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The t me traa prlnolpally ocuupieil In the Pénate mi tlic I3tb in disciisüln tho UI ver and Harbor bill. Tbs reeolutlonf of tho convention of EtapubUoaa editor of Oblo avian an Inrastlffatloo ol the ohargaa to tha eiectio of Senator I'ajrne were MCMonted - lm tha Ilouso ft scctlon of the revisrd statutea whuli allows oommlwtoiia to collectors of Interna! revenue on mxes oolleoted on itatiUe i ipirlta waa repealtvl. nnd the amount ol bond to ba fivon 6y tha manufacturera ol olgsn vu re duosd tó (ÜW, wit an iddltloual M for eaoh pt'rson empiojed lo maklng them. 'nie Lnjrisïutive Approprlation Mll m turthtc oonild' Is Senate ou the Utli House bllls were passed for a bridge acroas tho wost chanuol of the Detroit river and ostablisliniif rttiditlonal aids to nuvlsatluu at the ïnouth of the Mlsalsglppi rlvor. The Kivcr and Ilmiior bill wal f urther considerad and wveral amendjnctits wera adopted. . lu tho Hotiso, atter a lenfthy debate, ttir Morrlaon reaolutloa or dt-rinir tluit all of tho treusiiry surplus In excoas of ílüO.OOÜ.ODO bo dovotfd lo the piiviiient ol' boiids was passed by h voto ot 2J7 to 87. TimKE reports In tho fèctlon caso of Mr Paync, ol' Ohlo, were snbniiitnl in tha Sonnte on the l.'ith. bllls wpru rcpoilod to placo ; -u eral Avcrill and Connnil Alfrcd ETeaaanton on tha retired Hal of the anay, and Uta tu ai and Harixir bill ni furtber oontidered in the Hooae bill proTldlng tor holding termi of the United States oourta al l'.au Clalra. wís, wus paased . mui the oobferonoe report on the Leglslati e Appropriatloo bill was au bmltted. Billa wera paaaed ut preTeni iiu oinploynieiitof eunvtet aml uliúii labor upoa public bulldinira, and to prohibit the importa' t ion of aliena ander uontrai t or aifreemoni iu perforui labor in the In. lel si ttea. Ten pension bilis and tho li ver and llarbor and the Naval Appropnatlon bill urn paaaed m tha Benate on tha Wth In the House an effort to pass the pension bill ol Blftabeth Laos otci tba PrealdontlaJ veto vaatoM i'v a vota ii ip raaa u W naya Similar aotlon ras taken oo ilic measure penBlonlnir Catharine MoCarthy. ih" vote bcliiK reas, w naya,97(nottwo-thlrda) butlnthe oaae of Joaeph Romlaer thr bill wa passed over the veto- yens, 175: liays, 88. The Leirislat vi' Appropriatlon bill wus turtber DOMESTIG. The Postmastei-Ueneral has addod 453 post-oftices to the list of money-ordor offices, the business of that uumber having increasod during the year so as to come within the provisions of the law. The lock-out in the fifty-four tanneries and currying shops of Peabody and Salem, Mass., was begun on the 13th, renderiug over three thousand meu idle. The yacht Arrow, with Fredorick Townsend, Frank R. Fuller and VValter T. Cowles, all of BufTalo, N. Y., was lost on Lake Erie on the 13th, and the mon perished. A teruific wind and hail-storm swept over Chicago on the 13th, wreciting the Lakeside Sanitarium, uprootin? trees and breaking thousands of panes of glass. Tuk Lonsdale Comnany's cotton-mill at Ashton, lv. 1 , nhut down on tha 13th in i'oiiMMiuence of the strike of twenty-eight spinners, lockiug out flve huudred employés. Foi'H trampa were struck by a passenger train the othor morniugnear B'.oomington, 111., two of thein - brotbers by the name of Pickett - recoiviug mortal injuries. AndkewJ. Betoüt, publisher of the Toledo (O.) DtmoeraL, was on the 13th sentenced to one year's hard labor in the penitentiary for sending obscene literatura throu:;h the mails. The National Teachers' Association met at Topeka, Kan., on the 13th with over five thousand teachers prosont, and were welcomed by Govornor Martin. Jcstin' Mattrews, eieren yearsold; Albert, his brother, aged fifteon years, and Rufus Allen, aged eighteen