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MOST PERFECrMÁDI Prepared with special regard to hcalth. No Ammoni:i. Limo (ir Xíum. PRICE BAKIfJt POIVDER CO., CHICACO. 8T. LOUIS. IjJ ESPECIAL TJ Hextracts MOST PERFECT MADE ltln"ít and stronpO!t Natural FVuit Flarors. VíibíIIo., LamoB. Oransro. Ahnond. Kose, etc., flaror os delicateiy and uMurally iva tticfrult. OBMM. PriceBakinff PowderCo. st. LOUS. MMUNlTYfromANNOYANCE Wí V , Pat. Ooi. SOth, 1883. 3f ade only of the finos t nnd best qnali y of Ulnas for wltliNtanding beat. Every good thing is Oounterfeited, and consumere are CATTTIONED against IMITATIONS ol these Chimneys made of VERY POOR G-LASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright G-lass. Btnnufactnred OXLT by GEO. A. M ACBETH & CO. 11 tislmrirb I.i'iiil OlnfW Works. FOR SALE BY DEALER& I „s IMViRSAL %L. m 5c ""- ie' 01 rATu Q Wl frh, üt, Mineral ¦ - - 4W r ' HmtH iTT ¦¦ L WWaWJ!rftM7. Old Baüii Renewd. -3 1 Send for Circulan. E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mfch. A COMPLETE ARRAENGMENT TOR Pbjsiciin nd Families. Neater and Cheaper AND HORI C O IST "V E! 3iTI E isT T THAN A STATIONARY BATH TUB, WITH NO EXPENSE OF BATH ROOM AND FIXTUKES. HALE'S HOHEY s the best Cough Cure, 2S, 50c., n GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP heals and beautifies, 26c. GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kills Corns & Bunions, 25c HILL'S HAIR A WHISKER DYE- Black & Brown, 60c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minute, 25c. DEAN'S RHEUMAT1C PILLS are a sure cure, 60c Brbathes there a man with soul so ded Who never to his wite h.ith said, ' I will a flower garden make, Both for my own and thy dear sake, And sow with seeds to come up quick, Which you, of course, will buy of Vick I' Jf,such there be, I pray repent, And have an order quickly sent. ' Then sweet thy rest, I'm sure, will bef And thy dear wife will smile on thee. TheGuiDE is a workof 150 pages, Colored PIatesf 1000 llustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and Vegetables, pnces of Seeds and plaats, and how to grow hem. It tclls you what you want for the garden, and iow to get it. Printed in English and Germán. Price snly 10 cents, which may bc deductcd from first order. BCY ONLY VICK'S SEEDS, AT HEADQUARTERS. JAMES VICK, SEEDSMAN, Rocheater, N.Y. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY. AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, Por Wholesale and Ketall Trndc. We shall also keep a snpply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! I. llii Flour, Kyc Flour, l!nrl. uhi:ii l'liinr. ( om Tlcal. Fced, Etc, At Wholesale and Uetall. A Reneral stock of GRDCERIES M PROYISIÜNS ConstaDtly on hand, whtch Hl ne sold on ae reaeonable terms as at any other honse n the city. Cash paid for BUTTER, EOOS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE fcenorally. (ioorts dcllvcred to any part of tb. cEy -thgVAB0LT. RTJ]PTITR.E. tEGAN'8 IMPERIAL TRÜSS. Splral Spring, (frailed from 1 to 6 pound.s In pressure. WORN DAT A?íD NIGHT, by au lnfant a week oíd, or un (idultSOyeart. lidies Trusses n perfectlon. Bnelose stampa for testimonial! of cures, etc. EGAN IMPERIAL TRÜSS CO., ANK AKBOK, MlCII. Ifir UTA WA NT F n or dr. scott-s I LU IV nMnltu beantlíul Eloctrlo nliril I ICorsets. Sample free to thosc be. MWLIl I V rnminií agente. Ño risk, qutck salee. Terrilory frlven, satinfaction naranteed. Addresa DR.SCOTT.842 Broadway St.,N.T. Uil] I Mond ns 5 cents postage, and Í 1 1 I ''y ma" ra wil' Bet free (DZlU.UU J Pckage of goode of large yUUjUUU üina, that will start you In work that will at ono! brin? yon In rnon'-y faster than anythintf i'lsc i" America. All bont the 2t),im in iirt-oi-iiti' with ench box. Agents wanti-d everywnere, of elther sex, of all ages, for all thi' time, orspre time only, to work f r ns at thelr. own homes. Fortunes lor all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. II. Hallktt & C, Portlnnd, Malne. SUBSCRIBE FOR The Ann Arbor Courier.


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