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IjMffi NO FEE! I 1 tniRusniD issi. I Merrill UNTIL BETTER I DETROIT.MICH. ƒ Block. ' LSSB$. The Eegular, Old-Estauluhed jLJÉ PHTSICIAÍÍ & SURGEON JSKILLAND 8UCCE88 (oifef)SLS TOUNG MEN, MIDDLE-AGED MEN and all persons who by thcirown acts of Imprndenceor Follyat any period of life havebrought upon themselves, tho cvil cffects following closely upon the heels of tTansgression of the laws of nature, should consult the celebrated Ilr.Clarke at once. Kememberl NervouB diseaes(with or without dreams) or dcbllity and loss nf none power treated scientifically by new methoiis with nevcr failing success. "It makes no diffcrence irhat you have taken or who has failed to cure you. -T.ic terrible poison of SyphlKx and all biid blood and skin disease, completclv errulicated without mercury. JU'meinber that thisone horrible riisease, if ncglectcd or improperly treated.cnrse the present and coming gencrations yAll nnnatnral discharges curcd promptly uhout hindrance to bullncM. No experiment!. Jiotli sexes consult confldontlally. Afre and experience important. A written (tuarnntoo of cure glven in every caso undertaken. Kp-SufTi-rern from any chronic dlsease write Hiatory and Symptom of your case - plainly. Cases solicited which others have failed to cure. ffSend two stamps for celebratrd worV on Clironic. Kervous and Di-lirate Diseases. You have an exhauitlve symptomatoloBy by which to study vour own case. Conbultatum, pcrsonally or by "letter, free. Consult the old loctor. Thotisnnds curcd. OHlces and parlors private. You see no one but the Doctor. ïlefore confidinï your case consult DU. CLARKE. A friendly letter or cali may save future luffcring and Ehanic and add golden vears to life. Medicines sent everywhere secure from eipuiure. lluurs, bto 8; Sundays, y to 12. Addrcss, F. D. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. MJcK NOW IS THE TIME TO USE JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA FOR LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, AND FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. It has been In use for 26 years and has proved to be the bost proparation in the Market for Slck Headache, Pain In the Slde or Back, Liver Complalnt, Pimples on the Face, Dyspepsia, Pllea, and all Siseases that arise from a disordored Liver or impuro blood. Thousands of our best people take it and give it to their children. Phy8icians prescribe it daily. Those who use it once rocommend it to others. It is made from Yellow Doek, Honduras Sar8aj)arllla,WildCherry,Stilllnsria,Dandelion, Sassaf ras.Wintergroen, and othor woll-known valuable Roots and Horbs. It is strictly vegetable, and cannot hurt the most delicate constitution. It is ono of tho best medicines in use for regulating tho Bowels. It is sold by all responsible druggist at one dollar for aquart bottle, or six for flve dollars. Sample bottles 50 ets. freo on reeeipt of price. W. JOHNSTON & CO., Detroit, Mich. 130Whtn vou have trieA all the SareaprüUu, and havi bctn tiisappuinUd, try JuhtitUm's. Sheriff' Sale. Notice is hereby glven tluit byvirtueofa certaiu writ oí Fteri Paria issm-il ooi of and uudertheseal of the Circuit C'ourt. for the C'ounty of Wasbtenaw, in favor of Henry SpleKelbcrg. plalutlfl', and agalnKt the gomls, chattels, lanas and tenrinents of Cari Hcliilmmer, defendant. to me directed anddelivered, I did on the 21st day of April, A. D. 1SK6. seize and levy upon all of the right title and ínter est of the said Cari Schllmmer iu and to the followiug described real estáte, lands and d na II,. if w InfiDV 51 1 1 tllll.t ' t1 1 t .' t Í 1 1 D '''' or piircel oí lanu siuiaie iu mo wuuj " Washtenaw and late of Michigan, descrlbed aa follows, to-wlt: The northeast quaner of sectlon nlueteen (19) township one (1) south, ranee six (6) east, In the townshlp ol NorthnVki, Couuly of Washtonaw and state of Michigan, all of which I shall exposé for sale at uubllc anctlon or vendue lo the highcst bldcler at the south front door of the court house, in the City of Anu Arbor, in suil iMiinly (that belng the place of holding the Circuit Court for