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WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOORAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMININO THI8 MAP, THAT THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By roason of its central positlon, close relation to principal Unes East of Chicapro and continuous Unes at terminal pointa West, Northwest and is tha only true middle-link in that transcontinental system which invites and facil' itatea travel and traffic in either direction between the Atlantic and Pacific. The Rock Ialand main line and branches iuclude Chicago,Joliet, Ottawa, La Salle. Peoria, Geneseo, Moline and Rock Island, in Illinois; Havenport, Muscatine Washington, Fairfield, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, West Liberty .Iowa City, Des Moinos, Indianola, Winterset. Atlantic, Knoxville, Audubon, Harían, Quthrie Centre and Council Bluffs, in Iowa; Galiatin, Trenton, St. Joseph, Comeron and Kansas City, in Missouri; Loavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albert Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown in Dakota, and hundreda of Litermediate cities, towns and villagres. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Quarantees Speed, Comfort and Safety to thoso who travel over it. lts roadbed is thorouffhly ballastad. lts track is of heavy steel. Il: bridfres aro oohd Btructuxoo of stone and iron. lts rolling stock is perfect as human skill can mate it. It ha all the safety appliances that mechanicol genius has invented and experience proved valuable. lts practical operation is conservativo and methodtcal- its discipline strict and exactinsr. The luxury of its passenger accommodationa ia uneaualed in the West-unsurpassed in the world. ALL E3CPRESS TRAINS between Chicapro and the Missouri Rivcr consist rf comfortablo DAY COACHES, maimificent PULLMAN PALACE PARLOU and SLEEPING CARS. elegant DINING CARS providinp excellent meals, and -between Chicago, St. Joseph, Atcliisonand Kanaaa City- restful E.ECLINING CHAIB CAK3. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Ia the direct, rvorite line between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Over thia rout solid Fast Express Trains run daily to tho surnmer resorte, picturesque localities and hunting and fishini; grounds of Iowa and Minnesota. Iho nch whcat fields and grazing lands of interior Dakota are reachod via Watortowu. A short desirable route, via Séneca and Kankakee, offers superior induccmeuto to travelers between Cincinnati, Indionapolia, Lafayette and Council Blufte, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenwortli, Kanaas City, Minneapolis, St. Paul and iiitermodiato pointa. . All classes of patrona, especially families, ladies and children, receive from offlciaLi and employés of Rock Island trains protoction, roapectful courtesy a ï"or tickets. Maps, Folders- obtoinable at all principal Ticket Orneen in l'.Unilèd States and Canada- or any deaired informatlon, address, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, resident and General Manager, Chicago. General Ticket and Passen.icr Amnt,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News