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Blrdle IÜIbs goes to Detroit tha week to visit relatives. Miss May Benliam is spending a few days at Oonoord. Miss Manile lïllss goes to Charlotte for a few weeks viait. Miss Klt:i Field retnincd to her home in Alpena last Friday. Miss Kva Keal, of Northville, is visit"K relatives in the city. Geo. C. Witherby uva wlfc left last nightfor their enstern trip. Will Watts and bride returned Satuiday a. m., in time to help celébrate. Mis. N. U. Beer leaves thia a. m. for a 'rip to Chicago and around the lakes. Jndge Hest and family leave for their WtÊtem home in Si. Pul, next Friday. The Mtbon'l expeot to leuve for thcir annual Petosky suinincrinr in a few days. Mrs. Dr. Heartlv and daughter, Miss Minderinimn, leave for Enrope next Monday. John S. McDowell, overseer of the county farm, has cntirely recovered his liealth. Mr?. Theodore Taylor, of Heese, is visiting old friends and acquaintances in the city. Among the guesta in the city the latier part of last week was Stanley E. l'arkill , of Owosso. Prof. Chute and faniily left the city this a. m. for 'l'oronto, Ont., for a visit witli friends. Geo. W. Millen and Kirk II. J. Clark Foarth of Julyed at Concord, and report nu elegant time. Prof. Chas. II. Stowell and wife have left Ann Arbor and soiight lhe coollng shades of Petoekey. Mr. and Mrs. Holland and Robert ï. Holland of East Saginaw have been visiling W. V7. Wliedon. Mjs. Carrie Newman and her son Miles Reed, ?pent Saturday and Sunday witli N. H. Winans and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Parker, of Caro, have been visiting relatives and frlends in the city durlng the week. Prof. and Mrs. Slawson, nee Clara Conover, or Lake Superior, are at the home of the latter's mother, on 8. Fifth st. Mr. and Mrs. Orr nee Emma Ilulbert, of Michigan City, Ind„ have been visiting Mrs. Rockwell, on División ptreet. Clarence and Bdith Noble are .pending the week in the country, with Mrs. XelBOn lirinulage in ííortlitield townstiip. Mrs. Barker, of Mtnneapollt, Minn., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ames. Miss Nettie Ames lias not returned. Col. H. S. Dean, Capt. Rob't Campbell and Mfljor Wm. C. Stevens will attend the great O. A. R. meeting at San Fmncisco, Cal. Lewie and Hairy Pond left this moming for a tWO week's stay with their grand par-nts aml otliur relutives in Fllnt Jas. E. Carr, of the Dundee Reporter, aocompanied by hls wife, took n the eelebration last Saturday and remained over Sundiiv. Miss ('arrie Frnzcr, duughter of R. E. Friizer, of Detroit, U spenülng a few weeks In the cily visiting old clioohnates and triencis. Cwinty Supt. D. B. Q reene who 8 aufferiog from a broken linib i training rapi'llv, and expectl to be out iiga'm in a couple ot weeks Dr Frotliingliain and fauiily, Mr. and Mis. J. J Grtodye:ir, and 0. II MMIenand (foto Whltmore Lake Thurjdsy for il few weeks' stiij'. Mra. Lee C. Barrtaou of Anu Arbor is vlgltiog relatiresat Sprlogport and Katon Rupids. On lier return she froes north to Imliiy City to live. I). F. Schal rer, wifc and family left last eveningf tot a two weeks visit with relatives and friends in (land Haven, Mlob., Chicago and Napiei ville, 111. Harry French, one of the tineRt practical machiniíts in these parts is to remove to Reedsburg, Wis., to assist his father in running the milis at that place. It may be too late to state the fact, but it is a tact jnrt the same, that a piece of Grover Cleveland's wedding cake found it way to Ann Arbor, being sent to Mrs. C. L. Pack by her dimghter, Mrs. Kintner, who was in Washington at the time. Gueas itV all oiie now. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Parker, oi Caro, visited relatives and friends In the city the. latter part of the week. The Dr. is a gradúate of the medical departnient, and i having an excellent ïnactice in that bright, active, litt'e northern city. He is well deserving of it, too. Miss (';irrie Winans Iims goue toJefferson, Ohlo, to visit her friend Miss Maria Flynn. Al Detroit while Miss Winans' trunk was beinjr put on board the steamship City of Cleveland, the gang plank slipped down and the trunk went luto the river, deítroyinj; all the contents except things that are washable, and throwinsr considerable cold water on her vlslt.


Ann Arbor Courier
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