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HISOMI IUKKCTORV A. nv Akhok ('om i mikkv, No. IS meatf flrst l'urlav "I MOb IDOUtb, W. (-1. l'oty, E. C.i W. A. Tolohard, Beoorder. VAÜHTBUAW ('HUTKIt, No. 11, U A. M.- tienta Brsl Monday aoh montb. Isaac H ui. ly, il l'.; ¦ ttoath, Seoretary. BUSINESS CARDS. O. ILE-A-IRTtIIN", CLOTiï GASKETS, METALIC p),i oómmon c'oillns. Ciills atlented to Day or N'iiilit. Erabalmlng a speotalty. f room on E. Washington Bireet. Reaideiioe Cor. Liberty and Klflli. W. II. JACHJSOW, ID'iEïliXrilTillilSiiTII. OFFICE : Over Ilacli & Abcl's Dry Good SI ore. Entranoe aext to Naiionni Bank. WILIJAn HERZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! l'iHj.Ti'itr. CiizitiR, (ildinp, iind ('alciminiiiir, nd ork ol i-i.Tv daMiinttoa (lom1 lo the best -tyl.-.uiul warmntfd tü gift satisfnetion. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. V. W. & A. C. XICHOLS, DEITIÏSTSKooiiis! Over Ann Arbor ISTtafl Btlll, ¦bsmUc Temple Block. GASorVITALIZED AIR &dmlnistered for the paiulestextracUaÉol teeih. STATE STREET Merchut Tailoring Estallistasnt ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Dkah 3ib: If yon want : noiil Sult do not onler natu yoq 88en JOSEPII BEUKV, Mercliunt Tnllor. Btate streel, Ann Arbor, Midi Yon will flii'l il very üne line of KiiüIlsU NV'orstcils for Dren Bult, umi :ili tmÑeweit Shades and Weaves in Back Sultlnga and trowsenngs In st ick and snniples to order froin. Our long experiem-n in Cuttlng enab to kIvo you a neiit umi perfect iit. and (,'lotlies made In tirst-class order, at Lowesl Living l'rloex. Cali and sce for yoorse I. aeepectfally yoar, .-Kl'II I1KIÍIIV. Niorchant T.nlor CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Seciirity hclil tof Ihe pmüctum of the iiollcy CHRISTIflN MACK Bapraranti tbe tollowlnc tret-elftra eomgrtnie, ol ¦rhlcta one, the done pld $68,800,000 drc oaM in nlziy-tve jetra: .Ktim, of Hartford 9,193,644 Kraiikl'ui ol Phüadelphia 3.118,718 liennaniM, X. V 8,700,729 lirriiim A.merlcan, N Y 4,060,968 Aasurance, London. . . 1,416,788 Mtehijran K. & M., Detroit... 887.608 N. V. ünderwriters, N. V 296.679 N'iiüoiml, Hartfonl 1,774,505 Phoenlx, Brooklyu 3,769,036 Lmiw Ubendl} :;ijusicl :in.l praraptly paid. Polieies issued at the lowc-it r.Ues ol premium. 1191 tf LI7MBER! LUMEER! LÏÏMBEU! It yim contémplate biiildiiifr, ruil at FERDON Liiü lui! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sts., aml rc our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our owii Lamber and guarontM AERY LOW PRICES 49"Give us a ca 1 1 and we will make it to your interest, as our larga and well uradctl stock fully ust;iins cur asurtioa. Tclcphonc Connections with Office, r.]. K.KKCII Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop W. TREMAIN, GENERAL IMRMCË iGRNGY f li il -- - OFFICE, Oyer Caspcr Rinscy's Grocery Store, COR. HUKON AND F00RTI1 STS., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Bdlnbarfr. H'Hpltal, (18,000,000, liold. Uftrolt Firp mul Marine insuraiu-e ('., Otata akt ¦ $oi),ikpii. Sprinlleid lus. ('o. of Massnrlntxct's, ilonai'1 Ihs. Compan; f w Tork, l'h &(MN(. t l.KKI.IKKI. U-Tlcullural Ins ('.. Walerlown, X.Y., '-h .. tl, 00,060 I. i-i":i.lhernlly AdjuiicM nntl Pronptl; l'nid. ACTUMA CURED! LIA I niVlll SIH1.E TKÜI. rnn IIV I III 11 nncMtlif mojt iWptical GERMÁN ASTHMA CURErir'ÍL most violent attark. iiisurcR rnmfortiMu h1mp; effects cures men ;ill Moor remodit'B iail. Nti wiiituitf lor n-suliH. ItN ttrtioii in cureiM efibcfdlm uil CURABLE CASES "II pur in mt a tl y eard me. Rcfer to me at any time." lïon. B, Itt. fit Paul, Minn. "I im cntlrclj1 reitorpil to hralth bj Gorman Aithioi Om." Tko. Fitton, Hamilion, Okio. "UcrroftQ Asthmft Cure ti 11 tüu lalm for It. It Dcvtr Mli." Frof. K Vat Fingrrttn. QvwuuttU, S. V. "Mj phyiician rwominindo d Gcrinui Anthma ('ure It ourwt roe' Mr. M. -. Tttrick, Londondtrry, Ohio ThouftRod ut limlUr Letten on flip. Aik nj dmmUt about It. Clermnn AHlltinn ('uit Ís pold by all drufrtriHtt at 5Or,aiiii I , r wiit by nuül on recipt of rice. Trial ïtaokatr.' tree U any aiMrrHH for tftamp lt.K((lFKMAN.M !,, Ht.l'nul.Mtnn.


Ann Arbor Courier
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