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Miss Roba Pulcipher is visitlng fiicnds in Toledo. Dr. Lemon, of Dlxboro, was in the city yesterday. Jas. J, Qunry has pone to Parkc Hill, Ont., to visit fricmls. Prof. W.W. Boamsn Ikis returned from ('Incalo and the west. D. P. Schnirer and wlfe have retiirned from their western trip. Dr. "Jim." Stevens of East Tawa?, is home for a short vacation. Mrs. Dr. Kspp haa returned from a pleasant stay at Silver Lake. Carïie Rose and sister Bertha, are visitInjf au mint at Soutli Band, I ml. Mrs. Johnson of ,S. Thayer st., is bav¦ ng a sister as a guest for sonie time. Miss Marian Pelt returned from a two week's sojonrn In Detroit yesterday. Mrs. Fred. Ktimson and Miss Fannie Stimson are visitin; at South Lyon. Mrs. Morris Paok went to Wisconsin Monday to visit lier son living tbere. J. (' Knowlton and wife arrived home from their western journey last eveninji. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bllbie of Ann Arbor town, rejoioea in a 9 Ib. male lieir. Miss Carrie, daurhter of Oapt. Palmer is visiting friends at her old home in Lapeer. W. Timberlake of Jaekson, was the truest Sunday and Monday of Walter Mack. The Mieses Wood, of Detroit, are visiting at Judffe Cheever's, on Madison street. ïom ot tlie old boys in the GO's, is in town for a visit of a week or two. Mr. W. 1!. E&ftland of Chicago la visïting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Warner. Miss Mary E. Munt, teacher n the high school, ia now enjoyitig the delights of Mackinac. Gilbert M. Monroe left for Topeka Kansa, yesterday, to resume business once more. Mrs. Tuttlo, of Bafavia, N. Y., is visitIng het sister, Mrs. Margaret Bower, on N. Ingallg st. Miss Erara Uanfield who has boen in Hastinirs for a couple of weeks visit has returned home. Prof. W. E. Robinson, formeily of tliis city. now of Detroit, is a candidate for Prof. Sill'sshoes. .Miss Myrtle Bornard, who bas hoen Mis. J. S. Uickett's guest for sometimp, Ipft for Boston, this a. in. Mrs. G. F. Robison and family are visitiiiK at Mayor Robison's th'is week trank isexpected to-day. John Keek and son (Jeoro-n tart fir New York to morrow to look ovor the eastcrn furnlture markets. Misses Lena and Mary Gklley, of Ann Arbor, are visiting witli frleiuls and relatives here.- Bncrhton Citizen. Mrs. Martha A. Monroe, of Clinton, is spendinjr a week with the family of her brother-in-law, Q. M. Monroe. Prof. W. 3. Perry, of this city. is mentioned as a posaible successor to Prof Sill assupt. of the Detroit schools. Mrs. Featherly and her sister, Miss .Tulia Kennedy, left Mondny night for Oakland, California, Mrs. F.'s home. C. J. Kintner, of Washington, D. C, canie to the city yesterday, on lils way to Chicago, wherc he goes to-night. Mrs. W. A. Tolchard who has been visiting friends in the sonthern part of the state for sonie weeks, has retiirned. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Kamsay and son left to-day for southern Ohio, the Dr. 's former home, where they will visit for a time. Mrs. Lizzie Bowdish is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. W, Beeman, and her brother the Rev. J.W. Lockwood of Stockbridge. iv. Kittredge, of the Register, took a trip to Chicago last Thursday, returning on tbe fast oxpress, at about one mile a minute. Dr. L. L. Brown, medie. 'Sr, wuo has been in California since now In Superior, and proposes to lócate in Michigan. D. S. Monroe, of Detroit, spent Sunday witli his brother, Q. M. He is stlll In the postal service on the Det. & Gd. Uaven Ií. R. II. M. Tabor, wife and family arrived home ypstnrdny from their eastern journey. Today Mr. Tabor goes to his Dakota farm, near Janiostowii. Miss Hattie Long was given a surprise Monday nfternoon by about #3 young people, (rnool mates and others) being the 15th birtliday. A good time was had. Judge Harriman left the city Wednesday evening last, lor his annual vlsit to Lis aged pare uta at Peacham, Vt. He expects to be absent about three weeks. Chas. B. Davison. of this odien, rptnrnpil from lus eastern trip looking healthy and happy. Cliarlio has soine good stories to teil of the excellent sport had on the tour. John Ferdon was adraltted to the bar yesterday by Judge Joslyn. Any time he wants a good word from this quarter to help hlm along as a barrlster he can have it. Fred F. Wall:ice cxpects to retura to CbaManooira, Tenn., next SnturJay. Mrs. Wallace will not return with him but remnin for a time before going b;ick homo. (irroll Remtek left Monday for Bayfield, AVis., where be will join a party of friends who will enjoy a months cruising on the luke shores the objective point belag Duluth. Miases Mué and áusic Moore, of Ann Arbor are visiting at II. II. Hamilton's this week. They will visit their sister, Mrs. Uand at Charlotte before returning. - Eaton Rapids Journal. Andrew Climie and family returned to Leónidas with Mr. Olimie's brother after the funeral of their little child. Mr. Climie who bas been in exceeding poor liealth hopes to derive beueüt from the change. N. R. Waterman returned lust week from his Kansas home at Lincoln, for a few ilays stay. Whei) lie returns he wül be accompanled by liis wife aml family, and wil] leare Ann Arbor for ;ood. We are sorry Ann Arbor has to part with such young men as lio is. The Evanston Index, alluding to the transfer of Prof. II. S. Carhart from the Northwestern university to the State Unlversity at Ann Arbor, Midi., In wliicti he is to fill the chair of Physics, says: To sny that the ITnlvorslty and the community KUHtain asevere loss In his remuvnl Is lnauequiite. It wlll not be easy to fiml or to keep one whoH scholurly rcputatloii and profussiuual entliusiasm combine to niiike iilni go groat a power In an lD8tltatlin of leumluü. liUSt Saturday niglit oecurrcd another disjiraceful sccue in tlie crime annals of tliia city. It seems two men, Alexamier Williams and Henry A. Farmer, each of whom are in the employ of the A. A. Co. in the 5th ward, liad been the round of the drinking places that nijjut, and about tuidniht started for home with other companions. Before reaching home they got to quarreling ovcr-gonicthinp, and before they could be pnrtod byjcorapanlons, Farmer liad been atabbed sevcral times, two of the wounds in the side and arm being dangerouf1. Farmer went homeimmedlately, a doctor wal ciiUecl, and his wounds dresscd. The allair was known all over the city Sunday, nut no arrest was made until Jlonday nionnng, when Chief Sipley arrested V [Afehna m two clmrjres, one for assault wlth attempt to niurder, another for assault Ie do ttrcit bodily barm less than Miunlcr. He was brouffht before Jiistice l'ond, who adjourned the case until Aug. 16, to await tlie reault of fanner's injiuifï-, and iidmittcd him to bail in the gum of $1,600 with two sureties, who were fuiuished, In the persons of Eli V. Moore and Moses Seabolt. WUIianig says he has uo recollection of the allray, and the kalft which ba tfave t0 the olBcer as the only onu he had that night, has no blood stains upon it. Both men hare lieretofore borne good reputations, and botb havo faiuil'u-. It is a sad alt'air.


Ann Arbor Courier
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