the United States during the sevon days ended on the 18th, against 143 the previous soven days. Mits. Euzaüeth Reed, of Jackson, Mich., had up to the 18th fastod for ninety-one days. She is afflicted with iuternal cancer and takes two spoonfuls of port wiue daily. Sevebal business buildings at Leavenworth, Kan., were dostroyed by fire on the 18th.. Special telegrams received in New York on the lSth from leading business places throughout the country reported only a moderate activity in general trade. Eugenia Kniout, aged thirteen years, Lena "Whitehurst, aged fourteeu, and Hattie Jones, aged fifteen, were drowned a few afternoons ago near Temple, Tex., while bathing. Grace Brbwer, a colored girl of Vineennes, Ind., was the only person graduad ing from the high school on tho 18th, eight white pupils refusing to appear with her. She read a creditable essay on the difficulties of educating colored youth, and was giren a diploma. PERSONAL ANO POLITICAL. The Michigan Democrats will hold their State convention at Grand Rapids August 17. James S. Kirk, of Chicago, the millionaire soap manufacturar, died on the 15th of typho-malarial fever. He was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1818, and became a resident of Chicago in 1839. Danii:i, (tkkicixg died on the evoning of the 14th at Shieldj, Wis., aged one hundrod and nine years. The Republicans of the Third Kansas district on the 15th renominated B. W. Perkins for Congressman, and the Prohibitionists of the Fiftoenth Illinois district noininated A. Eastman. The ñrst otticial reception of President and Mrs. Cleveland was held at the White House on lbo evening of the 15th. At the Tennessee Republican State conventiou in Nashville on the 16th A. A. Taylor was nomiuated for Governor. The platform doclaree against bringing convict lubor in competitiou with free labor; favors the protective tai-lff; fa vors Irish home rule, ind favors submilting the prohlbitlon question to the people. The regular soldiers guarding General Grant's tomb at Riversido Park will be removed Juu The Republicans of Vermont met In State convention at Montpelier on the 16th and nominated Lieutenant-GovernorOrmsbee for üovernor. Tho platform indorses the Prohibitory law; the bill regulating the sale of oloomargariue; expresses sympathy with Gladstone and Parnell, and declares that the courso of tho National ndministration m the disposal of Federal offlees in tho State bas been a most absolute burlesque of civil-servics reform. The New York statuto amending the law regardinp; imprisonment for debt, and making the limit six inonths, has been signed by the Governor. O. B. Matteson, of Utica, N. Y., once a conspicuous figuro in the politics of the State, suddenly regainod his sight on the 16th, after four yeare of blindness. The Republicans of the Eighth Iowa district on the 16th reuominated W. P. Hepburn for Congressman, and the Democrats of the Fourth Indiana district renominated Wüliam S. Holman. Tue United States Senate Committe on Agriculture on the ltith listened to ah argument in behalf of oleomargarine by George H. Webster, of Chicago, who claimed that the disoovery had increased by three dollars the value of each uead of cattle. Edwin P. Wbippi.e, the famous critic, died in Boston on the. 17th, in his sixtyeighth year. The Ohio Supreme Court decided on th 17th that the acts of the State Senate, after the desertion of the Democrats, were perfectly legal. The status of Daniel Webster, presented to the State of New Hampshire by Benjamin Plerce Cheney, of Boston, was uuveiled on the 17th at Conoord with imposing ceremonies. The Greenback-Lalxr party of Ohio, in State convention at Mansfield on the 17th, nominated a ticket, with Christopher Evana, of Perry, for Secretary of State. Tbe Ninetoenth Illinois district Demoerats on the l?tu renominated R. W. Townshend for Congressman. The State convention of the Maine Prohibitionists was held at Portland on the 17th, and Aaron Clark, of Buxton, was nominated for Governor. T. B. Hcissny and Colonel W. S. Eustis are tho tion nomlnres for Consressmon In the Firsf and S(eond Congressioual districts, resppctively. Coi.onet. J. W. Strosíí, of the St. Joseph (Mo. ) llrrald, was shot dead in hls oftice on the 18th by Dr. S. A. Rietunond, a wellknowu patent-iuediclno manufucturer. Richmond then tried to kill himsolf. Ha was finid to be insane. A bii.i. declaring it to be a folony to re move an allc-ged criminal from tUe Stat of New York, with or without his consent, unless he be regularly extradited, has beeu signad by Uovernor Hill. FOREIGN. Bishop Dühamei-, of the diocese of Ottawa, Can., on the 1 ltli issued a circular denouncing the Kuight of Labor and waruIng C'atholics against joiuiug them. Gkeat excitement prevailed in Halifax, N. 8., on the 15th over the roult of the receut provincial elections, the vote being overwhelmingly in favor of socession from the Canadlan Confederation. The Stato Department at Washington receired intelligent on the 16th that tho Üritish Cabinet did not iudorss the seizura of American fUhing craft by the Cunudians. Fihtufr advices of the