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Froe The City Laundry of Detroit, tbrough their agent here, offer to laundry, frce n charge, one shirt, one collar, and on pair of ouffs, for person who haa never had work rlone at their laundry, it the gooii are lelt it the Branch Office, 21 8. Main St., Ann Arbor, on Mondiiv, Jiily 12, 1880. The object of this ia to fiirn8h to those not acquainted with the quality of work done by this laundry with a sample of the same. REPORT OF THECONDITION OF THE ANK AReOR SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOiCmICHIGAN At the eluM' il RunincMa, - ON - Monday, July 6th, A. D , 1886, MADE In Accordance w!th Sectlons 18, 19 and 67 of the General Banking Uws as Amended In 1871. RESOURCKS. Loan and Discount $2fl4.f33 89 Boude and Mortagea J66 714 m U. 8. 4 per cent. Begliiered Bond 11,400 00 Uverdrafte 129 88 Furnltare nd Flitures 1,930 S6 Due from National and State Hauk 54231 07 Oash on hand _ 32 944 27 8.522,184 41 I.tABILITIES. Capital Stock 8.W.0O0 00 Surplus Fuutl 50 000 00 Undlvlded Proflts 1 1,084 22 July Dividend 2.900 00 Dtie Dvpoaitor 408,21)0 19 $522,184 41 I do olemnly swear that tlie tbove statement is crue, to the best of my knowledtre and belief. CHAS. E. iuscock, Catbier. Snbscrlbed nd swurn to before me, thU lith day of July, 1888. ADAM SEYLER 1806-1307 Notary Public. ¦ JAMK8O. Hl. mm: h K Outsells all other books. Hor. WUiH-m m Wlseof Va-.nays: " Whoever HK9 V tafc it "i', no matter vhether Ke ¦%. e Mr. Blaine's fricnd or erurmy, Wm IÚMbI wiU never vut U down utfü he B_M HL ha read the. whole." Hon. AlNu ¦ 9 KO. Thurman, Rays: 'M cUuaio Á jBÊ BM: in our pvlittcal history." L H Affents wanted on cornmismÊ slon or salary. Address, Kelso Rrothers, '-¦"KBR.-Sa .:l0Bv7v Coiumbiu, CVto. PROPOSAIiSjV ANTI ! Sealed blds wlll be recelved by the Street Comralttee of the city of Ann Arbor, up t .Inly lor the tearlng down and removiil of the buildliiK on Detroit simt known M tbeO'Nell property. The rlglit to reject uuy auy umi ll blda Is reserved. THOS. KEAHN'S, Chaliman Streel {Juni. Ann AitneK, Jnne 30tb, 1886. WOULD YOU KNOW THE BELIEF LIBERAL CHEISTIANS? : Such as Channlng, Tlieodore Parker, I fellow, Charles sunuicr, Peter Cooper and otilen, Send your namennd addruss to I'. O. j liox 1S40, Ann Arbor, and you can reeelve tree, pumphlets, nermons and otber Unitanan llterature pirscnthig the falth ot Llb ral Cbrlstlaus. !ir-im THIS PAPER áys I III V I fll kil ltOWKLt, A CS I Newfipaper Advertlslng Bureau (10 Spruca ' ipl XtMltM tiiii(j-iiitriirtsiimv NtUl VfIHlC he made lor it iullbfl I Ulllma IPTUTP WANTED te scott's ll.lCort. Sample frae to those beMUfcllIVromlnsugtnu. No rlik, quick sales Tírrltorr írWen. sailRfactlon TQaraDted Address CR.SCOTT.842 Broadwvay St.,N.Y. SUMMER SCHOOL ! MR. C. B. CADY, PIANO, CHORAL MÜSIC and ÏÏARMONY. MR. O. B. CADY, VOICE CULTURE and SINGING. MR. F. L. YORK, PIANO, ORGAN, HARMONY, SPECIAL TERM OF EIQHT WEEKS BSGINNIN THURSDAY, JULY lOth, QREAT REDUCriON UT TUITION FOR TERM8 APPLY TO ANY OK THE TEACHERS ABOVE NAMED. 1302-1306.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News