Whfle It may be true that John N. Balley...

Whfle It may be true that John N. Balley. late of the Ann Arbor Arus, hus some enerates, be ulso lius a number of warm personal frlends who wish htm well. A man without an enemy would be a queer sort of a fellow - he woula be a curlosity worth golng miiny miles to ¦!'. We are led to make these remarles from the UDcalled-for attacks on Mr. Balley In the columns of one or more papers slnce the Argus uhanged ownershlp. -Ann Arbor Uemocrat. We are pleaseil to note the f;iirnees witli which the Democnit treats its former corupit t r. Mr. B liley is au honest, upright citlen, and tlie viniüctivencss wltli whleli he is pursuud tenils t make liim frlends.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News