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Republican County Convention

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The lust republlcan county convention of the campnign, was held at the court ïouse last Thursday. In the ubsence of i chairman of tho county committce, W. i I. l'nitle caUed the conventlon to order ii a ncnt, llttle speech. It was OTglttiMd y the election of Dr. ü. . Tost, of Ypsllanli, as temporaiy 'chairman, and las. L Gilbert, of Chelsen, U teinporary secretary. Tho following comnilttee on permalent Ofgulsatton and order of business was appointed: Dr. W. B. Sraith, Ann Arbor , W. J. Knapr CheUea; G. O. Vandgrlft, Manchester; Prol. Austln George, Ypsiluutl ; H. D. Pra tt, I'HtoOehl. f orainlttee on Credentlals.- Geo. S. Wheoler, 8alem; Clark Worlley, Ypailuutl ; Wra. Campbell, Sliarou ; llenry HarrlH, A ugusta. An adjonrnuient was then eflboted to IJ o'clock p. m. Upon reassemblliig the conunlttee re[inrii'il an order of business which was adopted, and ,recommcnded as permanent offieers W. II. Pottle, of Manchester, Chairman, and Jas. L. Gilbert, of Chelsea, as Secretary. The commlttee on credeiitials reported the following delégate as entitled to seats in the conveiition. Anu Arbor City, Ut ward.-E. D. Kluun, John Thompson, K. Klttredge, J. E. Deal, Dr. W. H. smli li. ei wwrii- Jolin Helnzmanu, fm. Herz, E. H. Abel, A. F. Hangstefer. td word.- Wm. A. Clark, Mllo F. Pulclpher, Charles K. Hlscock. Wm. J. Clark. Uh want.- ThoH. J. Koecli, Ueo. H. Pond, Jeronie Freeman, Chauucey H. Mlllen, John K. Lawreuoe. Uh ward.-EVi Manly, Kil W. Moore, Earl Ware. Othward.- A. F. Ma-tln, Dr. 0. U. Darllng, Chanulug siuiili, Benjamlu Brown. Ann Arbor Town. - John C Mead, John C. Blrd, I. M.S. Foster, H. O. WllleU. Augusta.- Chas. H. Greenman, Hlram It. Thompson, Watsou Barr, P. H. Harria, Norman Ucduer. Brldgewalor. - Georgo Ransom, Thoinaa Vangleson, 11. C. Calhuun. Dexter.- Win. Ulenn, Thoi. Blrkett, Wm. Wood. Freedom.- John Esslg.Wm. Fltzmyer. Bernard Huiihl. Lima. - Lewls Freer, Thos. Jewett, Geo. W. Parker, Oeo. H. Mllohell. Lodl.- Ueo. Rash. Harrlson Uaasett, G. L. Hoyt, J. 8. Wooü. Lyndon.- Chas. Canueld, W. H. Colliers, George Kowe. Manchester.- Stewart FlUgerald, Thos. J. Farrell, Albert Spencer, Olies C. Vaudegrlft, Win. H. Pottle, A. F. Freeman, John F. Nestel, Frank Spafford. Northfleld.- Wm. P. Groves, II. Roblnson, Frank Diincau, Fred. Bartlett, James Brokaw. Plttafleld- Morton F. Case, Edward Aldrldge, llenry D. l'liiit, Andrew Campbell. ShIomi.Mii.soii Manly, GeorKe 8. Wheeler, Cady Burnett, Wm. U. Haiulllon. Sallno.-M. Seeger, R. H. Marsh, A. K. Rouse, J. McKlnuoo, George Uurkhardl, il. Bennett, Henry Jewett. 8cio.- John L. Smllh, E. B. Taylor, Amos Phelpsi C. C. Henry, O. A. Clark, Allred R. deal, Lewls W. Brlggs. Sharon.- Morton L. Raymond, Wm. Cambell, Henry Schutte, A. Hltohcock. Superior.- Geo. D. Crlppen, J.Wllbur, John Lemon, J. F. Packard. Sylvan.- Wm. Judson, A. M. Morton, W. J. Knapp, H. 8. Holmes, Jabez Bacon, .B. Parker, Jas. L. Gilbert, Geo. E. Davls. Webster.-E. 8. Cushman, Wra. Weston, W in. Scaddlng, living McCall, York.- J.W. Blakeslee, Peter Cook, Lyman lAke, Charles M. Blaokuer, James Uauutlelt, F. F. Pyle, Frank Trussell. Ypsllanll Town- Wm. M. Osborne, Albert, K. Graves, N. E. Crlttendeu, Ira l,:iiliii, BenJ. 1 ,01.111 in. Ypailantl City, Ut wurd. - O. S. Bonst ed Josepb Blckford, C. rt. Wortly, W. H. Sweet. td warrf.-Arthur George, Klorus 8. Flnley, E. B. Drury. Sd wird.-J. Fverett Smith, Samuel Post, Jacob Emerlck, D. A. Post. Uh ward.