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MOST PERFECTMAK Propared wtÜl ¦pedal repard to healtli. No AmmonlA, I.iim1 ir Alum, PP.ICE CAK1NS PQVJDER CO., CHICACO. ST. LOUIS. jFg3 SPECIAL TJ IMextmcts MOST PERFECT MADE linvit ad trongwi Natura] Fruit Flnvurs. VulIK Leman. Ontnga, Al l, !:,,.,¦, etc, dvor ai dallcately and K-itur.illv ;ts the fruit. aaCLM. Price Baking Powder Co. ST. lons. Invalids'HoteliSurgical Instttute BTJPFALO, KT. "5rOreanized wllh a fall Slair of elghteen Expcrlenced and Skillful Fhjslclans and Surerons fop the trratmcut of all Cbronle iIm;in. ¦. OUR FIELD OF SUCGESS. Chrenlc Nasal Catarrn, Tliront nnd I.iliit; Diüoa-OH, Livcr and Kidnry Dipai, Bladilor UixoasiN, Hincasen of Wiimrii, Biooil niKoascH and Nervm Aïlcriioii, oured bete or at home, nith or without seelng the patiënt. Comeand see ub, or end ten cents in stuiiins for our "Invalida' Cíuidc Kouk," whloh BlVM all partic-ulars. ¦ Nervons Dobllity, lni]nr,,.,„. tone), Nocturnal Loiihch, UELIGATE andafi morbid C'oiiditions _ oauaed by Vomhiul i iflKFAF'v lle" ¦ll1'1 l'fnilcimis SoliUIOLUJLO. tary practices snrcdily ¦ ¦¦¦ nnl penoanently onred ny our Specialiste. Book, post-paid, 10 its. in stampt. __in___I Itupture, or llriacli, lailiji oally oured without the knifo, I HUPTURE I without trusscB, without ain, I """""¦¦ nn,i without danier. Cure ¦""¦¦¦" i.naraiiU d. Dook rit ior ten oenta In stampa. IMI,i: TIJMORS nnd ST1UCTIRES treatod under jíuarantcc to cure. Dook sent forten cents m Btamps. .Aildivss World's DopmgABT UxdicaIj .!-()ciation, 6Si Main Stroot, Huff;ilo. N". Y'. - ____1 Thn trratment of many H,..,... __ tliousands of cases of those UISEASES OF dtoeasea pecuuar to ITUWtB. nt t)io Hotel and ""- Burgioal Instituto, has afforded larjro ezporienoo in adaptin rcuiedies for thcir euro, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescripiion is tho result of this vast experienoe. It is a powerful Restorative Xonlc and Nervin', Imparta vigor and gtrength to the systcui, and eui-i-s, as it by magie. Leucorrhea, or 4t m li Ie-,'' excessiu' löuirl:, paillflll HUII-.I rual ion, II IInatiiral Bappresaloum, prolapsus or falllns; of the utcriiH, wcab back, antcvcrKioii, rotrovf rsion, bcariiiKiimvii winajlliina, ehronlc eonseation, i 11 tla in 111:1 1 i 41 ii anil uloeraiioii of Ilie woillb, i ii I lam iiialion, pain and teiidcriie in ovaricN, iiitcmal beat, and "femalo iviakiicss. It promptly relieves and cures Nausea and wmkbmi of Stomacli, Indiuis. tioil, Bloatl lií. Nerum l'rosi rat ion, and UeeplesaneM) ia eitlicr sex. rnlbt 4 I .UU, for $3.oo. Send ten centa in stamps for Dr. Pieree's larpre Treatisc on Distuses of Wonieu, illustrated. World's Dispensary Medical ssociation, 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, H. Y. g?% SICK-HEADACKE, Qwïv RiliouH Ileadarlie, tv aT-v Dlzziness, Ou-tipaL?"¦" líSvV tioil. I II il K ( -1 i o 11. aKS and BUious Attack, glj yÊÈr ÊM&? i'ronipilv eured by Ir. Jr ihCaB? ricrir's I'leasani "LjSk BP' Purgativc Pellet. :.' 's. cents a vial, by DrugBists MMUNlTYfromANNOYANCE Inï OS : i ' m ' I 1$ Süfl u v2b ui Caw flfi R:' . Pat. Oot. SOth, !88i Ui 'fade only of tho llnest nnd bestqnality of ila-ss lor withstundiuK lieut. Every good thing is Counterfaited, and consumors are CAUTIONED against IMITATIONS oí these Chimnoys made of VERY POOR GLASS. Soe that the exact label is on each chimney aa above. The Pearl Top ia always clear and bright G-lass. Majiniiictured OXLYby GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. I'lttNburich I I OIaa Work, FOR SALE BY DEAT.KRS. i Mi -. UMVERSAL fci. g V.po,„d WterÍ 3= W nirii 11 '¦ " Q ffMh, llt, Mllif-rul a mJ öAIH, J--w ' J I -.J"'.s_ - ' " JM g - 5 HatSaifcËagraWBBBMaWff L ¦?.!)ƒ é Bma'ii. OM BtOi ÜMiBri. ? 8t!.a for emulas. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mich. A COMPLETE AUUAKNQMENT FOR Pbjsicias and húlm, húi: ud Cheaper ANU MO1ÍB consr-v-iEiKriiErN-T THAN A STATIONABT BATH TOB, WITH NO EXI'KNSK OP BATH ROOM A NI) FIXTL'HKS. HALE'S HONEY is the best Cough Cure, 25, 60c., B. GLENN'S SULPHOR SOAP he:ils and beautifies, 25c GERMÁN CORN REMOVER Icüb Corns & Bunions 25c HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- niack & Brown, 50c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minute, 25c. DEAN'S RHEUMAT1C P1LLS we a sure cu, 60c


Ann Arbor Courier
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