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Common Council Proceedings

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Regular monthly meeting held Montlay evening. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Of Wm. Fohey, Wm. Clancy, Wm. Kerry and A. R. Schmidt for a new sidewalk on the nortli side of North street. l'etition granted and sldewalk ordered. Of Moses Seabolt, Albert Sorg and 100 others, mostly business men of the city, asking the council to grant to the widow of the late Lewis Moore, "some more substantial acknowledgement." The idea was to purchase for her a house and lot, we believe. The petition was lald on the table, the council not considering that it was within their province or power to comply witli the rerjuest. Of Thos. Ii. Hewitt, asking the council to refund the cost of the Btand erectcd by hiin and torn down by the city marshal on the morning of July 3d, in the 8um of $25. Referred to street comniittee. Of C. H. St. Ciair & Sonp, askiug the privilege of erectlng a wooden building for-the storage of lumber, etc, on their premises corner of N. Pourth and E. Oathnrine streets, and also for privilege to erect a windmill in front thereof. On motion of Aid. Kearns privilege was granted to erect building, but reiuest to erect windmill in street refused. REPORT8 OV COMMITTEES. Aid. Allmendinger, from fitiance committee repoited the following expendltures for July: RECAPITÜLATIOX. lst ward ___ 75 as } 27 54 3d " 9 44 4th ' 21 53 oth ' 5 06 General street fund m 7g General fund „„ 247 10 Contingent rund , 582 79 Total 1.131 39 The blll of Milo E. Gould tor street lightin-r, $81 97 was also allowed. The following comuum catión was presented by Aid. Robison, chaiiman of the fire committee. To the Honorable, the Mayor, Recorder and Aldennen of City of Aun Arbor : As the Fire Department Is very mach In need of the following artlcles I would respeclfully ask that your honorable body take due conslderatlon of the 1 ruiininic gear for hook and ladder track, 1,000 leet of hose, 3 dozen lanterns, 1% dozen rubber coats 2 dozen spanners. The probable cost wil I uu about $1,150. ALBBHT 8ORG, Clilef of Fire Department, On motion of Aid. Poland the same u is referred to the fire department committee with power to act. Aid. Walz, from sidewalk committee. reported, verbally, the examination of several walks about the city, and that many had been ordered repaired or renewed. He also offered a resolution ordering a new 12-foot stone walk in front ot the Cook House, on E. Huron street, which was adopted. Aid. Martin from street lighting committee, recommended the trimming up of shade trees so that the larops will be of more service. REPORTS OF CITY OPFICERS. City Engineer [J. B. Davis made a lengthy report upon the establishing of a grade for the street through the O'Neil property, aubmitting a map also. Which was received and ordered placed on tile. City Treasurer Sorg reported the receipt of $236, for the contingent fund, and $7.16 for the delinquent tax fund.' Overdraft in the various funds amount to 3,385.90, and amount on hand $14 - 810.64. City Marshal Sipley reported six arresta during the month, with dispositlon of the same. Also the following expenditure o f the poor fund for the month : RECAPITULATION. lst ward_ ., -., fi .. B 00 Hl an ,_ flYi " ' 6th " ¦" " " x w Total _ T 9358 The City Recorder reported the following balances on hand as per nis books: Contingent fund, on hand Í12 590 37 General Fund, overdraa i n General street fund, overdrart. 947 7 lst ward fund on hand "". 51 S6 IS " " „ " 8 68 ??h ., ¦ 275 14 4111 W M U .„. sth " ¦ oTerdra't.::::::.:::::::::: ne! Wn " overdralt 90 4x City Cemetery fd, overdraft 'M 7 Do? tax fand on hand ,5o uú IVllnquent tax, overdraa ..ZZ 84 2S Water Works fund on hand 1,155 üu MOTI0N8 AND RESOI.rTI01J8. Aid. Keating offercd a resolution transferring $200 trom the contingent fund to the 4th ward fund, to aid that ward in grading Elizabeth Rtreet. Lost hy aye and nay vote, 6 to 7. By Aid. Allmendiuger: Resolved .That the gum of tt.uou be transerredto the general fund; and the lumof lljOUO to the general streel funil: 1UO to the Sth 1 ward fund ; and rM to the 6th ward fuud '!' . ..reiJïïnsferrcd Kebruary lst, 18t-7. Also thiu %i,tm be transferred to the water fund Y hlch was carrled. By Aid. Kearns: Resolvtd, That the general gtrect commlttoe be and are hereby authorized to cause the shade trees on the streets to be trimed to a helght of at least 12 feet. The Recorder offered an amendment that 10 feet be nserted in i)lace of 12 feet. Amendment carried. Original resolution as amcnded then adopted by yea and nay vote, 1 1 to 2. The work of the M. C. E. R. Co., in constructing a wood and stone substrucure, instead ot an iron and stone subtructure as the contract called for, wai hen discussed for some time. City Engineer Davls givinjf it as his opinión that he railroad company were confonnin to he Btrict letter of the contract In their vork. Council then adjourned.


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