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Scott's Emulsión of Pure 'ml l.iicr Oll, wil li Hypopliophlte. Ia Consumption and Wnsling Dinease. Dr. C. W. Barrlnger, Plttiburjfb, Pa., says: " I tliink your Einul-ion of Cod Liver Oil is a very fine preparntion, and filis a long feit wunt. It is very useful in consumption and wastinsf diseases." True glory con8ists in doing vrhat deserves to be written, in writing wliat deserves to be read, and in ao liviiijr us to make the world hap]ler and better for onr living ia it. Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Guts, Krnises, Senes, Ulcere, Salí Hheiun, Kever Sores, Trtter, Cliappcd Hands, Clillhliiins, ("unís, muí all Skin Ernptions, and positively cures I'iles, or DO pav retpiired. It is ifuaranteed to k'v-' perfect satisl'iiction, or inoney refunded. l'rice 25 cents per box. For Sale by Eberbach & Son. When once infidelity can persuade men thM they shall die like the beasts, will soon be bronght lo live like llie tiea.-ls also. - South. lliiniiinity is the (irst of virtues - for other people. - O. W. Holmes. Scrofula diseases manifest; themsolves in the warm weiither. Huod's Susnparilla cleanses tlie bleod, and removes e very taint of scrofula.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News