
¦ taOVIC IUKKCTOKÏ' ANJ ABBOBCXM vmdkky, No 13 meet nret Tuas.liiy ui wn inouth, W. O. Doty. k. C; W. A. roifiüir i. Recorder. ATas&tkwaw 'iivHiüu, No. 6, R A. M.- MmU DM M!ilay eaeü. month. Isaac HiiKly H V .; 1. ilouth, Secrelary. BUSINESS CARD8. UKAL.KK IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Ooramon Cofllns. Calis attented to Day or Nlglil. Embahnlng ft gpeclalty. Storeroom o E. WashliiKton streel. Resldenoe Cor. Liberty atnl Kiftli. _______ V. 11. JACKSOK, ID.iEflIIVIlTIIXII SUTIL OFFICE : Orer !kuli & AboI's Dry Oood Store. Entrame iii-xt to National Bank. II.I.IMI IIERZ, Houae, Sig-o, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! l"np.Tl ie, OlazInK, Olldlng, anrt f'lciminlue, and wcirk ¦¦! uve y diwcrlollo rionc In the b-t t)le. ilud wirrnined In give -alialncti'Mi. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W. W. & A C. MICHOLS, Rooms Over Ann Arbnr Savings Bank, Ma-oiiio Tfinple Block. G&SorVITALIZED AIR A'iniiulxti-ri'rt f.T ihi' 1tiU'irTfneti n f t.-eth. iosi imi B8KHI , Tlie Practical T.UL0R AAÜ ClITTiK, Ol Ika rt i o. WINANS A BKRKY. hu li . li-.l ha itace of huinef al NO. 7 HURON STREET, Wl I H Kl'l.ï, I.INE OF Suitings and Trouserings, ted wiuld Mf to fal oi.l nrt nt-w onex that il ihev nml a liOul) FIT ii'.d h SullHY FIT at RESuNAUI.K I'KICKS, cali .n hlm nnd ihey will he Br tu !¦ t "nc. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Securily heli! uw ihe pnitecllon of the pollcy CHRISTIAN MACK BeurwBLt 'he followlLi; flrui-cIft-B comp ¦ulff, "f wUUh oue, Ihe Aitha. Iiiik paid t.T,li,OtOllrr 1 o' In flity-4ve yuara : .Etaa, of Hartford 9,1!V2,C,4) Kranklin ol Philailelpliia 8,118,718 Germania, N. Y 2,700,7-29 Gorman American, N Y 4,06,908 Londnn Assurance, Londoti.. . l.-tl(i,7KS MUMiiiTM K. & M., Detroit. . . 887.008 N. Y. ünderwritera, N. Y 2,596,678 National, Hartford 1,774,505 l'h.enix, Brooklyn 3,7f!,036 Lom) Uberally adjusled and promptly paid. Polici isïued at the lowest rllw of premium. uuur LITMBERI LUMBER! LÏÏMEER! II yon contémplate hnlldnifr, cali at FERDON Liikï lili! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Luniber and puarantee AERY LOW PRICES tflMrc u a cali and re will make it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully uatains our assertton Telephone Connections rith Office. T. J. KUBC Supt. JAMES TOLBKRT, Prop W. TREMAIN, eSMBKAL Imraxcb Igency! i - il . OFFICE, Oyer Casper Rinscy's Grocery Store, OOR. HU KON AND FOURTH ST8.. North British Insurance Co., Uf Lomloii nul Kilintiury. K'aplul, 18.ihi.(XX. fioU. Detroit Flre and Marine Insurance ('o., Ch Afwets $(K)O,(HJ(. SprlugQrld Ins. ('o. ftf MaiMachu.scti, Caah Ae!e ... f 1 ,st 1,1 i. Howard Ims. rompan? f New Virh, ' h Aifieta tl ¦' " " '.' " ' Airrlrultiiral Ins. Co., Watortown, X.Y., Oaata Aaeii. . .l,Ht.(ifKi Le;i,lhiTHllv Ad)n'eH nd Promptly Puld. flOTUUACURED! I! I I I Illfl TinrritkcmMtikrpUMl GERMÁN ASTHMA CURE'ÍL mout vitilitntatUrk. iiMurpucnnifiirUhKilfcp; ftnoctii rurpfl whiirc all other remedies fall waltln lor reaull. lm mium la Immrdintf, dirrrl nnd rrrmlii, and m. ¦! rircrlcdln nll I H AHI.K ( i:s "U prm&aDtt7 cured ni. Rfr lo me u ulj Uom." on. E. Lolt. .Vt 'aui tnti. ¦I UI entlruly ratorwl to health by Ottuii i.ihni ''- r ... rillon, sm.llim, O.o. "Oinatn A.ihm. Cnn li 11 tos . l.lm tof II. 1t ur (UU. ¦ Vn K. Yon Aycrlt„. r.Vwnvillt . f. ""J pbyMeUn n-commenSod Qeroiu Aathm Cr. lt or Mr, M. L. Tilrxck. i.„i.di,nd.rT OM ' !"" Utin c aU. i.k u; nnM (rrmiin Alhmu ture li nold br all drurKiiU at 5Or. aud 1 . or wut by niaifon rcciit of prlce. 'l'nal vmvlkh (ren to auy addreaa for ¦Umi' K.HClIlt-r-MAN. M.U.,míPÍ!S!uinm.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News