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Bbvkiiai, rotoed pons on blllswere reported back In the Senute on tho 27th. with reoommeudatlons that they bc passed over the vetoes. At the evening sesslon a numberof pension bjlls were passed In the House tbe Inter-Ntate Coroinerce bil and the Kiver and Harbor bill were consldered, the item in thn lutter bill for the Lnko Superior hip canal, the linprovetneiit of the Potomrto rlTer and the oonstructlon of the Hcnnepin en nul lie.nK atrickcn out. The Senate on tho 28th refuscd to recede from lts ounal amendmentA to tho Kivrr und Harbor bilí, and a new conference was orrtered. The Kortincations bill ($3,500,000) was passed In the Houso a conference committee dlsnoaed of the Legislativo. Kxocutlve and Judicial Snlary bill, whlih approprlates aü,M.438. Several anienduicnU to the Sundry Civil bill werp eoncurred in and another conference wbs ordered. Mr. Holman submitted the conference report on the Loítiltttive Appropriation bill. and it was atfrcod to. In the Pénate on the Stth Mr. Heek roportcd farorably tbe House bill providlng that manufactured tobáceo, snuff and clgars may be removed for export to a foroigrn country without payment of tax. The tren surv surplus resolutlon was dlscussed at irrent lenjrth In the House seveiitl pension cases were called up and an etl'oit mude to lu theiti anide for the Inter-State Comuiurce bill. It was llmilly ag-rced that ilie pension bilis nhould have Drecedence. At the eveninir osBion tweuty-flve privato bill were passed. Tin: MorrlBon resolutlon was amended and passed in the Senate on the 30th uit.; it provldes for a treasury reserve of $100,000,000 and a worklng balance of f20,000.000. Whenever the surplus Is (10,01)0,000 above these flirures, the Seeretary is to cali that araount of bonds. Trade dollars are for siz months to be recelved for all dues to the (lovernmeut or exchangcable at par for sllver dollars or subsidlary coln. George A. Jeuk wab confirmad tobe Solleltor-General In the House tbe lindan Inter-Stute C'oiumeree bill was passed as a substltute for the üullom measurn. An attempt to pass over the Prestdent's reto pwision bilis for tbe relief of Mrs Ueneral Huuter and Mary Anderaon was defeatc4. DOMESTIC. Andrew Green (colored), who killed a street-car driver, was hanged on the 27th at Denver, Col., eonfessing his crime oa the seaffold. Twei.vk of the loadlng women of the Roy al Templará of Temperance at Millerstown, Pa-, horsewhipped Peter Rattlgan, editor of the licrmld, on the 27th, for remarta he made in bis paper concerning them. Major Fleming, one of the railroad conmissioners of Dakota, asserted on the 27th that by the recent atorms 1,500,000 bushels of wheat were destroyed, and that the grass on the Montana ranges had been entirely burned out by the gun. A ltquor-dealer in Boston undertook on the 27th to sliip to Providence, R I., several cases of porcelain eggs fllled with whisky, but the carelessness of a drayman exposed the scheme to the authorities. At Erie, Kan., on the 2Tth Willie Sells, aged fourteen, was found guilty of the murder of his parents, his brother and his sister. Samuel Flxham's hinle-millat Qowen, Mich., witb 40.000,000 feet of lumbar and 10,000,000 shingles, was burnod ou the 27th. Loss, $200,000; insurance, $150.000. The hop erop of New York wa on the 27th reportud a complete faüure, and growers were destroying their yards. TnE Charles W. Allen Tobacco Company, of Chicago, failed on the 27tb for $250,000. Charles Exoel. one of the most daring burglars in the United States, was arrestad by Chicago detectives on the 27th and sent to Newport. R. I., for twice robbiag the residence of Admiral Baldwin of f 12,000 worth of property. The chief feature of the Anarchist' trial in Chicago on the 27th was the evidence of M. M. Thompson, who swore that he saw Spies and Sohwab hand Bchnaubelt a