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Most Excellent. J. J. Atkins 'Muf of Pólice, Knoxville, Tenn., wrkes : " My fuinily and I are beneficiiiries of your most excellent medicine, ür. Kinjr's New Discovery for consuniption; having found il i o lic all thnt yon claim for it, desire to testify to Itsvirtne. My frieuds to whnm I liave recomnieniled it, praise it at every opportunity." Dr. King! New Discovery for Consumption is puaranteed to cure Couli, Colds, Bronchitis, Astlmia, Cronpasd every ftfieetk)D of Throat, Cliest and Lnngf. 'l'riil Bottles Free at Eberbacli fe Som 's drii; store. Large si.e $1.00. Wliile a Leadville liiwyer was cross-eximlnhlB a uomaii wlio was on tlm witnessstaml the exclaimeil: "I'ioa lady, and, by Urander, don't yoo foiVet it!1' A wife fiill oftrulli, innoccii.c.uiid loye is the prctlicst Bowor tlint a man can mi ncxt his lienrt. Personal Attrnctions are inncli to be desircd, but none uiore so tlian suiooth, trlofsy, luxurions hair. Ëow can yon get it? By nsini; VVinkifinaiui's celebrated " Perfect" I lui r Tonic and Restorer. It removes dandru II', maklnKJoar dry lusterless hair to becoine strong and liealthy. 50 ets. atdrufrlsts. Proctor's Liqnid Olue bextl the world fnr mendini; cvcrylliing. Takp no otlier, sure. TFI FPRApuvi-"!' ' i .m I tLCUHArn I K,,„,l,.ay. HIlualK.tis ¦ turm.lKj. Wrii Vuluntlm Bro., Junobvill, Wil.


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