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Capital Punishment And Prohibition

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The following dispatch teaches two lessons, and we iHink we know papen that wil! either sce only one, or elsu .-re none ut all. Ueader, carefully note Lint telegram of lust Baturday: Portland, Me., July 10.- Terrance O'Hara killed liis wlfe last night while the wort' both drank. O'Hara Is ostenslbly a peddler, but by cuinmon repnt&tlon atiinuggler, whowlth hts wife, is naiu to have pot drunk wheuever Me roturned, tlushed wlth mouey from liis ezpeditions aorOM the ('anadian frontier. Last nicht. O'Hara went the rounds of the saloons, ;uil ;U7 o'clock wasdruuk. At ti :i0 this taornuk culli'd up a m'lLíhlior aiul asked hlm to go to lus wlfo, who was dead. W'ln-n liv nefghbora entercd the bouM tbey fbund th t'nrniture lu a Htate of indescribaMc contti31OI1. u the Hoor surrounded by the wrookage lay the dead body of Mrs. O'Hara, Mark naked. She had evldently only come to h-r diatli after a desperate struggle. The pólice arrerted O'Hara. In the lirst place it will probably escape the notice of advocates of hangliijF, tliat there was a cold bloodeil morder, In a state where they hang for naarder. Umi ïtbeen ti Michigan that sttch a crime was enacted, our esteemed contemporary the Free Press, and all the otlier advoca tea of the theory that basging prevents morder, woulcl liave patatled it before tbeir readers as additional proof of the coriTdness of their views. The proliibition papers will probably observe that the crime was the walt Of druiikennes, but nol notkse tliat it was in Portland, Maine, the prohibition state, where there are no saloons. They will not sce the statement that the murderer went the "rounds of the saloons" and was drunk befóte 7 o'clock. The circnmstance is 11 stingiuif conimentary on the statement of prohibition orators, that they know there is no open saloon business done in Maine's Kre cities. Here's a man goinj; the rounds of the saloons, In open day, and there is no question but the saloons are as public In Portland a9 in Adrián. This incident will take away considerable of the ammunition of prohibition editors and orators, when they point to Maine as enjoying the blessiiifts of proliibition, and tliat by it large cities are uot cursed by the pres ence ot saloons. We admit that there would'nt be saloons iu those towns if the law were enforced, but that's just where the difflculty lies. We claim that it is free whisky in Maine, and that the prohibitory law there tnakes it so. The pulp mili has biought to our city a new article of commerce. The mili uses popple wood, but the bark is no gooc!, and all logs have to be stripped. Now comes the great drug houses of Detroit and elsewhere and ofter $19.00 per ton for this bark which tliey make into quinine. Verily thcro is nothing anadulterated uuder the sim. Popple burk maj make as good quinine as old r;igs does sugar. Some months slnce the Courier gave un tam ti) the public through N. II. Winnns, or this oity, to the effect ihat one Bnwer, who was a member of Mr. Winhii's regiment and who was supposed io have been killed on the field of bnttle, had come to life out in Illinois, and WM movIng lor ii pension. The fellow told the eircumstiinces of the battlo, how he pot j cll' the Held, and BYrythftlg so miuutely that that Winans believed he must he the man. Bui a few daya since he reeeived a letter from an old eomrade n Kansas containing thisinformation : " In the lirewer : case for pension the claimant turns out to I be a fraud, was prosecuted by the gOTDtnment and sent to the pcultcntiary at Chester, III., for thrco yo:irs. 1 uní Mtisfled now that be wasan impostor.'' This {;oes to show how ciiinpiiratively e.isy it is tur the gorerrtment to be iinposed upon. This fellow WU K woll acquiiinted with eyery particular of the dead soldier's life that he representcd him 80 that even old comnules wete deceived.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News