years, wore drowned on the 13th in Highland lake, at Bridgetou, Me., by the siuking of a sul boat. Natural gas was diseovered on the 13th at a depth of five huudred feet near WorsTille. eighteen miles from Albany, N. Y. A BABT whale thirtyeigut inches In length was killed by fishormeu ut Duruam, N. H., on the 13tu. Bï the burning of a livoiy stable in Chicago on the 13th seven persons were seriously in jurad and thirteen horses perished in the flamas. Advices of the 13th from Tombstone, A. T., say that the Apaches were still on the war-path, six Moxicans haviug been killed near Tepache. Detectives on the 14th captured flve men who had been committing numerous burglaries at VVarsaw, Columbus and Plymouth, iu Indiana. Tur. firít tin ore ever mined on the Western Hemispbjre arrived in Chicago on the 14th from the Black Hills on its way to New York. DtiiiNO a thundor-storm on the 14th in Erie County, Pa., tolegraph aud telephone wires were loveled. and houes umi barns wero struck by lightning anj burnod. A larga quantity of lumber was also consumod. The losses would aggregate 100,000. Almond B. Thompson, cahier of the Provident Savings Bank of St. Louis, absconded on the 14th, af ter embozzling $40,0U0. A fire on the Hth destroyprt C. H. Hoffman's wheat warohou-ie at Merced, Cal., valued at $250,ÜJ0. Heavy and continuous rains throughout North Carolina had on tha Uth caused the gi-eatest flood since lstiT. Furiners on the Cape Fear rivor had lost nll their crops and many had been forceil to loave their homes on account of tho ñood. S3teve BlXFBIW, a notorious desperado and an escape 1 convict, was taken from jail at Livingston, Ala., on the Hth and lynched. At St Louis on the 14th Brooks, alias Maxwell, convicted of the murderof C. A. Preller, was sentenced to be hanged August 27. An appeal was grantod, and a stay of execution orderod until October 2. Dispatciies of the 14th from various parts of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio reported great damage by the rain and wind storm of the previous day. Housos and barns were wrecked, and crops and trees were destroyed. In Michigon the storm was general throughout the State, destroying much property. PlTTsnt'ROH and vicinity were visited by asevere rain and hail-stortn on the 14th, wbich did great damage. Fouest fires in Wisconsin had on the 14th ruinod two hundred acros of cranborrics near Tomah, owned by J. I. Case and others, valued at $50,000. Di'rinq a storm on tho night of the 13th in Western New York many buildings wero destroyed by lightning and much damage wkh done to standing grain. Kmoke from forest BrM ni so dense at Muskoiion, liioh., on tho 15th as to bo almost sull'ocating. Tho woods wore burning in various sections, and tho prolonged drought wus unbrokon. Doka Joiinwon' and Uella Mnbes, aged seven and aiffht vemra, whcro drowned ucar Fort V'n,m Ind., on !ie ljth while wading in the Maumoo river. Tho bodies when rocovcre J wore locked in each other's embrace. In the drought-strickeu regions of Texas huixlrads of families were on the 15th reported to be without the neeossitios of life, aud Government aid had been asked. The failuro of the Dundy County Bank at Bonkleman, Neb., was aunounced on the l.rth, owing to the departure of the president, Belzer, for Canada, with tlüü,000 of the bank's f muis. Sïi.yani s üiïeen, a wealtby resident of Hopedale, Mass., riddled a boy named Edward Butler with buckshot on tho löth because he persisted in swimmiug iu a pond near bis house. Captain Stephen Hays, aged sixty-threo years, a veteran of the lato war, committed suicide by drowniug, at Dayton, O., on the 15th. Durin'O a heary storm the other night four women, sleeping in a house on Clovia ranch, twenty miles south of Pena, Tez., wero killed by