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The Ilawsonville woolen faetory has been undergoing repairs. Miss Ardie Clark wil] teach io the Saline high school next year. Saline's flouring mili lias to run nlgbt and day to keep up wlth orders. Whortleberries re huckleberries this year - 10 cents a qmirt - how many ? Frklay evening July 23d there will be ¦n Harvest Dance at the Dexter üpera House. Wm, K Broek, tor 20 years a farmer living tliree miles east of Ypsilauti, died July lOth. G. J. Nissly, of Saline, is eaid to be the biggest ejfg dealer in thecounty, wltbout any eggsajferaüon. August 18 is the republican county couvention, and August 11 the democratie. Both at Ann Arbor. Chas. Forten, of Augusta, had the ruisForten to cut oft' the third fiuger ot his right hand reeen tly. Seven baptisma in the Saline river, rtcently. No cily takes its water supply from the Saline river. The Germán Workingmen's Society of Manchester give their Hnnaal harvest picnic in GranjferV grove to-niorrow. A ln; time is pnimised. Ypsilunti coiildii'tfuniish trade euniigh for ei";ht dru stores, and so two ot them went ander last week, John Moon and Chas. C Holland. Manchester lotice, No. 148, F. & A. M., lias purchased tliree elegant clmiis in which the principal offleers will sit during "meetiu' time. - Entirp ise. The merchants and clerks of Chelsea had a friendly game of base ball last Satunhiy. The game 9tood 24 to 17 in favor of the merchants. - Chelsea Echo. HoekelbttfTiet are coming to this m:irket and sold at retail for 10 ets. a qu:irt. The seagon for them will be short unless rain comes morefreely. - Chelsea Echo. L. Van Wormer and W. H. Easierly sacked and shipped to Hallowell & Coburn, Boston, 30,000 lbs. of wool, being the amount pun-liased by tliem thisseason. - Milan Leader. Saline B. B. B's think tliey can pound the Miln B. B. B's, and the'Milan B. B. B's thiuk that the Saline B. B. B's can do no aucli thlng. Nothing but a test on the B. B. field will ever settle it. The 9th Michigan cavalry will have a reunión at Jaekson on the 18th of Au;it. Wm. Neebling, of this village, is the only surviver of that regiment we know of around here. - Manchester Enterprise. A load of defeated Ann Arbor base bal 1ists carne down trom Clielsi'a last Thurstlay night. They stopped long enough to " refresh," and tlien drove on, making the beautlfnl suinmer nicht hideous with their deinoniac yells - Uexter Leader. A fashion paper recomends white undressed kids to party goers. Saline must be a fast devotee of dame fasliion, for any nuinber of white undressed kids may be observed in the evening twilight on the banks of the silvery S;iline. - Observen Mr. Chas. R. Wliitmau says there is no truth in the statement that himself or colleagues on the Board of Regents were influenced by partlsanshlp in the appointment of Walker to succeed Mr. Kirchner as Kent professor of law. - Fpellantiau. Geo. Palmer, wlio has resided near Sheldons for raany years, died Tuesday night of this week, aced 50 yeurs, and wiil be buried to-day. Mr. Paluier was well kiiown in Ypsilanti and Washtenaw county, and was highly csttiined byall. - Ypsilantian. Aug. lOth to the 13th inclusive, is the time desiïiiated by the t:ntral Circuit, includintf Jackson, Marshal, etc, for the annual races. Tbe Ypsihinti aection has chosen J. F. Sanders president, R. Hemphill, treasurer; anu P. M. Campbell, secretary. - Ypsilanti Comercial. As near as we can learn a refreshinr and much needed rain was (iiite general throughout Michigan this wfk; but quite contrary to the past, South Lyon has been slifjhted and me rel y a bold tbreat of a rain was all parched vegitation got to encourage it along through quite a strip of country about here. However we hope to merit the favor of the next rain beard of. - Excelsior. Wlltsie Post, G. A. R , is maklng arrangements for a grand camp-tire on tlie 28th. Capt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, and S. W. Burroughs, of Belleville, 11 be the orators of the occasion. The speeches will be held iu school hall, and a jood sncial time Is anticipated. A ;enerat invitation ig extended to all old soldiers and the public a3 well to be present. - Saline Observer. Present political prospecta indícate tliat Capt Allen will be the republican eandidute for congress in this