myterious something in the alley, just before the meeting which torminated in the Haymarket riot Colosel W. H. Boi.TON, superintendent of second-olass matter in the Chicago postoffice, and head-weighar iStuart, in tho urne department, were recently arrested on the charge of embezzlement of Government funds. Both were released on bail. Gilbert Yost, one of the most expert burglars in the United States, recently ended his days in tbe northern prison of Indiana. Hírrt L. Gilmer, of Chicago, testifled on the 23th at the Anarchist trial that at the time of the Haymarket massacre he saw August Spies ligbt a match and lgnite the fuse of a bomb, whlch was tossed into the street by a man whom he recognized from a photograph as Rudolph Schnaubelt. Takex as a whole, crops in Texai were on the 28th reported better than last year. Captain Price, of the Fifth cavalry, was on the 28th engaged in ejecting intruders from Oklahoma, sevoral of whom he had banded over to the civil authorities. Eiohteem iwrsons were prostrated by the heat in New York City on tbe 39tb, four of whom died. In 1SS4 Orrin Sperry, treasurer of Chautauqua County, N. Y., disappeared witb tSO.ÜOO. On the 29th he was arrested as ¦ Tagrant at Allegheny City, Pa., but $5,000 in bouds and a large amount of momy were discovered on his person. As Fekdinand Stïinmitz, wife and child were driving across a bridge on tha 29th near Nebraska City, Neb., their team was frightened and leaped into the river thirty feet below. The three were drowned. Di:kino a flre in a tenement-house in New York on the 29th Mrs. Mitchering, aged sixty-flre years, was burned to death, together wltli bonds to the ralue of $10,000 which she was trying to save. The boiler in a saw-mill atTchula, Miss., explodedon the 20tb, killing flre men. Georoe Moore (colored) was executed on the 29th at Charlotte, N. C, for assaultr ing his daughter. He protestad his innocence to the last. ForRpnsoners in jail at Atchigon, Kan., twelre at Wheeling, W. Va., and üve at Fort Scott, Kan., mad their escape on the 29th. Ten of the Wheeling jail-breakers were re -arrested at Pittsburgh. flres were raging in Shawano County, Wis., on the 29th. Fires in the La ('rosse section were reported to be sweep ing away trees, fences, haystacks and ripe grain. Oxe nus'DRED carpenters employed in a shop at Port Chester, N. Y., went on a picnic on the 30th uit. in riolation of orders. On their return they found the business indeflnitely suspended. The live hundred miners of Dubois, Pa, who had been on a strike fer twenty weeks, decided on the 3Oth uit. to return to work at the operators' terms. There were 162 business failures in the United States dnring the seren days ended on the 30th uit, against 194 the prerlous seren daya. A i vi i on-e on the 30th uit. in the Connecticut ralley ruined utire flelds of baeco, wreeked house and barns WhJ leTeled many troca. Two mon were killed. In the vicinity of Boston, Mass., and near Albany, N. Y., aeveral poople wore killed by lightning on the 30tb uit. auii many buildings were btlrnod. The train convoying Senator Logan, GoTernor Alger, of Michigan, and otliers to thO Grand Army encampment at Han Francisco was partially wreoked on the 80th uit. near Echo 1'nnyon, and the entire party had a narrow escape from instant death. No on was seriously injured. üktkoit basos on iti new city directory a claim to not less than 180,001 population, or an incroase of 12,000 oTr last year. It wii. annonnced on the iOth uit. that on June iü a muil pouch destined for St. Louis, containing $20 (XX) in money, and bonds, checks and other papers valued at JtiO.OüO, was stolen between Now York and Pittsliurgh. Postal clerks. who had sinca left the service, were suspected. The thermometer touched ninoty-six degrees in New York City on the 30th uit. Fifteen cases of sunstroke were reported - two fatal. Heavy wind and