a stroke of lightning. Afteh a struggle of three woeks a jurytor the trial of the Chicago Anarchist was secured on the 15th. At Bay Ridge, Chesapeake Bay, on the 15th Wallaoe Ross defeated John Teomer and John Ritze in a three-mile boat race. In the second race Courtney outrowed Lee aud llaiiini. A WIKD-8TOBM and water-spout at Baltimore, Md., on the l.rth unroofed several houses, tore up trees and flooded basements. The losses were heavy. About f 100.000 damago was done on the 15th in the vieinity of Newark, N. J., by rain-storms. Bridges were carriod away, and iu many instances growing crops aud markot gardens were destroyed. Neau Flat Ford, Ga., on the 16th Jake Braswell (colored), who had assaulted a six-year-old girl, was hanged by a mob, who riddled nis body with bullets. Charles Mitchell, the pugilist, lpft New York for England on the lttth with $28,500. Three yoars ago lio landed on this side of the Atlantic without a dollar. At Columbia and other portions of Kansas stock was sufferlng greatly on the lüth owing to the drought. Wells and cisterna had given out, and the outlook was Tery discouraging. The Governor of Georgia on the lOth pardoned George Brown, a murderer serving a life sentence, for steadily refusing to take part in the recent revolt in the Dado County coal mines. AtFi-ísco, Kan., on the lOth a murderer was overtaken by a pursuing party and shot to death. Beknard Jusseli, and Martin Benker, of Akron, O., while attending a church picnic on the 16th got into a boat for a row. The boat capsized and both were drowned. Pour cars of the Forepaugh circus train were wrecked on the Kith at Vasselborough, Me., several mon being injured and twenty-flve horses killed. Samsos Roland and George Solomon were executad on the lCth at DonaldsonTille, La., George Harrison was hanged at Shrereport, La., and Dick Townsend was executed at Valdosta, Ga. All wers colored, and had been conricted of murder. James 0acey, who murdered Alderman Gaynor in Chicago in 1884, was hanged at Woodstock, 111., on the 16th. The Anarchist trial in Chicago opened on the 16th with the exhibltion of a map of the Haymarket and the Socialistic saloons in the vicinity. Inspector Bonfleld related the incidents connected with the massacre of pólice. Four of the wouuded oliicers were present. A PROCLAMATiosr was issued on the Kith by Governor West, of Utah, warning; immigrants or others trom coming to the Territory to maintain any marriage relation other than that sanctioned by law, and setting forth that violators of the statute would bo subjocted to condign punishment. A schoon'er containing a picnic party of Manteo (N. C.) citizons capsized on the Kith in Albemarie sound. Three bodios had been recovered, but how many moro perished was not known. were 163 busiuess failures in the United States during the seven days ended on the 16th, against 159 the previous seven days. Antox Zimmer, a blind musician of Pittsburgh, said to have possessed phenomenal ability in his calling, was killed by a train on the ltith. PERSONAL ANO POLITICAL. C. H. Grosvexor was on the liith renominated for Congress by the Republicana of the Fourteenth Ohio district. Auditor Buown was acquitted on the 13tn by the Iowa State Senate, sitting as a court of impeacuinent, of all the charges brought against hitn of irregularity in office. David Tirpie was on thel3th nominated by the President to be United States Attorney for the District of Indiana. The President ontheHth issued a proolamation warning ofllce-holders that they must respect civil service and not use their ollicial positions in attempts to control political movoments in their localities. The Demócrata of the Fifth Iowa district on the 14th renominatod Benjamin T. Frederick for Congressman. The AVisconsin