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Kev. Kr. Fierle is 30 as to be out again. J. E. Beal returnrd Friday from a vaoation tour east. The family of ex-Uov. Ashley is n New York for tlie sumracr. The young son of I{cv. S. E;irp very ill witli ntnlarial fever. Rnv. Dr. Steele and wife expect to spend ncxt week in Detroit. A. L. Xoblo and wife have returned from a plensant trip to Petoskey. Miss Amaada ICack gocs to Ohtoago to-inorrow for a two weeks' gtay. Miss Carrle Netf, of Cliicago, is spcmllog the lammer at D. F. Schairer's. Prof.I. N. Dcmmon isattcnding a teachers' institute at Urcenville, tliis week. Frank L. York will iplay the laigwt org&n in Detroit 011 Sundays next year. Willis J. Abbott, of New York City, is tli! gucst of C. Mack f or a week or so. John Moore and wife will return from ¦ two weeks' trip to Oreenville, etc, tomorrow. E. A. Phillips returned frora a two weeks' visit to his old home la Syracuse, last night. We learn that Will Ilute! got congiderably 8hook up n a colusión near Petoskey yesterday. Mrs. Dr. O. W. Goro, and childrcn, of Omaha, Neb., are vssiting Mrs. Slater, on Thompson st. Mrs. James M. Stafford and sister, Miss Rice, leftyesterday lor Akron, ühlo, their former home. V ictor fjorg left Monday evening for Kalamazoo, to attend tlie grand camp of the Macabees. Kev. Emanuel Schmid nnd family, of Columbus, )., are guests of his mother, Mrs. Rev. Sclimid. E. L. Cobb was called to Vermont last Monday by a telegram announcin2 the death of his mother. Chris. T. Donitelly of the American Express Coinpany spent Sunday in Kalamazoo visiting frlcnds. Miss Miiiuie Foley leaves to-day for Hattle Crcck, to spcnd a few weeks with lier brother and family. Tlieoph. Schmid, of Chicago, and his friend Mr. Flynn, are spending the week with Mr. S.'s mother, on S. Main st. Hon. E. D. Kinne and son, Sam, leave toduy for Cedar Falls, Iowa, and otlier western places, to be absent a week orso. Prof. Stowell dropped down on us from the pleasurable Petoskey reglons last iaturduy, bnt he didn't tay long enough to, say "how-dy," hardly. Kev. H. F. Belser lias gone to New Wiishiucton, Ohio, to attend the northern district of the Ohio Synod, (which tiikes in all of Michigan). Dr, Krehbiel has moved here with bil fainily frora Buftalo, and Uves on División street. He is the superintendent of the capsule factory in the Coukier block. Mrs. Eveline Warner, of Chicago, i.s visiting her sister, Mrs. Margaret Bower on N. Ingalls st. Mrs. Warner is in her SOth year, but very bright and active vet, Mr. T. F. Randolph and family have removed to Toledo, their former home, but they are passing the summer at ühautauqiia. The Mlsses R. will return when collejre opens. Miss Sarah V. Beal who for four years past faithfully filled the position of nurse in the university hospital, is now meeting wlth fine 8iiccess In Detroit, caring for the sick and suffering In private families. üiver since last Wedncsday night, Probntc Register Doty treads softly when about home so as not to wake up bis son When he's sleeping. Will feels tliat life lias considerable responsibility after all. Fred. Hciiion, though an expert sallor, can prive you points on ie exlillerating feeling tliat pervades a person who is being dumped unceremoniously into the water. He tipped over the boat he was aailing yesterday. Sliss Anna B. Gelstone for two years a teacher in Wellslesley college, is visiting her patenta, and will remain here for the coming year taking a post gradúate course at the university, and will then spend a year travellng in Europe. M. O. Graves and mother leave this week for Wyamlotte, where Mr. G. will teach the coming year as supt. ol schools. Wyandottc is to be congratulated on its acquisition. Both are excellent people, and tlic best of neighbors. Major Stevens and wife are now on their wny home frorn San Francisco, leaving that city iast Saturday, yia the Central & Union Pacific ft. It.'s. The entire party have boen well and enjoyed the tri]) ronderfully well. Thcy will probably reach here ncxt ilonday or sooner.


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