
Short inlvi'itlsi'm.ïits i.ot lo exceed three .mes, of Lost ana Found, Houses for Saleor Kent, Wants, etc.. lnserted three weeks Tor 5 Mits. sttiintioiiM wmitpil. free. LOST- A Torquolse Bracelet ; the flnder win please return lt lo ihl ofllce. ó':;. Í,X)R SALE - Two Mares and Two Cows ' wlth CalveB. Enqulre of J. 8. Maun, P. U. Box 1119, Ann Arbor. 03-U5 ANYONE requirlng the services of an ex perlencod nurse, address Mrs L. ('. Ar. nold, Dexter, Michlgau, or Mr. ArmMrong West I uren street. IK! ,i : AFlrst-class Farm Hand. nranted lo hlre by the month or year. Address, Ueorge A. Teterw, Solo, Michigan. U3-05 FOÜND- On South Unlvenslty Avenue a 1 -iip Robo. Owner oun have same by calllngatNo. 26 8. Universlty Avenue, provlng property and pnylng for thls ad. (tt'2 FOR 8ALE. 3OOOD HOUSES AND LOTS. well locatpd on Main, División, and Madlson streets. Alao other property al a biirgaln. BnoulTQ oi K. E. HKAL. "IT'OR SALE.- New two story house, ten F rooms and bath room, wlth nrst class furnace, eto. Also one vacant lot. Botl) denlrahly located belween High Brhool and Unlverslty. Prlce reasonable. L. D. Wim-s, Ann Arbor. 'J5 tl WHO WANTS A FARM? Two farms wlth íi.HK) fruit trees and excellent sull for general farinlug wlth 2IH) acres Improved, and UW acres good wild land, In Ociana County on East shore of Lake Michigan; and two farms In N. W. Kansas, are offert-d for ale In parecis to snit buyers, cheap for caxh or exchange for real estáte In Ann Ailmr or vlclnlty. Also J5 acre good land one mlle nortli of City at low figures. Knqulre of J. Q. A.Seaslons, Ofllce over American Kxprea Office, Ann Arbor, Mlch. li.M-tf. LOAN Money to loan on nret-class Real Eslate Mortgage at Cnrrent rates of Interest. Satlsfactory arrangements made wlth capltallsts detilrlng such lnvestmenu. i-Ai-ry conveyance and transactlon In abstracts of tilles carefully examlncd as to legal effect. Z. P. KINli. Ann Arbor.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News