rain-storms occurred in portions of Ohio on the 3üth uit. The villages of Allentown and Vaughansville were wiped out of existence. A fumily nnmed Bowler, eonsistingof husband, wife and two daughters, were killod outright, and three members of the faraily of Jesso Lazarus also perishod. A livory stable was blown to the giound, and fifteen horses were killed. At Lewis Center two persons were killed, and at Putulaskala every house was damaged and one man was killed. At Marión many houses were unroofed. The rolling-mill at Columbus was wrecked. The total loss of life, as far as known, was eleven. Thi citizens of Seymour, Ind., lynched Leandor Moody the other 11 i glit for au assault on a young girl. Rbfrkshino rains were reported on the 30th uit to hare fallen in the Arkansas Valley, in the Sedalia (Mo.) and Elkhart (Ind.) sections, and in Central Iowa and Central Illinois. AnvicES of the 30th uit give accounts of tremendous bush fires raging on the Ma ui toulin Island, Lake Hurón. Largo districts were covered with the charred remains of saw-mills, barns, dwelling-houses and carcasses of animáis, and forests of magnilicent pine worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and vastainounts of crops had been swept away. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. In Missouri on the 27th the Democrats renominatod A. M. Dockery for Congressman in the Third district and James N. Burnes in the Fourth district. W. W. Porter has been confirmed as United State Justic of the Supreme Court of Arizona Territorv. Thi Prohibitionista of Wisconsin held their State convention at Madison on the 2Sth and nominated the fnllowing ticket: For Governor, John M. Olin ; LieutenantGovernor, Dr. Charles Alexandor; Seeretary of State, C. M. Blackman ; Treasurer, A. C. Merryman ; Attorney-General, C. W. Chaffln; Railroad Commlssioner, A. A. Rilan; Insurance Commissioner, B. F. Parker; State Superintendent, Prof. J. J. Blairsdell. The platform adopted demands a State and National Prohibitory law; declares that the Prohibition party will neither spek nor accept afliliation with otber parties; declares that total abstinenoe for th individual and the prohibition of the liquor trafficfey the State lie at the threshold of labor; favor3 thorough public education and a more careful and just impo8ition of taxes. General Gorpon was on the 2Sth nominated for Governor of Georgia by the Democratie State convention held at Atlanta. Hesolutions of fealty to the Democratie party and indorsement of President Cleveland were adopted. Advicks of the 2Sth say there was no foundation for the report of a $200,000 lumber fire at Gowen, Mich. Thi Republican legislators of California, in caucus on the 2Sth, resolved to elect a United States Senator to fill the unexpired term of the late John F. Miller. The Michigan State Probibition convention rast at Lansing on the 28th and noniinated the following ticket: For Governor, Samuel Dickie; Governor, Charles Mosher; Secretary of State, John Evans; State Treasurer, A. C. Fisher; Auditor-General, S. D. Williams; Attorney-General, J. R. Laing; Land Commissioner, Myron H. Walker; Superintendent of Public Instruotion, David Bemis; Member of the State Board of Education, O. E. Downing. The resolutions adopted declared in favor of woman suffrage; opposed fusión with any party; recommended placing full Congressional and county tickets in the fleld; tavor using the surplus in the treasury to pay the public debt; demand that public landsshall be reserved for the people, all nnearned grants to be immedlately forfeited, and that no Hens shall hold land. The President on the 2Sth nominated Alvey Adee, of the District of Columbia, to be Second Assistant Secretary of State, and E. H. S. Pratt, of Alabama, to bo Minister to Pereia. AT a Republican conference held on the 28th at Parkersburg, W. Va., three hundred delegatis present, a resolution was adopted favoring the submission of a Prohibitory amendment to a vote of the people. 