
M POWDER Absolutely Pure. TIiIn powderm-vor vnrlps. A morrel of purlty, MiviiKlli and wholeaoBli ana. More eooiii tin i cal llmn tin ordlnary kluris, nml cannot be soul I ii cimipetti [on w) tti 1ht multitude of low tent, short welcht, lum or phosphiite powdera. Sdlii imly in cjiiis. Itn y al link I ii" l.ler ' . 1O Wall st.. N. Y. Wijy T O I III BLOGQ HUMORS I HUMlUATlNG KrQptlou, Itchtiig aud Iiuruinir Sniu Torture, LaUi-nnu' Bom, imrl poeten t I -ciiitiL'. Bca v . 'tiuply, Inher ltn] Bc o'uioii-, uil-t Uuu ftuiouo Dieo64 ui tlie Hl' ml . Nkili, ;iii(i Scalp, wilh L.O ''I Bali Imm mifui -y to (Ui ni: art! Mirfve'y cureil b) Cd htra t v. yteat fWn L'nnj, nud Cuticura hoa.p, n exqu'M'e kin h'-üutuliT, e'f r ...iv und UTicUSÁ, K .ni.iivtM, the N w Binad f uriflrr, inu ruaily COVEKEl) WITH KUBE8. I hMvtï hi-rii tffl ctftd llocfl tal M;irch wuh a sic ! ii tÜM-i-s' Ih'í uoct fï ulied K 'zriiiH. My tce d tili i-cflbs and iiea. and the itch,ni Hini bar ux ! al ui"-; aibearmle, beding your (.Ttu'I'ka Ukmi:ihks mi hiijhly recomi l cuiidttded 10 ilieni it m i il, ii-int: tbfl Cuticur i mikI tlie iiuiciiia Bosp externally, and Kesolvent iclernully . for foor mnnthn. I rail my. eli'mrcd, In gratituoc lur which 1 makc thfs iiublk: 8taU-nifit. MKS. OLAHA A. Fi EDEKICK, Broad B-ook, Cunn. HCALP, FACE, KRS, !CD XEOK. [ wa- iWctod wllh Boso "' M th Scalp, Face, aal Neck, bich ibe Dragglsl, wber I Lot ron n medí , p ononnosd ui e of the worrt caes 1 1 1 . i r huil umlrr lii ï'otice. calvie{1 ra1 M trv your CO ilcr:: Hkm kiiiks, and aller live day' ui iu .-culp uid part of my face were ent!in m i--'. I hopa in aimth' r wetik to have uiy lierk ni H.and ih-) other u;irt of my fac. i-nred. IIKKMaÑ 8LADB, Jï E Itl: , EUw York. ITCHI(Í IUSEVSES (UilED. ('aluna iteDCU ut tlie hoad of lts c'íímj, eepeC'a i h i Ie the c ie with tlie ('utlcuraeoap. Have irul tin iiiuttMCiHy tood tale tbli b urn nier -win to rhe pronlmiCQ of n aberra vattd f"im of Itt'h tbmntfh 8m ' loCdUtiofl in Ibe country, in which the Cntïcu ¦ i rumediec provi'd satiHiacttrv. W. U, HAftÜlGQ, nitLKlOIsT. Ünlon T urn, Ky. CUEE IH EYERY CASE. y onr Cotlarn Remeiioi mit-cll all other m-"lfii' ex I k' i'i i'ir -kin dirawea. Mjrcnaiomen and pafenta s-i hty leva affMdad a cure In every luulance, wliurt' other remedies have fafled. II. W. BKUCKWAY, M. D. Franklln 1'a'lp, N. 11. CUTKUKA REMEDIES, Are Sold hy all Drugiristf. Prlce : CuTirru. :¦..; HM.i.ïkNT, -l.(K); Soap, 25ct. Poitkr llmn and ('kb k-a i. Co., Uosloii. Stnd Tor "llow to Cur,' 'kin Ulaaaaui. ' BTÜ1 ATT''llrY the ronI'1eiln aD" Kíln "i liHiXiU aaing ihe (Vticuka Soap. C0NST1TÜTI0NÁL CATARRH. No single disoase ban enuiled more ciiflVrlneor battened iha lire ikiiiR iip of the cnni-iitutlon then Oatarrh, Tb aana dI m il, uf tti', ol Kij;!it, of heurmir, 'he i'uinni vuice ihe mimi- oma more, and all..V'M to I l.