-E. R. E. Cowell, B. D. Thompson, Fred Hu ut. Uhward-i. N. Wallace, Geo. C. Sraith, Dr. F. M. üakley, F. K. Owen. It was moved and supportcd that an expression be taken of the convention's ehoice tor congressman In tliis district by ballot, which was carried. The chair appointed J. E. Beal, of Ann Arbor, and A. F. Freeman of Manchester, as tellers. The ballot resulted: Capt. E. P. Allen, oí Ypsilanti, 106; schittering 2. An expression for governor was also taken, resulting: Cyrus G. Luce, 81: Minor S. Newell, 10: G. A. Smith, B; R. A. Alger, 2; H. D. Platt, 2. The eotivenüon then separated luto district conven'lons and selecteil the following delegates : To thé State ConventUm Ann Arbor.- Dr. W. U. Smlth, A. F. Martin, Jerome A. Freernan. Augusta.- Wm. Danslngburg. Dexter.- Wm. Blrkett. Lima.- Thomas Jewett. Lodl.- Artbur Wood. Manchester- W. H. Pottle. Nurthfleld.- W. P. GroveB. Plttsfleld - Henry D. Plalt. Halera.- Geo. 8. Wheeler. 8haron.- Amarlah Hltcbcock. Superior.- Ira Crlppen. Hylvau.- Charles H. Wlnea. Websier.- Irvlng G. McCall. Ypsilanti.- Wra. M. CJsborne, C. S. Wortley, O. E. Thompson, E. P. Allen. York.- John W. Blakeslee. To the Congresrional CenvenHon : Ann Arbor.- J. E. Beal, Thos. J. Kepch, llr. W. B. Sinlth, Chauncey H. Mlllen, Geo. il. Pond. Augusta.- H. P. Thompson. Lima.- Lewls Freer. Manchester.- A. F. Preeman, G. O. Vandegrlft. Northfleld.- H. W. Roblnson. Plttsfleld.- Morton F. Case. Saline.- Harvey Bennelt. Superior.- John F. Packard. . Sylvan.- Wm. Judson. Vv"elster.- E. S. Cushman. York.-Dr. E. F. Pvle. Ypsilanti- Ira B. Lafflln, Peter W. Carpenter, J. B. Worlley, Dr. F. K. Oweu. To thi Senatorial Convention : Ann Arbor.- I. N. S. Foster, John C. Mead, E. B. Abel. Dr. C. G. Darllng, Win. J. Clark, Augusta.- N. Harria. Lodl.- F. C. Wood, H. W. Bassett. Manchester.- John F. Nestell. Northtield.- Frank Dnncan. Pltsfleld.- Seth Sumner. Salem. - Sylvester Sober. Sullne. - .luim Mr Kin umi. Superior.- Chas. H. Wlnes, Jas. L. Gilbert. York.- Jas. Gaunllett. Ypstlantl.- Dr. D. A. Post, Prof. C. F. K. Belfows, Newton E. Crlttenden. Each delégate was empowered to appoint a substltue if desired, but if any vncancy oocurred at the conventlon the delegatlon was empowered to fill it. The following counly conimittee was then chosen. Chainnan.- Col, H. S. Dean, Ann Arbor. Secretary.- Richard H. Marsh, Saline. Eztcutive CommlUee.-'Wm. M. Osbund, YpKlliinil; Jas L. Gilbert, Chelsea; J, E. Hi-al, Ann Arbor, W. H. Pottle, Manchester. Ann Arbor City- lit ward.-V. B. Sraith. dirnr.l lohn ilelnzmann. Sd ward.-W. A. Clark . Uh ward.-Qeo. H. Pond. Sthward.- EU W. Moore. 6th ward.-A. F Martin. Ann Arbor Town.- John C. Mead. Augusta.- Norman Redner. Brldgewater.- Geo. Rawson. Dexter.- Thos. Blrkltt. Freedom.- Henry Huehle. Lima.- O. C. Burkhardt. Lodl.- H. W. Bassett. Lyndon. - Chas, Cantleld. Manchester.- A. F. Freeman. Northfleld.- E. E. Leiand. Plttsfleld.- M. F. Case. Salem.- H. P. Thompson. Sullne.- John McKlnnon. Sclo.- John L. Smlth. Sharon.- A. H. Hltehcock. Huperlor.- Perry L. Townsend. Hylvan.- Wm. J. Knapp. Webster.- Wm. Weston. York.- Chas. N. Blackman. Ypsilanti Town.- N. E. Crltteuden. Ypsilanti- Ut ward.-D. C. Grlllln. ' ld " P. F. Powers. " Sd " D. A. Po8t. " " Uh " Benjamin Thompson. " 6 A " J. W. Wallace. Hon. E P. Allen being cal led upon made a few exceedingly appropriate remarks, thanklng the conventton for the honor conferred, and relylnc upon them for that support which leads (o succeas. The conveiition was a fu 11 one, was very enthusiastic nnd harmonious, and bodes well for the repnbllcan party in Washtenaw county next November. WUen the republicana were in power they radDOed the nutionul debt at the rate of f110,000,000 per year and over. Sinee the democriita have been iu power they hve reducel !t $50,000,000 