1. R. Thomas was on the 2Sth renominated for Congres by the Republicana of the Twentieth Illinois district. The Proaibitlonists of Connecticut met in Stat convention at Hartford on the 2Sth and nominated a full State ticket, headed by Rev. Samuel Baker for Governor. Tuk Democrats of the First Maine district on thé 28th nominated William H. Clifford, of Portland, for Congressman. The Republicana of the Twenty-seventh district of Pennsylvania on the 3Sth noininated C. W. Mackey for Congressman. Ojj the 29th Publio Printer Rounds sent hls resignation to the President. The Ohio Prohibitionists met in State convention at Cantón on the 20th and nominated the following ticket: For Secretary of State, Rov. H. R. Smith ; School Commissioner, Rev. L. N. Hagood (colored) ; Supreme Judge, Gideon T. Stewart; Clerk of the Supreme Court, H. J. May; Commissioner of Public Works, Abraham Teachout. The Greenbackers met on the 29th at Essex Junction, Vt ... and nominated a State ticket, headed by T. B. Smith for Governor. John A. Andersoü was renominated for Congressman on the 2flth by bolting Republicans af the Fifth Kansas district. He had been indorsed by the Greenbackers. The New Hampshire Republican State convention will be held at Concord September 14. The President on the 2Oth appointed Oeorgd A. Jnks, of Pennaylvania, Solicil(ir (rnneral in placo fit John Goode, whom the Senate refused to eonfirm. Tui: Kepiiblicans of tho First Indianaditrict on the 2!tth noralnated General Alvln P. Hovny for Congrossman, and in the Fifth district Ira D. Chase was nominated. Jamic ltiMciAin nkk, Jk., was on the 2ilth nominated for Congressman by the üeniocratsof the Tenth Virginia district. A iiodv (imiiiiI on the 3Oth uit. in the bay at Erie, Pa., was said to be that of Rudolph Schnaubolt, the Chicago bombthrower. The President on the :!0th uit. vetood the bill providing for the erection of a publio building at Springflold, Mo., and the bill providing for the erection of a bridge aeross Lake Champlain, in Vermont. The Itepublicans of the Fourth Ohio district on ttM :alh uit. nomina'ed T. W. Brotherton for Congresstuan. FOREIGN. Fouest lires in the vicinity of Provldenco bay, in Canada, were doiug great damage on the JTtVi. Keverul saw-müls, a large ijuantity of lumber and man v farmer's buildings had been destroyed. AnvKKs of the 27th froin St Johns, N. F., say that thousands of arctic bears driveu south by the cold were consuiuing the provisiong of tho starving people oí Labrador, and the Indians wero eating their doad corapanions. An Egypt'an ofHcor who arrived at Cairo on the '.'m ii frorn the Soudan reported tli destruction of Khartoum by the rebela. A RESoi.i tion was passed in the Spanish Chamber of Deputies on the 2Sth provlding that the Oovernment free as soon as possihlo the romaining 20,UüO lares in Cuba. Captain McDonald, of the schooner Thomas F. Buyard, whose vessel was seizod off the Newfoundland coast by the Canadian authorities, has brought suit for $4. (XX) damages against the Government of Canada. The new British Cabinot was ofneially announcod ou the 29th. Those fllllng the most important positions are: Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury, th Marquis of Salisbury; Chancollorof the Exehequor, Lord Randolph Churchlll; Lord High Clianoellor, Baron Halsbury; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the Marquis of Londonderry; Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Lord Ashbourne ; Lord President of the Privy Council, Viscount Cranbrook; Secretary of Foreign Affairs, the Earl of Idilesleigh; Cuief Secretary for Ireland, Sir Michael Hicks-Beach; Home Secretary, Henry Matthews, Q. C. ; Secretary for War, Rt. Hon. W. H. Smith; PostmasterUeneral, Rt. Hon. Henry Cecil Ralkes. At St. Pierre, Ont., small-pox wa9 raging to a f ¦ 'iirl 1 1 1 extent on the 29th, and iiihii y deaths were oeeuring daily. Chinkse piratas recently attaeked a Dutch stjamship bound for Penaiig, killing the captain, lii-t mate and chief engineer. For those who were taken prisoners tha pirates demnnded a ransoin of $15,000. Choi.eha returns from I'aly ou the 39th were as folio ws: Bologna, 18 new oases. 