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NO FEE!! ) FsTinusiiKD ísíi. i Merrill UNTIl BETTER i dktroit.mich ƒ Block. ' fT -v S Tho Kegnlar, Old-Establiahod LJj,:í PHYSICIAN & Sl'RGEON of wr '' rtlu tr"tlae lth tSe Ejtert j 8KILLAND 8UCCE88 V-AIj Xj- YOUNGmen,middle-agedmen nnd all persons who by thcirown acts of Imprutlenco or Follyat any period of lifc havebroiiht upon themselves, thc cvil effects followine closely upon the hecls of Imn sression of thc laws of nature, should consult the celchratccl Itr.CIarke at once. RememberlNervou dieaefwith or without dreains) or debility aiul loss ni iiervo power treated scientifically by new methodj witli iH-vcr fniling success. JKIt mnkes no diCferencc what you have taken or who has fallad to cure you. jS-T'.ie trrlhle poisnn of Sypliilis and all bad blood and kin dtsoíi', completcly cnidicated without mercury. Rmember that tliisone horrible riisease, if nclcctcd or ini[ropcrly ireated, curses the present and coming generations JB}-AI1 unnntnrnl disch.-irg-es curcd promptly Tvuhout hindrancc to butincM. No experiment. ïïoth sexes consult conllliitlnlly. Aoand experienco Important. A written cuarantro of cure given in every caso unuertaken jjrjr-StiiTererfl from any chronir disenso write History and Symptoins of your case - plainly. Cases solicited which others have failed to cure. ÏC?Scnd two stamps for crlebrntrd work on ('hroiiir. BíervouH and Delicate DÍMUU. Yu have :m rxhauHtive symptomiitolopy by which to study your own case. Consultation, pcrsonally or ly letter, free. Consult the old Doctor. Thoiiftands cured. OÖices and parlors private. You sec no one but the Doctor. lUfore confidini; your case consult DU. CLAItKE. A friendly letter or cal! may save future suffering and shrunc and add golden vcars to life. ' Medicines Bent everywhere secure from exposure. lluurs, bto 8; bundays, 9 to 12. Addi , F. D. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. MIch NOW IS THE TIME TO USE JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA FOR LIVER GOMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, AND FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. It has boon in uso for 26 years and has proved to be the best preparation in the Markot tor Sick Headache, Pain in the Side or Back, Liver Complaint, Pimples on the Face, Dyspepsia, Piles, and all Viseases that arise from a disorderod Liver or impure blood. Thouauds of our bost people take it and grive it to thoir childron. Physicians prescribo It daily. Thoso who use it once recommend it to others. It is mado from Yollow I)ock, Honduras Sarsa])nrilla,VildCherrj-.Stillin(fia,Dandelion, Sassafras.WintcrKrcon, and othcr well-known valuable Koots and Herbs. It is strictly vegetable, and cannot hurt the most delicate constitution. It is one of the best medicines in use for rejrulatini? tho nowels. It is sold all responsiblp drupgist at one clollarforaquartbottle, oraii for üve dollars. Sample bottles SO ets. free on receipt of price. W. JOHNSTON & CO., Detroit, Mich. fW VThen ynu Imvr trina nll the Sarsaprillat, and have ht'cn ilii(iiittinUd, tty Johwttnn'. C. H . WHLLEÑ7 INSURANC AGENT! No. 4 Soul h Main SI.. Aun rlior. The oMest auPiK-v m Lbeclly, ECêtablUhed overaquarter nf MTtiMuy ïgo. BapreBeutioy the (olluwiiig ftrst-elasK oompaniel witli over G0, 000,000 4':iiiul and Amtft. HOME INS. CÍO., of New Vork. l'ONTINKNTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., l New York. GIKAIII INS. CO., al l'liilii.l.'lphlii. ORIËNT INS. (¦().,(! Bartlbrd. COMMERCIAL UNION, ol LondOD. L-IVERPOOIj, LONDONanë GLOBE. WA8UINUTON KlKKalui MAKINK, of Boston. KatP1 IjOW a's the LowAxt, l,i-s 1, herall)' Adju-itcil nul iroiiii1lv laiil. e 11 M"ll.I.l..N 11 1 f 1 nlnrt' money than si m ythtiu; bIm bi tak 11 I 1 '" "" K''i"y '"rih '¦"¦- Helling honk II II mit. Ii.-i'irn.-rB I arrftixllv. N.iie mil rail. Taimi (rw. Hau.ktt Biwk Co.. Portland, Malne TTTT 11 nr ""rkui iH'Mpif tleud Kii'i'tita 11 POg6. and n 'I! onvfs tl I y ruynl, yiiliialih' tantptlp hoz ol irodí [ it';i: will pul ynu i :ll' WU Ol umh fuu' iiK.Ticy In I K-w ilay thal' on rviT thou'h) ut :iii 'uiiieKH. Oaui lal nol reqaired . Yon CJtn liv ;it nnd woi k In sp riMuiic on,y, or ill umi'. Aliol both wi'xch, of a'l Kffw, LTjiu lly mrcnii nl. .V) ii'hih t( Í") iviwily e.-iriifc) bvenfni(. Thai al! wlio wiuil work marlMttbe bnalucsi, we malte tbli ojiar. iillfl'Ml off: Tu all who are not well Mttvfladwe will eend $1 to puy tbr thi; trcnibifl of wvlling ni. Kuil partlcnlara, dlractionsi ft:'., ei'ni fre6. Immespf pay ai soiuti'ly iKt; for II who start it onr. tifin de ay. Addr'u?a Stimson & Co., l'oitland, Malne. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. Wi' kfep roTiHtrtiiily on h uut, BKEAI), CRACKKUS, CAKES, KTC, Por WhuH'sale and Retal] Trido. WehaO alwo keep a f npply of swiFi' & DEüBBt'S HEST White Wheat Flour! Delbl riour, Kyc Flour, Biickivlicai i'iour. Corn rTloal, Peed, Ei-., At WhnlsMlS nrt Kctall. A L'i'iieral turk of GROCERIES and PROYISIuNS OonBtautly on Imiul, whicli will In md 011 ;ik reatouable termi at ui oüiar Iioiijc in cit . 'axli pald for lil'l'rKK, K(i(i-, and CorNTliY PRODUCE ganexally. Qoodt d"lrorvd to anj part of the city without extni Charge. RINSK.Y .V SKAIKU.T. ATlTlTflTI Send flj (Muts for poitaga II UI I 11 '"d r.'ccivt' frw, a coxtlybox f l ƒ II 01 Loods whic'i will hulp yuii i XIXlIJJi'0"'""'11"""''-'1" awayttau anythlni; els in Ihip worlil. All, ofcltber sz, sneoeed from ttrsl hoar. The btoad road to Tortunc opODfl belore the worki'rs, alisolutely sure. At once ddress. Tkuk Co., Au ¦:!, Mahio. RDRDOCK RLOQD PTERS. WHAT IS IT? . A strictly vegetable preparation, coraposed of a cholee and skillful combination or Nature's best remedies. The discoverer does not claim it a cure for all the Hls, but boidiy warrants it cures every form of disease arlsingf from a torpld liver, impure blood, diserdored kidneys, and where i there is a broken down condition of the System, requiring a prompt and permanent tonic, , it never fails to restore the sufferer. " Such is BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sold by all druggists, who are authorlzed ' by the manufacturers to 1 fund the prlce to any ' chaser who is not benefited by their use. ,- --¦ PRICE, O1.OO. FOSTER, MILBURN & CO., PropsM X BUTFALO, NBW YOBK. I (


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