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fx'On T) V T A T ' 1 DRUG STORE Eb. 7 S. Main St. PURE DRUGS and MEDICINES Fine Toilet Anieles ELEGANT PERFUMES AND ODOR SETS A Specialty Made of Physician's Pre script ions. Cali and see ns. J. J. Goodyear. Eg==5s=g5svi .g CENTS : = T !P I 7 irOR SAMPLE TJjt- rA ii f" ¦ - ¦ 1HE .llí.Ct BKAVT1FI I. RIHIK. , jr í2iC.V' Flowtr aait Slinih. .1000 , T nC OlPi lllTtTi-llt klIKlFi. AISUMll j #CM PT?t " "llh Sl. Parasol. V% Qf J 'P Handkerchlii d Fa. Il V AND" i-tin't compltn Cvi.rk j-r üf ,le kiml t.v.r pui,. 1 f ,naaA llslir.l. Bent) l'ifln-n rl IH NVk Cents hi minus lor Amm m m H (Mijiy. ufso our g"""" 1 prit-f ti) tiRrnts. Agenta 1 ¦ 7 wantfd everawhtft. Ad. AMERICAN f UB. CO., 17 North Ttath Stnet. Pbllad'a. Pa. min BffflTBh sincer E17 ==s 4 E" DAYS' TRIAL. ilTTr IA Fnll Set of ¦ VtSfl A Attaoliiiiciits. BIW ïfKflaa i wakraxtk TnHWU p Voars. ScnU for I ¦ (M J Clrculnr. . lllvSSftirH ' IIOWE '- '¦JjjgnEíS1 ""122 N. tb SU, l'bila.. Pa. MADAME MORA'S CORSETS. pShK. r COMFORT ARI.E AJTD ¦jEaSk. PEUFtCl' F1TÏIXG. JBMh Mrn'hHin.sRay th.y give botter .yPJMfesatlsractiun tiiui ony corsc THyêOTtli" ever sol!. Drt'üpmakera SS?' oonia I them fortlwirfbie ü . shiipe. Comiot breuk out X Vf Hl. Arp iwrtirulArlr lilcel by ipISv-tL lailie of fnll Hiruie. The ('- TOl R" an.i "AI.DINK" B llaTtítlloI'ATl:-TTKil¦Li;BACI:. W-fv'': X. whlch covltb the ojien spacu TSiPX __- Jliliirnloelatlinlipino. SZ- - iJ'7 T1ib"LA KK1.VK" r V.: I-Ájy hastheliopular Hemo t-' VAHI ü STïr.m, whit-h % cutí U' iiifctAiiliy taken fc. l, Ont. WITIIoIT C:VTTINQ OR ITH. _& i.n-mco. fjxin, nsk fur JL"!MlBaV MADAMi: MllliAMOKV hETaV No otlu-rs havo the " IV Cell'l.rat'l Fr. n. h I i.rvid m i vMavl'tah lnd. Ilewaroof Iniltatloiis T l'Uf'li.'. " B Itanufacturod by Madame Mon's Contour. L. KüAW & CO., Madame Mora's La Reine. Rirniinfham, Coruu Madame Mora's Aldine. C. Fltipatrlek A ¦.., Madame M ora's Comfort H p. 71 Leoaani SL. N. Y MACKINAC. Th Moit I)f lightful SUMMER TOUR rlaoe Steunen. Low Bate. Tour Tripi per Week Batween DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Kvery Week Dy Botween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Wrlt fop out " Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. OonUins Full Purtioular. Mallsd FrM. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. O. WHITCOMB, Qcn. p. Act. DETROIT, MICH. ïaqs CONSHPATIONl There is no medium throngh which disease so often attacks the system as by Constipation, and there la no other UI flesh is heir to.more apt to be neglected, from the fact material incon venience may not be immediately feit fron Irregular action of th bowels. When there is not regular action, the retention of decayed and effete matter, with lts poisonous gases, soon poisons the whole system by being absorbed into it, causing piles, fistola, headache, impore blood and many other serious affections. BÜRDOCK BLOOD BITTERS wül immediately relieve, and one bottle positively care or relieve any case of Constipation. - "Was troubled for a year with torpid liver and indigestión, and alter trying everything imaginable, used BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. The fint bottle revi ved me and the second cnredme entirely."- J.S.WÜiiam8on, Eochester, N. ï. The Best Porno Digger THE "MONARCH" 4Bfklil(l to lin rOO ImisIkIh ¦L Wl'"r Spt-clHl Terni _ _ A_ togixKlapjnU, test jgffassygi OmcE and Factort, MONARCH MFG. CO., Carpentersville, III. TH IS PAPER - sf o. I lllU iHltll liOWELL & COS Newspaper Advvrtislng Bureau (10 Spruca Strcet),whcrealver. ypilj XI ft ft lf be 4ul for S üillblf lUlllV.


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