in the same lfDgtli of time! How do you like lt, taxpayer8f The demented Ex-Gov. Begole in a re cent Interview opened hls raouth and pu hls foot in it, by assertlng t luit the finan cial queslion was simply a local question Yes, we remember, durlng the early day of the war, when srnall change was so very ecarce, "local" firms nsel to issue script for chango, and btuioe Curda for pcnnies WeproraBM there are those in Flint who can remeinber of seeing und usitig print eil tickets for money reading somethlng like tli Is : " Good for 50 cents at the nul of Fox, Begole & Co.," with smaller de noiniuations running down to five cents Then still back of that the Hsnks of Washtenaw,and Suline, and go on issued money of "local" valué. What Is our nationa currency comparecí to snoli local curren cy? How gladly the people woulcl rus] back to that old time currency, (in a hora. And then the treasury surplus that the re publican party kcpt constantly paying 01 the interest boariiijr initionnl debt, ik whicli President Cleveland and his srcre tary of the treasury kvepsplling np In th vaults at Washinglo i, Inving idlo, evei after conitress passed a resoluliun nquest Ing its payment iu such manner, that mus be a " loc;U " question, too! The South Lyon Picket litts thu n:iil 01 the hi-ad as follows: The probibitioi party in the past has been, no doubt, (ru to the grand principies of tcnipeianc and reform, and was content to fljjht the political campaign on that basis. Bul it has now fallen into the tricky ways to secure votes practiced by the old parties, and ut the recent stato convenüoi: made a bid for the jireenback, and laboring mau's vote, by lnserting ]l.uika In its platform iidvoeating their hobbies. Tne prohibition party iu thus ilnklng to the level of political trickstors, shows that It Is working more for public pap thiin piinciple, and has lowered itself In tho estimation of many good people who have heretotore advocate-d iu sterling virtues. Sust so soon as a party loses si;ht of its iirst and only true object, it bcgius to go down." The Lanslng Journal thi'iks the State convention raust unqualifledly endorse the President, and also unqualitiedly endorse the House of Uepn-sentativca. Huw the oonvention can do botli tliese tliings, without stullifyinj; itself we do uot see. It is not to be conccaled, that n sonie important resppc's the Prc-oldcnt and the House are not in accord, aml still less is the President in aocord with the pirty. An unqualifled endoisement of botli must be Insincere iu one case or the other. - Ypsilauti Seutinel. A house divlded agalnst itself cannot stand, you know. So everytliing and anything must be swallowed. With a republlcan senate, and more Hutu I wo i Mr. Ik of the offloeH iHli-il with ripubllcans, not In Bjmplliy with the admlulsiratlon It In no wonder tlutt the deruocratlo party iiills to accomplUh all the reforins tt deslred or hoped for. If all 1h not done that wii.h promlgod there 1 mlf hly good reasou lor It.- Adrián Pres. Oh! rats! If the democrats have not the offices who is to blamo? They have the power to flll them, why don't they exercise t? You're excuse is lame, very lame. Oue of the campalgn questions ttiat the demócrata harped the kmdest on was the pnyment of the interest bearing debt with thecoin accumulated in tlieU. S. treasuiy. Since tliey have couie into power tliey have paid no iittention to their promises to the people. The republicana paid three dollars of debt to one puid by the democrats, and managed to accumuhite fuuds almost as rapidly as have the democrats. VVhat has become of the monoy ?


Ann Arbor Courier
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