district. A. O. Crozier, of Ann Arbor, is certain ot the prohibition nouiination, and tlie demo cratic nomlnatlan lies between C. R. Whitinan, ofYpsilanti, md Lieut. L. S. Salslmry, of Adrián. - Saline Observer. Time will teil how true a political pruphet our contemporary is. Five babies in seven days last week is a pietty rood liidleatiou that Saline snot sucli a slow poke of a town alter all, as the envious neighborlng hamlets try to niake out. Lei the boom continue. - Oh server. Yes, that shows a good, henliliy condiiiou of affiiiis amonjr the mrried people; butwben these youngsters sliall iiave attained man and wom&uhood, can Saline keep them or willthey wander a way to help build up some other eornuuinityr1 That's tlie true test of a town. If Anti Arbor could oily keep lier own bnys andgielsehe vould be a btthliTlDgcrt;. By the marriaue of -Mr. Alirani Cole tfl Mrs. Lizzie May Cole, pubitsbed elswherc iu this i.sue, our.readers wil' be informed of the outcome of the Pruse Ole trouble, the full particularsof whieh ueu(fiven to the reaciers of tlie Vpsilantian last winter. Ifn. Uole was deeerted by Pruse as might have been expected, and Mr. Cole was robbed by the Xew York lawyers, as ml(ht also have lieen exp'jcted, perhaps, and as mutual siillerirs Ihey now turn tovvard each other for the sympathy and coiisolatiini Ihey taileil to ri'ceive else wbere. Mr.andMrs Cole will permanently in Yüsilauii. - Yjisilantian. Most farmprs ure a ware of the facl' haviiijr jraiued the knowlfldn lioui r.ictlcal experience, that as eahbages Iuerea-e iu growth by the heading proceu tln have a tendeucy lonetll&M to split open, whieh very greatly dlmlnUbe the value of the head. A gentleman, who is autliority in the ïnanner ni' growing vegetables, recominends"'nSOV1'1' ""' ground and ItSTtlng the ealiliai;rs tlmt appear to he nearh' matura, tlpplDR tlieintoone side. Tliis, he says, tends to increase the sie of the cabhage heads and prevents tticir bnratlnK. It is oortalnly a very simple operation, and out well orthy of a trial. - Enterprise. I An exchange spcaks a word for theboys on our farms as follows: " It is all very well, when you have rjothlng else to do but to kill time, to talk about keeping the boys on the farm. You might as well spend yourtime spittinsrat a crack. Boys will stay on a farra as well as anywhere i f tliey receive conslderation at home. The boy wlio is yanked out of bed by the hair, kicked out to milk, and cuffed to breakfaet as a preliinitiary to being yankeii Ihrough the lield all day, is not iikely to be consumed by his love for the glories of agricultura - nor for hissiri'. Give the boy a fair show and he will stay withyou till the cows come home. If you make his Ufe acontinued round of hard. unceasing toil, without one single bright spot on it, don't sniffle about his ingratitude when he walks off the farm on his enr - never tocóme back agnin, Just retnember that he has earned fifty times what you have given him and try and make your home pleasant for the boys still with you.'' As we have no lyceum or other debating org.'iniziition in our village, we would suggest that the North Lake and (Jhelsea Lyceums, at their next joint discussion nrgue the following quection; "Is it wise to ullow children (trom 14 to 18 years) to occupy seats In a church cholr?" It is a new and not alto{pther uninteresting subject, iitid as we shall not be present 10 take part in the debate, we will give a few iñonters o the negative side. Sorne time ago we iillenUed church on aSunday eveiiinji wlieu a Dew man was to preach. Thre weic several children sittmg in the chuir chairs facing the audience, and previous ti commencement their levity was unrcstrained; and during preaching it would seenj as though every time they lecogni.ed another cliild in the audience a regular ''ffrinning match" would take jl;ice; and riiiiilly one became so overeóme with laugliter that a book was brought before the fce to hide the griinaces. And ttieie were likc cliildren in the audience who were no less culpibli1. Now tliis nnt only annoyed the prcncluT. Mut ditracted the atte.itiou of the hii iic nee (roo Ihe sermón. We hnpe tiiuse lyceums will give the question i tlionnigh fthing, for to our inind such goings-on in a church are disgraceful. More anon. -


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News