Republican State convention for the nomination of offlcers has been summonod to meet at Madison September 8. The New Hampshire Prohibitionists mot in State convention at Concord on the 14tb and nominatod Colonol Joseph Wentworth (or Governor. Resolutious wore passed dcclaring tho liquor trafile a national question, arraigning tho Ropublican and Democratie partios as its allies, and domunding the enforceinent of the Sunday laws. At Emporia on the 14th C. H. Branscomb was nominated for Governor by the Prohibitionists of Kansas. The platform adopfced indorses woman suffrage, anti-monopoly, labor rights, etc. At the convention of the Knights of Pythias in Toronto, Can., on the 14th Howard Douglass, of Cincinnati, was elected Supreme Chancollor. The National Edueational Association, in session on the 15th at Topeka, Kan., elected William E. Sholdon, of Massachusetts, as president. The Republicans of the Second district of Indiana on the 15th nominated Rev. M. t(. Ragsdiile for Congressman. The National Association of Commercial Travelers at its animal convention in New York on the 15th elocted J. R. Trask, of St. Louis, as president for the ensuing year. Ri:v. Isaac Bevan, D. D., a widely known and highly esteemed Baptist minister, dled suddenly at bis home in Marks Groen, near Sciauton, Pa., on th 15th. aged seventyflre yoars. He had been in the ministry flfty years. Euward Z. C. Judson ('Ned Buntliue") (lied of hoart-disease at hls home In Sti ford, N. Y., on the 16th, in thesixty-fourtl year of his age. Is the lobby of tho House of Repregunta tives at Washington on the I6th Laird, ol Nebraska, struck Cobb, of Indiana, n blow in tho face which drew blond, ïho dilü culty grew out of ekaigafl recently madi by Cobb that Laii'd und b.M.-ii COnoeraad in a land ring. FOREIGN. Six mmun uniformad Knights o Fythias paraded at Toronto, Ont., on the 13th, the occasion being tho se-wiion of th Supreme Lodga. The Captain of thesteamship Circassian which arrived at Quoboc on the 13tu. said that he passed thirty-oightieobwgs outsid aud two in the straita of Bello Isle. The cholera retorna at Rome on tho 13tt were: Brindisi, 147 now casos, 4S deaths Fontana, 73 new cases, 2(5 doaths ; I. ulano 85 new casos, 19 doaths; Sun Vito, 17 no cases, 4 doaths. Behiws rioting broke out on tho 13th al Belfast, Ireland, betweeu Protestant ano Catholics, in which many porsons wero iu jured. Cholera was spreading in Austria ot the lüth. A marked foaturo of the plagui was the extreme severity of the tomaol] cramps and the rapidity with which deatfc followed the onset of tho disoaso, tho pa tienta frequently expiring withiu an houi thereafter. Ahvicks of the Hth statod that General Solomon had been re-wlectoJ President ol Hayti. Lomion advices of tho 14th stato that au extradition treaty between Knglanrt the United States has boon ligaed. In ad dition to tho customary claases tue trenty próvidos for the suirondür of dynamite miscreants. A ramo who attacked tho Itallan Minister at Taagien was itrlpped on the 14th, tied to a donkey's tail and led througb the town, while two soldiers gave him twe thousand lashos with knottod ropes. Tii e cholora returns f rom Italy on tlic 14th were as follows: Briudisi, 115 now cases and 36 deaths; Fortana. 44 now casos, 17 deaths; Latano, 15 new cases, 10 deaths: Savito, 30 new cases, 1 death ; Cordigoro, 3 new cases, 2 deaths ; Triesto. 