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W. R. Henderáon leaves to-day for St. Paul. G. Josenhans and wlfe Sundayed In Dexter. Mrs. E. K. Frueauff lg convalescing from a Rerlooa Illness. Dr. P. B. Rose was home over Sunday iium nis jnicago business. Mrs. ttev. C. Schlenker, of Toledo, O., 1s visiting relatives in the city. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wadhamg spent Sunday with friends in Dexter. Miss May Whedon went to Sagiuaw Satunl.iy for a visit of few weeks. Prof. W. 8. Perry is president of the Xormal School alumni association. Mr. and Mrs. Qilbert Bliss will go to Detroit, Saturday for a short visit. l'rof. Geo. W. Kuight and wife of Columbiis, Ohio, Hre home for the summer Mrs. Ann Warden and son Cari, have gone to Louisville, Ky., for a few weeks. Miss Freneh of Kiles, whohas been visiting Mi8s Bie.ikey, returned home Saturday. Wlllard F. Pett, of Winona, Minn , g visiting old frlends in town for a few days. G. H Monroe has returned from Nebraska and Kansas for a vacation at his home. C. Mack went over to Howell to-day to parchase a 75,000 Ib. lot of wool on sale there. Miss Maggie Bower goes to Walled Lke next Monduy, for a stay of several weekí. Mrs. John H. Remick went to Toledo I Tuesday, called there by the illness of her mother. Miss Anna Donnelly left for Chicago Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs. Callahan for a few weeks. Gibson the photographer, takeshisiarge camera out to the state military encampruent tbis week. Edwin Gay will sail for Europe Saturday, accoinpanying Dr. Heidman, to reinain for a few months. Lueius Knlght and famlly, irom Kansas City, are visitinjr Mr. Knifilit's ents, on Spring street. Oco. Johnson, familiarly known ag " Barney," Is whileing away two week'g time ;it Whitmore Lake. Wal lace Steele hasgone to his olil home in Xew Brunswick, N. J., to remain during the Biimraer vacation. Mrs. Will R. Payne wlll go to the home of her parents at Adrián for a few weeks, leaving Ann Arbor Friday. Dr. Floren tine, of Saginaw City, was in the city last week, visiting hls old friend Dr. G. A. Heudricks. Mrs. Alex. W. Hamilton and Mrs. Perkins and boys, have gone to Devil's Luke for a period of rest and quiet. Mrs. John Thompson goes to Detroit in a day or so to spend some weeks with her daughter Mrs. Porter Lathrop. Will Becker, who ha been with B. F. Watta for the past few years, has gone to Toledo where he will remain perraanently hereafter. Dr. Douglas accompanied byhlsdaughter Ilias II. Lou, and aon Ilfirry salla f rom New York Saturday, for a three months' trip in Europe. Rev. Thoa. Wright and wife, and Miss Lizzie Jennings, all of Fenton, have been guests of Mrs. Carman, on N. Ingalls st., during the week past. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley and granddaughter Jennie, who have been vlslting their gister Mrá. Bradley, on División st., returneO to tbeir home in Ohio, Monday. J.ast a riday Miss Lizzie Church went to Brightoii to spend some time visiting relatives and friends, after which she and her cousin, Mrs. Ella King, take a trip to Lnke View. The widow of the late Whitter J. Baxter, of Jonesville, lias rented a residence upon E. Catherine st., and wlth her daughter will reside in Ann Arbor for tbe next four yeare. Regi9ter of Deeds Jas. Kearns accompanied Henry C. Gregory, of Dexter, to Omaha and Hastings, Nebraska, last Monday. Gregory on business, Kearns for company and to see the country. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brower, of Lawrence st., accompanicd bv Mrs. Brower's uiother, Mrs. Moore of Lapeer, left this morning for Mackinac, Petoskey, etc., to be absent some two or three weeks. Mrs. N. B. Beers left the city last Wednesday morning for Chicago, by way of the lakes, stopping at Mackiuac lsland her favorite place and changa steaoiers for Chicago where she will remainfora number of weeks visiting relativee and frleridd. When in the course of human events it becoraes necessary for a reporter to corónide the arrival of a daughter at the house of ayoung compositor, heshould promptly respond with the cigars, (for the boy, we don't smoke). Fred W. Schultz it the one this item refers to. July 12th the date. N. P. Keitli, of Detroit has been vuiting bis eister, Mrg. E. E. Beal, and other relatives In the city during the week. He was one of the Detroit crowd that went to the Detroit B. B. funeral in Chicago last week, and stopped over to allow his grief time to dry up a little before appearing in Detroit again. Henry G. Wanty, once on a time a member of the Couiuer force, and next door neighbor, at present city editor of the Grand Raplds Daily Democrat, one of the live papers of western Michigan, has been in the city the pnst week recuperatinghis health and visiting old frlends. Harry wiis a welcome caller everywhere.


Ann Arbor Courier
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