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fflioYAL rs&ísji AKlMö POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powdernever varíes. A marvel of puIty, Strengtb and wholesomi'mss. More ecoïomlcal i lian tlie ordlnary kinds, and cannot e sold in competlttou with the multltude of ow test, short weljjlit, alum or plioRphate Miwili'rs. Sold only In caus. Itoynl Kaklnr 'owder Co., 1O6 Wall st.. N. Y. Tkin to-es i HUMIUATlNG EruptioDH, Ilching and Hurnlug Snin Tortoren, LualDSume Sores, and rvtry specie of Itching, Scaty, l'imply, luher ted. Bcroftüou, and Comtxlooi DlreuMOl Uw ilood. Kkin, na Kcalp, witli Lom of Hair irom in ancy to old ae, art pdgitive'v cnred by Ou ïui'ha he ureni Skin Can, and C'utiil'ka soAi'.an exqnisire Skin bcautnicr, ex'eriiiiily and UunoUBA, ÍBSOLOVKNT, the New lilüod Puiitlr, internally COYERED WITH SUKES. I have baa alliicted xince last Mareta witta skin ili-cHsc tli" doctor called Ko.ema. My lace wa covTed wltl (-cal)?4 'anti aoret, and the Itching and burnilii; witc dmoil nnbearalle. Seeing your CüTICTJBA Hkmkiiiks o hiühly recommended. I concluded to rivi; them atrul.otlat the CuticurH aud the (Jmiciua Soap externally, and KeeioJveut internally, lor four ruonthf. 1 cail mypcll curcd, in gratitude lor which I inake this mblic statement. MUS. CLAKA A. FKEDEKICK, Broad Brook, Conn. SCALP, FACE, E.VUS, AJÍD XECK. I wa afflicted with Eczema on the Scalp, Face, Euri anl Neck, which the Druin.''', wliere I gpt voar remedies, pronounced one uf the worM caecs ibüt had ctnne under his notirr. lleadvied me 'fí trv yoni CTJTIOURA Rkm kihfs, H[id alter flve days' ose iny rcaip and part of my face were entirely cureil, and I hope in anolh r week to have my neck, ean,and the other part "f my fací cared. HEKMAN SLADB, HU E. 4th 8t., New York. ITCHINO DISEASKS CURED. Cnticnra utand at the head of itn claf, eepecally Is l' 6 the enne with the Cutlcura uoap. Have had hii unnsn.llly food tale Ihi eiimiuer uwinsr to the prevuli'nci' of an ïijravaUd f urn of Itch tbroii;h som : localities in the country, in which Ihe Caticara remedies proved satinlactory. W. L. HAKDIGG, Dkumü-t. Union Town, Ky. CURE IN EVERY CASE. Viiur Cutirura Remedie outsell all other medicinen! kiep forskin dUeUM. My COttomeri and patienlB pay Ihey have effected a cnre in every inistancc, where otber remedien have lailed. H. W. BHOCKWAY, M. D. Franklin Falls, N. H. CUTICURA REMEDIES, Are Sold by all Drugiriets. Price : Cctuur. 50Crs.; Kk8olvknt, S1.ÜO; Soap, 2öcti. Pottkr Druo and CmmicAL Co., Boston, bend for "l}ow to Cure Skin DiBeases." ¦DT7 A TTIIFY the fomplexion and Skin by DüiL U usinj; the l't.TicuHA SoAl'. CONSTITUTIONAL CATARRH. No single disease ha tntailed more suftVrlng or hastened the breaking up f ttau couetltuüon Uien Catarrh. The Hn i i imell, "1 tate, 01 ifitt. t hearing, the humsn voice the mlnd- one or more, aud somellmes nll.yield to lts dextructive ii.flueuce. The potiun It dlstributsa throuhout the intern nnd break up the nuwt robuat of coi stmitit.ns Ignored.becauBc b.t hltlc uudeislood, by most plnsiciaii, impoiently usxalled by quarks aud charlatune thoae nfferlng frm il have lutle hope to be reliuved of lt thi eide of the grave. It 1 time, then, that t:e popular treatment of this terrible dieeaee by renadlea wltbin tba reach of all panped luto haude at once competunt nd trnstWDrthy. The new and hittu-ito iintried method apoptcd by Dr. bandiord iu the pn-parution olhls Radical Cure han won the heartv approval of tliou aandii. It i lnitantaoeou in atrordinu relief in al head ccild, iueezinB, suuffllDg and obstructcd breathing, and rapldly removes the movn oupresBive nymptomB, clearing the head, uweeieimig the breath resloring the enses of smell, taste aud hearing, and nuutralizlnK the coustitutional tendencyof ihe diuease loward the luns, liver aud kidneys. , BAKDFOBD'8 ElADIOAL CiRK consist of one bottleof tlio Hadicai. Ci' kk, nnd one boi of Catharral BOLVBMT, and one IXPZOVBX) Isil.ll.mi; price, f 1.Ü0. POTTBR DRÜO iND ClIHKMICAL Co.. BoStOU. ¦93 Zidney Fains. Hmt And that weary, llfilets nll(?one, senT JH Kati.m i-ver présent wilh Ihofe ol In 1 ïlamod kidueyn, weak back and loins, ) JkJ achlng hlpB and idef, overworked or worn ont by dlieue, neb'lüy or dlsnipatlon ar relleved In O"e niimite and npcedilv cured by the (utlrura Ai.ti-Falu Planter, a new, original, ilegant and infallihlu antidote to liain and inll unmution. At druggHtJ '25c; nve iorfl.W: or postage Tree ol Potter Itiuü and Chemical o.. BoHton. SCÖTTS EMULSIÓN 0F PURE GOD LIYER OU And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda AlmostasPalatabloasNIilk. Th only prcpar"aUon of COD MVER OIL that eaTlfe aud tolemted for a, long timo bTs"'"V"V FOU fOXsniPTlBX, KtTüTTTTTTi s aihihons. anakmia, jkrn-nTn-jiTi,irv, iwi.n am) imtoATj tK(Tl()NS. ml II AMIMi IMSIHtDKRS Of jlll.lliKN H Is marTi'lloiK i" H ri'ililt. pn-iiLTitwd aud E-u.l..i.-t by tho ucal l'hyBlcUnl In tho couu trica of tho world. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. riTTim Bnd H' ¦ lp ll('' uml we 1 I I.MII u-ill mail roM '¦ iiroynl, vulA l-rl H I uuiili', turnpla i" x ol goodi Hl I tin.i win pal yoa In lh wj 11 Wil gf mailing mort m iuf t onoe tllUM ilMVtlllMR IH i 11 A'il.Tira ISoiliHezes of all .i' '¦ 'll '""'"¦ "lll,work ln sóare timo or all the Mm Oap't! DOt reSnSred. We wlll start yoo. In mense pav ïureforthosewho Kt.irt at on.-c. UTBno è Co., Portlimd, Malue. TÍLÍORAPHYñ I (urol.hc-d. Wrll Vul.nlii.c Ulo., JoawiviUo, Wta. SUBSCRIBE FOR The Ann Arbor Courier.


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