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¦ tltOSflC niKKCTOKI4ss' A.IÍHOR Comvi isiiKKY, No. i:( moots firsl Taeadar f eeh inoutn, w. O. Doty. E. o. W. a. Tolebard, BaoonUr. tfAslirnii' ('HMTK.u, No. li, H A. M. Mc.-ts lirst M(ilil:l' eactl inonth. Is:i:u Huiiily, II. 1'.; Z. lloalli, Secreuuy. BUSINESS CARDS. IIKAI.KR IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Coiaiuoii Collius. Calis attou tod to lu or Nküt. Kmimlrnlnï ii speclalty. S(o on I '.. WiisiuTi.ji.m Mm-i. KcsUluDce Cor. Liberty nud Flftfa. V. II. .1 ACIiSO, IDIIEÏIirllTilIIISIiTII. OFFICK : Over Baeh & AbeI's I)ry Good Store. E o tranc next to Nationul Uank. WII.LIAM HERZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Pkparlnc, GlMtK (HllnR, aml Calciminlnit, and work of evory SMCrlptroñ done in tht; bvst style, aud warrautcd to tfive uatldfaction. 3hop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. XV. U. & A. C. NICIIOL.S, DB1TTISTSKooms Over Ann Arbor Snving:s Hank, l;IM)liic IVlIiplo ISllH-k. GAS or VITALIZED AIR A'lministcrod tor thf piiinlcfis extract hm of teeth. __ STATESTREET Msrchint Tailoring Establishmcntp ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Dkah Hiii: ïfyouwnnt n neut Sult do not order untll you Imve neon JOSEPII ItCKKV, Merohant Tiillor. Stato stroct, Ann Arlor, ttlob. You will rtml ti vory (Ine line of teugllsb Worateds for Dr. -is rtults, hiuI uil the Newesl 8hades and Wt'iives In Saek ButtlnK and trowseriugb lu stocli and sKtnples to order from. Our long experlence In ('Htllng cnaliles us to Klvo yoa a neat aud perfect ttt, and Cloi hes raudo In tlrst-class onW, at i.owest Living PrlceM. C-'all and ee lor yourso f. Kospectfully yours, JOSÜfll HKIIUY, MaroliautTitllor CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. iiecurity UrM fof T li ¦ - protectlon uf tho poliep CHRISTIAN MACK Beprewente ihe foMowln; firnt-clrt1 comjMBtM, oi wblch one, the -Ktnn, Iiiih alone pakt 106,000,000 ilrc .Etna, of Hartford $ 9,l!iJ,t!ll Friinklin of Philadelphia 3,1 1S.7K! Geriiiania, N. Y 8,100,788 Gorman American, N. Y 4,06ö,9jfi Loitdon Assnr:tnoe, London. . . l,4Hi,78K Miohimo 9. .t M., Deiroit.. . 27,t08 N. V. Uiulerwriters, N. Y 29C,(iïe National, Hurtforil 1,774,506 Plitenix, Brooklyn 3,75i,u3(; Losses Jiberally adju5;ted and promptly puil. Poüeies ssued at the lowcat ratel ol premium. 11! tf LI7MBER! LUMBER! XiTJM BER! if yon contémplate building, cal) ut FERDON Ijlllitü llüll! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own luinber mul guaran tee AERY LOW PRICES 49Give us a cali and we witl mnke it to your Interest, as our large und wcll gradt-d stock iully ustains our asicrtnui. Tclephone Conneitions m ïth Office. r.J. KKKCHSupt. JAMES TOLDERT, Prop W. TREMAIN, CE.ERAL mnw& Jwj OFFICE, Over Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COK. UÜKON AND FODUTU STS., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edinburtf. ICaplUI, $13,OOO,(NX), Gold. Detroit FIre aml IWitrlno Insurance Co., Caah AweIB $fiOU,llU(l. Sprlngfleid Ins. Co. of Masiaclinspii8, Caeta AüsiHb . ... f 1 ,SOÜ,(K)O. Ho wiinl las. Company of New York, Cuh A.", Ih . . . $1,000,000. .Vk'rli-iiltiiral Ins. Co., Watertowii, N.Y., Cash Ai-is #l,iOO,(Km Loe:Mbrally Adjusied and l'romptly 1'aM. AQTUMA CURED! ¦ 1W I I I III rl unce tke noit ikeptic! GERMÁN ASTHMA CURE,3SS?& nicmt vlulent tt. k ; iiiHurrs comfortaMu alrep Tocto curui whirc all other n'mwli.w rail' l 'tln Jor '¦'" Hu arlion ia Imnirdlnlr, illnrl nnd riTIitin, nnd n 1„ rlft-rli-d In all (1KAHI.K t'ASKS II peraunll) ortl nu. Eifor to me .t ttiy Urne - ,,. Hot B. ion SI (. i ¦ ui rntlrrlr rciloril lo htltti bj (Itrm.n Ailbmi , ' '" ' , roi. rmo, HamMm. Oku. armn Aithm Ore 1. 11 to rlilm tur il. It nr , " " "'" fon insirlm. lirnnvM, 3. c mj pbjiloUa rMommL'n4ud Oertnftn Althin Cur. Il '"' "¦" '¦ ¦ L. r.M,l, iundondnr,. (,„ Ita"' ua. o. iu. i.k u, nnbt


Ann Arbor Courier
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