the said county of Washtenaw), on the'2th day of Jnly.A. I). lK-iO, at the hour oí ten o'clock in the forenoon of sald 'l THOS V. LEONARD, Deptity Sheriff. Dated, Ann Arbor June, 16lh, A. D. 18SB. Estáte of J. Maria Clark. QTATE OV MICHIGAN, County of SVnshtenaw. At h Beseion of the ProbateCourt for theConnty or Washteimw, holden al the Prohato Office, in Ihe city of Anu Arbor, on Wednesday, the ïiOth day of June in ttie year one tbousanu eight hundred nd etghty-slx. Preeent, William D Harriman, Judge of Probate. , , In Ihe matter of the estáte of J. Maria Clark, deceased. On reading and flling the petitton, diily verifled, ot A. J. Waterman, praying that a cortain instrument nowon file in this court puruortlni; to be a du y anthertlcated copy oí the last will and testament of atd deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that salet copy of said wlll may be allowed, flled, and recorded in thts court ns the last will and testament ol said deceaaed, and tlmi latten oi iitlm mstralion wilh tho will d mnv he granled li) A. J. Wateniwn, politioner aforesald. Therenpon ït is ordered, that Monday, the ïd dar of Aii"ust next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon be assigncd for the hearing of sald petitlon and thut the devlsees, légateos, nnd lu-irs at law of said doceased, and all other pervoai interested m satd enlate, are reqnired to appear ot a esion of lid court, thtm to bc holden at the Probate Office, in the city ol Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the urayer of the petitloner should not be granted. And it is further ordered. that said petltiom-r irive uuticu to thepereons interestud in said estute, of the pendency of said petition, and the bearlng thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be pnbllshed in The Ann Arbor üourier, a newtpapsl printed and circulated in said connty. three sucerssive weeks orevlon. to said day ol henrlug. (A truf copy.) WILLIAM 1). HAUHIMAN, " Judee of Probate. WM. G. DOTY. Proht Reeistir. KM-1309 C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in the city. Establlshed over a quarter of a century ago. Representing the following flrst-clas conapanles, with over 00,000,000 Cnpllal and Assct. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. (X)., of New York. NIÁGARA IN8. CO., of New York. QIRAUD INS. CO., of Philadelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and OI.OBE. WASHINGTON FIRE aud MARINE, of Boston. Uates Lvw as tlio Lowost. Losses Libcrally AdjiiMted and promptly 1'uIU. C. H. MILLEN. IITlllI more monej than at anjthlng elae by UK 11' I 1 ine an agency for th-' best si-lling book il I 1 ut. Hi-ginniTs succeed grandly. None " IJ-" fall. Terms free. Uallktt Book Co., Portland, Maine. TTTIT li lor workinuT people. Send 10 centa I II I U lotai.'i-, and we will muil sou free s HH r royal, valuable sample box oí t'i'oil 1 I I I that will put yuu In the wny of mah ¦-J'J' i,1},m„r money in k few days than you uverthonu'lit poaalbleat any biuiness. Capi tal not requlred. Yon can live at homo und work in sp re time ouly, or all the time. All ol both uxe, of all fes, grandly uccossful. 5 cents to $.r easlly earned evenlng. That all who want work may 'esi iho buMlnes, m tke this unparallel- d off: 'I o rt 1 1 who are nt well satisfledwo will netid l to )'iy for the trouble of wrtting u. Kuil particnlar, directlon, etc, sent free. Immense y a Matei u-e tor all who start It once. Don t delay. Addrjs Bnfltoa & Co., Portland, Mine. Thresliing Maohineiy ! I irni slill neiit for tlic BUKFAI.0 PITTrt, NICIIOI.S, slli:r.KI).t co-s, and UHTON & UU'S ! Tbreablng ítachlnery, ""¦ (borne 4 ('"' sto.-l Kunne Binder, Ihe Genolne Bailara Ihiy Tadder, the KaUraaxoo Spring Tootli Harrow, OrelD Drllla.Qrmnd Detourand Hylag DulchJnan Sulkey Plows Tlgerand ..Uut kinds of Sulkey Hay ítalo s, Muy Racks. All klniaof Field nd Darden PMs Any quantlty of H.-o Sceds, froni Ilif Lareu Mangle Wurtsel down to the Damnable, lirtv Dead Hoat. Tbli l'oiul Beat. need Planting ai ¦ polnt beyond any posslbie cliiinee of Germinatlon. TOm8 M. ROG-ERS.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News