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Short advortlsemeuts not to ezceed tliree itnes, of Lost and Found, Houses for Sale or Keut, Want, etc., lnserted three weeks for L5 cents. Bltuatlons wanted. freo. LOST- On Campus, on evenlng of August lTlli. a pair of gold eye glnsscN. Finder Íilefwe leave wlth Sec'y Wade or at Huiler' ewelry store. Thos. W. H. Payne. la3 TO RENT- House No. 18, Cemetery streel. Apply ut Continu offlce. i New House for sale cheap on West HuJ. ron Btreet, City. Knqulre at 113 West Huron or Box eflö Post-olllc-e. 1211 EVERAL HOUSES TO RENT- In ood locallties and repair - for t ¦ to $'26 per month. Enqulre ofj. Q. A. Sesslons, Real Estáte and Insurance agunt. Offlce over Express offlce, Ann Arbor. 170R 8ALF- A Pony. very gentle for famJj lly drlvlng. Terms reiisonahle. (.'all upon Mrs. Walter Kendall, at Foster's or nddress Box 1189, Aun Arbor. ll-3 NEW COTTAGE for Sale Cheap on West Huron street, city. Apply to O. L. MatthewH, Real Estáte Agent, Ann Arbor. 11-3 ATwenty Acre Fruit Farm In good condltlon near city for sale cheap. O. L. Matthews Real Eslato Agency, Aun Arbor, Michigan. (HSw. FOR SALE. f A Acres of land wlth good Brick houso t)J and buildings. Peach orchard and all kinds of fruit ; i of a mlle from Post-offlce. Whltmore Lake Road. Ueo. L. LoomlB. 93 FINE FRUIT FARM FOR SALE near city. 1", in-r. Peaches and all kluds ol rruit. O L. Matthews, Real EsUile Agency or Huuh O'Kane. ÜB-ii LOANINQ-Money to loan on flrst-class Real Estáte Mortgage at Cnrrent rates of Interest. SutlBfactory urrnnKi'inents made wlth capitalista deslrlng such lnvestment. Every oonveyance and transaction In abstracts of tilles carefully ezamlned as to legal effect. Z. P. K.INU. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News