-lni.iive i.fln ence. Tb pol..n It rtiütribataa turuoiihool Ihe ys:em and I aks lip the mom rohual of CO' Btltnn'. n-, [Kiiorad, henau-t) o t 1 ule ui de stood, hy moal pli ci ii.j, i"tp 'K'ii'ly asnalied by rjunik s and ih.ila au lbo aafforlntf frora II have linie iiop" t i ii r l'-vt-d '¦! il alde of the grava Ii x liin ¦. Uien. lint t e popular treaimeiil ol thi. terrible illamu hy reiueill. a ithln the rench of all paafed lDtohmda at ouea compeient nd tiuntwithy The new aici hi-h-ito untried raetbod apopted y lr. a d ord lu the pnparation ol hip Radical ('ure ban wou ihe lie.utv approval of (hou salid. Il is iu-taiitaueou. in atfordini; lolief in alhead coM, neezing. multlInK and uhslrurted brvatblug, and rapldiy reoioves the moves opprea-l Ive sympuiins. clearing ihe head, sweeicnins the breith, reio.-inn tlie eeoses of mell, taste and heirin-' and neutrali.iuK the coiivtltuiional tendencyoftbe diease Lowards Ihe luogs, llver and Bandfobd's Radical Cubi eonatati of ore boltleo! the OABIOAIi CfKK, iincl " lox of CATHABBAL Soi.vknt, and one Impkiivkd Imii i.i;k ; price, fl.UÜ. l'OTTill DnUO AND CllllKMIfAL Co., BOStOIl. to Kidnoy Fains. lÊt And tbnt wearv, lifelcsB allgoue, senT lm "atlin ever present with thofe of In lV llamad ktdneya, wenk hack and lolns. I Jk aehlag hlps and nldi'f, overwiirkcd or worn out by diseaoe, debility or diiwpatton are r"Ilevil In minute nnd speedily cured Hy the utlriira Aotl-Pln rianter, a new, oriRlnal, elci;ant ud Infallible anudóte to pain and infl.iinmtion. At drturglatt Kc live For $1.00: iirpota;e iree ol Potter Uruic and licinlcnl ¦ o., HoHton. SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OF PURE GOD LIYER OU And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatableas Nlllk SritÖÏTÏ 'itT-T.C. Kl: -rH)S. A.VAKM1A, KV "ai. i I "i ¦ i";Trt.:.-; am ihkoat af" ; -,, 1 - i7TT' sii(i msoKDi.ns or 'IIM'KI.N !' H ro:iT'l'QB In it iaalta. "Tt-.,t ¦„.ii,'mT-"iv:-i - I iiy tte bcsi riijiicUna in tlieromit : i. ¦.. OÍ I i vorld. POR íiA' " " ALL DRUGGISTS. Qkyr By Ropairlng BJgtyggfl ?VH rur brokon MQmtTfm9CS SS.OOcrockery o r BT% 17 M 3f "Ml Earthenwaro of all kinds, L'uMMrUII Leftthcr.Wood.Gliua.Ivory, kVA Furniture or "onyUilnif fl jB derthoBun."-withthiollue!. ¦¦ HfT MBB TlniB makiiiif them as QKXBkkBap4A cood as new, RjfsnnrSfl Btrong mi ever. AlwayH VwL Cj "B " 1 ¦Bli read.r Nfïct finia to pivf In BUIhb entiro aatisfactlcn. Tako no TRCB other. It is acknowlcdLod BBjUlávdBHMHBafd THE BEST CEMENT. yjj;yj ITfJ Sold ovory wliore. Brushand MiHlallÉIIIM Tin Cap with ovory bottlo. ItlsmostX. L. K. T. J. H. WINKELMAIÏN & CO., Baltlmoro, Md. For a Itair Tonio and Hestoror nothin oqn&la 'WDiKELMANN'8 PERJi'ECT," 50c ftt DrugcUU. 80B80RIBE WOB The Aan Arbor Courier.
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