3 uw casos, 1 death ; Fiuine, ö new cases, 3 deaths. The London Daüy TtUgraph, commenting on the 15th on the political situation. sald that there could be no conlition between the Conservativos and Unionists, and that Lord Salisbury mustform a Mmistry froni his own ranks. It is proposed to use tho American gold dollar as tho basis of uionotary trausaetions in Peru. At St. Petersburg, Roisia, on tho !5tb a nine-inch shell aooidentally exploded among a group of workmen, UUing sixteen persons, itirlu Mug four cbildrou. Sjveral more were in jured. AnvicEs of the 15th say that the Cüiigrossioual elections in Mexico Bftd re.sulted iu a lare majority for tho CTOVf'i'nnioiit. They passod olí quietly in all porti of the Ropublie. Tiik Quoen Dowagor of Havana has ordored the erectioa of a. memorial chapoloa the bank of Lake Starnborg, whoro Kin Ludwig and his physieian wero drowned. The cholera returns trom Italy on the 16th were as follows Brludisi, 103 new cases, 4tideaths; Fontana, 53uew cafes, H deaths; Latiano, 88 new eHM, 2.) d'?uth:s; Veuiee, 1 new caso, 1 death; Cordigoro, 5 new cases, 3 ilonUis; Trieste, 8 new caes, 3 deaths; Finme, l new eases, 2 deaths. Tuk draft ot' an extraditinn treaty ent from Loudon to Wasuingion on tho 16i'q iQcIndet üynamiteis, defaoltars and orabezzlors auioug offenders subject to surrender. The condition of the parties in tho Bntish House of Commons on tho loch was us follows Conservativ s 815; Uuionists. 72; Gladstouians, 1ÍU; Farnollitos, 83. Terrific Btormá In Greeoe hud on the ltith damaged the crops and the people were in groat dtatren. LATER NEWS. At tweuty-six levlini; cbarinR hnusfts in the United States tueoxcmmirnó duringthe week ended on the ITCh aggi'egatil 1846,408,177, against 1796,687,408 tho previous week. As comparad with the corresponding week of 1885, the increase amouuts to 2.7 per cent. Kf.v. Sam Jones spoke on the lSth to ten thousand persons at a caiiip-inooting at Maryrille. Mo. A rata in Knapp, Stout & Co. 's Inmberyards in St. Louis on the lSth dostroyed property valued at about f")(X),O(X). The cholera returns from Italy on the 17th were as follows: Brindili, 8 new cases, 6 deaths; province of Brindisi, 47 new cases, 31 deaths; Fontana, 88 new caioi, 17 deaths; Latino, s new rasos, 6 deaths. Tho disease wns rapldly abating. The Republioans of the Sixth Kansas district on tho 17th 1 I' J. Turner for Congi ossinan. The net voto in Grout Uritain up to the evening of the 17th for ni.-m I x-rs t.f l'ailiament was 1,286 sr:i fortín; GladatOB oandldates and 1,886,965 for the unionista. The latter would havo a niajority of about 115 memben ia 678i The standing of the National League base-ball clubs at the close of tlie week endedon the 17t.ii was at Follows: Detroit, games won, 46; loirt, 18. Chicago, won. 4S; lost, 15. New York, won, 89; lost, 19. Philadelpllia, won. Bi; lost, SOl Jioslon. won, 88; lost, :!.",. St. Louis, wou, 'M; lost. 40. Kansas City, won. 13; lost, 40. Washington, won, O; lost, 44. Tiikki: men rere drowned on the lSth at Momphis, Tenu., by the upsuttmg of a skiir. The President on the 17th nomiuated S. Davis Page to be Assistnnt Troasurer of the United States at Phüadelphia. Tui: Groenbackors in the Thirtoenth Missouri district on the 17th nominated H. F. Fellows for Cougrossman. William Haleï was takon from jail at Paulding, O., on the 17th and hanged by a niob for the murder of Matthew Crosby. The bi-centennial eelebration of the settlemont of Albany, N. Y., conimeuced in that city on tho lSth. A caví: oontalnlng thirteen petrified bodies was discovered on the 17th by a (armer near Akron, Ind, DUPATORM of tho lSth reportod tho dronght in Kanaal and ludían Territory as tho WTereat si neo 173. Prairie fires were buiuiug in evory oiroctiou in Iudiau Territory. Hai.ifax (N. S.) dlspatobei of the lSth report the drownlng ot [ourteen men of the British war-ship Ooshawk by the capsizing of a boat. In the Unitnd Statos Sonato on the 17th the Oleomargnrine bill %vas considored, but no action was taken. In the House the Fortiticatioii Ajipropriation bill was discusseu.


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