l.rth state that twelve Uves were lost in the recent great fire at Vancouver, B. C. Advicks of the 16th say that the seces7 sion issue in the Parliamont of Nova Scotla will have the support of nearly thirty members of the House, out of thirty-eight. DdMM the roeent olection In Santiago, the capital of Chili, a riot occurred in whlch forty persons were killed aud inany others were wounded. A DISPATCH of the lGth from Paris states that there have been f rush massacres of Christ ians in Annam. Advices of the ltith any that during a reoent eartbquake in Nicaragua the city of Managua, the capital of tho country, con,tainlng ton tbousand inhabitants, was comf)ltul y destroyed. The place was burled beueath hotvolcanic ashos, and in mi y li ves wero lont. The Britlsh Conservativos havo selected Colonel Campbell Walkor to contest Midlothiau with Mr. Gladstono. A Caiko dispatch of thel7thsays: Appalllng mortality is reported among tho Britiüh troops stationed at Asfiouan. One hundred and six men of the Dorset regiment have died within the last two months. Mn. (íuiwTiiNE startod from London for Scotland on the 17th to enter upon big Scotch campaign. At every station along the route he received an ovation, and at Edinburg forty tbousand people lined the streets and entbusiastically cheercd the Liberal leader. The Young Men'9 Liberal Club of Toronto adopted a platform on the 17th demanding for Canada iudepeodence, a tariff for revenue only, a commercial nnion with the United States and total prohibition. The Frenen Benate committoe on the 17th rejocted by a vote of six to three all proposals for the expulsión of the Princos. Rei'oht reached London on the 17th that a Frencb military and naval expedition took possession of the Now Hebrides Islands on June 1. In a fight on the ISth between a prison guard and soldiers at Bogotá, the capital of the United Btates of Colombio, ono General, several offleers aud thirty soldiers were killed. Choi.i;h had appeared on the lSth at Cadigora, on the Po, eight miles f rum llio Adriatic. Sixteen new enses, on an average, were reported duily at Veuiee. Advices of the 8th say that flfty thousand acres of crops and two villages have been destroyed by floods in Huugtiry. Greater damages were tbreatened. At a meeting of the Dominion Cabinet on the ISth Premier Macdonald rensurrd the Minister of Fisheries for adopting certain measures which jeopardized the rights of Canada. It was decided that American flshermen could purchase balt and tan-y twenty-four hours at a time in Canadiua ports. LATER NEWS. Advh h of the 19th from St. John's, N. F., say that the French brigantine Michael sank on the Great Banks, and nine of her crew were drowned. Rev. Henhy Wakd Beeciier and bis wlfe left Brooklyu on the 19th for a tour in Europe. Thb standing of the National League base-ball clubs at tho close of tho weok ended on the 19th was as folio ws: Detroit (games won), 3J; Chicago, 27; New York, 25; Philadelphia, 21; Boston, 13; St. Louis, 13; Kansas City, 8; Washington, 7. Heavy wind-storms on the 2Oth in Texas wrecked buildings, fences and troes at Waco, Dallas, Weatherford, Elgin and Mexio, and destroyed crops. Two porsons were fatally injured. At twenty-six leading olearing-houses in the United States the exehangei during the week endod on the 19th aggrogatod 1919,510,411, against $873,429,592 the previous week. As compared with the corresponding week of 1863, tho increase amounts to 34. 19 per cent. Jacob Swixqley, of Crestón, 111., whilo suffering from malarial fover on the 19th killed his young dauguter with a razor, fatally wounded his sou and took his owu Ufe. A Conservative meeting on the 19th at Islington, a northorn suburb of TOudon, onded in a riot. The Duke of Norfolk was soized by the neck and drivon from the stage and the furnituro in the hall was smashed. The exeeutive of the Irish National League of America has summoned a national convention to assomblo in Musio Hall, Chicago, August 18 next At Wadena, Fergus Falls, Barnesvilla and Deer Creek, in Minnesota, a windstorm on the lüth wrecked buildings, trees and fencos, and killed one man and injured several other persons. A general strike of all the stroet-car drivers in Minneapolls, Mimi., took place on the 20th, because tho company prohibited the driver from sitting down. ArTER a six weeks' trial of the eighthour system the furniture-workors at St Louis decided on tho 19th to return to tho ten-hour day. Is Massachusetts on tho 20th Frank Dolliver killed himself at Chelsea because a young lady refused to niarry him; Charles Colby killed his wife at Templeton in a fit of jealousy; and at Boston Charles Lopes killed his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Alvez, and himself, and Martin Gerraughty and Henry Folanby took their own lives. Up to the 19th the saloon lieenses issued in Chicago tbls year numberod one hundred moro tban at the same timo last Juna. The United States Senate was not in session on the 19th. In the House the session was devoted prlncipally to discusslng tho Naval Appropriation bill.


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