10 deaths; Mandarla, 13 new cases, 0 doatlis; Ferrara, 10 new cases, 4 deaths; Triest. 10 new cases, 1 (lcath ; Kiume. ;t new cases, 8 deaths, and 'il new cases and ". deutlisölsewhere. At the animal meeting of the Panama Canal Compauy in Paris on the Í9th M. de Lesseps eipressed confidouce ihatthecut would be completed by June, 1889, and within the estimated oost A bal ï. ox callad the Torpilleur, fltted with a patent steering and propelling apparatus, made a journey on tho .'ÍOth uit. frora Cherbourg, France, to London in se ven hours. The cholera returns on the liüth uit. from Italy were: Trieste, 'J new cases, 5 deaths; Fiume, 1 new case; Mandaría, 26 nw cases, 6 deaths; Bologna, 15 now cases, 5 deaths; Ravenna, 10 new cases, 3 deatha, and 20 new cases and 7 deaths elsewher. LATER NEWS. In the Anarchist trial at Chicago tho proseen! ion closed its case on the 31st uit. by displaying red and black flags, banuei's mul mottoes capturad by the polico in the Arbeiler Ccitnntoftlce. Counsel for the defense then opened their side of the trial. A Piuladelphia yacht with a pleasure party on board capsized on the 31st uit, and six women and one man were drowned. Fkan; Liszt, the musical composer, one of the greatest pianista the world has ever known, expirad at Bayreuth about midnight on the night of the 30th uit, in his seventy-fifth year. The stauding of the National League baseball clubs at the close of the week euded on the 31st uit. was as folio ws: Detroit, games won, 55; lost 14. Chicago, won. 50; lost, 18. New York, won, 47; lost, 22. Philadelphia, won, 39; lost 25. Boston, won, 29; lost, as. St. Louis, won, 21; lost. 40. Kansas City, won. 14; lost, 49. Washington, won, 12; lost, 52. SiiVKiiAi. business houses and residenees at KUettsville, Ind., were burned on the lst. caiising a hoavy loss. At twenty-six leading clearing-houses ia the United States theexchanges duriugthe wenk euded on theHlst uit aggregated 1751,618 TB, against $.SJ1,O18,82S, the previons week. i..m:i!ai. made a speech at Salt Lako Uty, utah, on the .!lst uit., in which he declared that Morinons must otwy tha Peder] luw-; or leare the country. The new one-dollar silver cortifleate will liear a copy of the ötuart portrait of Martha Wathlngtoa. A portrait of General Hancock will adorn the two-dollar certifiCll! ). The heaviest rain of th season feil in the Wyoming valley on the lst. and the streets of Wilkosbarre, Pa, wer flooded. Cellare and baseraents were filiad with water, and in the city mueh damage was done. In the country districts crops were ruined, roads washed out, and barns, outhouses and bridges swept away. TiiuEE young men were drowned In the Hudson river at New York on the lst by the eapsizing of their loat. In the United States Senate on th31st uit. Mr. Hoar's resolution for the appointment of a committee to inquire into th expedioncy of and plan for celebrating the one hundredth anniversary ol the conntitution and the four hundredth of tha diseovery of America was adopted. The nomination of W. C. Matthews (colored) to b Recorder of Deeds for tho District of Columbia was rejeeted. In the House a bil] was passed by a rote of 209 to 6 to prevent aliona from acquiring title to real estáte in the Territorios. By a vote of 135 to 10 the report of the Conference Committee on the River and Harbor bill was non-concurred in, becauseof theretention of the Hennepin canal and Sturgeon bay chaises.


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