
BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. Wc regret to see Jiist now ainong some of the advcrlisin nirnliaiils an apparparent disposltlon to mlsleml jou as to whut 1 1 n ¦ are ad nally lollig. We do not refer to mere exaggrration. i j mi iicii ; and it doesn't often deceive yon bccause you oxpect it and makc aliowances for tt. lufiirl imaicl} there are ahvays plenty of people to run to a dog flght or flro. So thero aro plenty to rush to a store t makes a point at redneing prins. Tliis very tUqg Is going on just now iuour m cily. A few rxain)lcs: Silk and dn ss iroods are oflVred every day In the papers in ways to draw you in to be disapiiointcd if you know tlieir values, and cheated ff you dou't. Laces are said to have been markcd down in the papers when marked up wonld be tmer. Parasols ditto. L'nderwear ditto. Jerseys dltto. Ladie s' Hoslery ditto. White dress goods ditto. Cashnif re shawls ditto. In fact, there is hardly a kind of merchandisc haring any chance er being sold in the summer that liasn'i bceu said to bc sold for less tiian its valuc with the past two weeks in the paper or by circular. We mean to sell as low as we can afford, but afford it or not, we shall sell a.s low as anybody. We will sell al a loss anytime rather than let it be true that anothcr store i.s bclow us. Womau's Jersey for $1.25, $2.00, $2.25 and $3.50. Girls' Jerseys, #1. We nerer beard or saw Jerseys so cheap with huudreds to select from. Black Spauish Guipure, yard wide, AU silk and heary, 92.50, which is remarkable. We haven't done justice to Seersuckers. Thonsauds of women who haven't seen them, wonder wiiat we mean by Seersucker. Fine, hard-twisted, irregular woven, criukly, not tp be Ironed, roufih-dry them in the Sun. Send for a bit of it. Seeiug is better than rcading. Parasols- Come, if you like wlien the best are gonc. Enousrli are coming without you, maybe. l'iobubl}' tlie greatest barguiu in wasli dress goods ever offered in tliis city is our Sixtceus at !) cents a yard. One-quartcr of usual [ree. Some say we are sellin these S.iteens for less than we bouht Ilicin for. Wouklu't you Uk (O Uave us nlways do business that way ? Where do you buy your night shirts? where, indeed? All the sizes you may happen to want at 75c. Don't pay $1.00 wheii yon can get just as good for 75c S6 dozreil Lautulrled Shiits this week on sale at GOc cacli. Thcy ;.re better than tlie unlaundrfetl you buy at 70c. They ure vory cheup, we don't eare to mukf muoli noise about it. 2.") Silk Umbrellas, tliis week on sale at $3 00, formcr price $4.50. At this price you can all aflbrd to carry a Silk Umbrella. We lmve just received 20 dozen more of those large aprons. Ketail price 25c. Chiklren's Hose in all colors, frora 5 to 8}, 12J-2 cents per pair, usual price for larjre sizes '25c. Our stock of Fans at the present time is large. We exhibir a siuhII asortment of our medium priced Fans in window on the If ft. Handfome Satin Faus at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Ecru llouncing 30-inch wide from $1.25 to $2 50. KarroW laces to match. BACH & ABEL. Celebrated iffl'mimm O ft ( The best shoe yet for the Best American Calf, Button, Lace and Congress, all cut Hard wear in every pair. GOOOSPEED & SONS 17 South Main street. THE KKVKNTII PENINSULAR SAKNUKRFEST WILL BE 11ELD IX UNIVERSITY HALL, ON AUGUST 16th, 17th, and 18th. UVlilt 200 SINGERS, From tbe V'arlous 9BRMAN SINGING SOCIETIES Of Michigan, and SI'FJL'S ORCnESTRA, Of Detroit. The CHORAL UXION WUI also take part In thls Grand Fesliviilj Reduced Ratcs on all the Kailroails. JOHN WOTZKE, Secretary Peninsular Sacngerbund. The Best Potato Digger THE "MONAKCH" jSavrdlta cost yearly. (ïaar¦ "¦jkHntiMl Iixük ¦"'"" ImisIh-N L lcr day. Sixx-lal Terum truT lh, tosolaitnt. I Ka 8SSSfc- ON lKf 0 TEW 3feyr,g OmoE and Factobt, MONARCH MFO. CO., Carpontersville, III.
Ann Arbor Courier
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