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Tu k testimony in tho Anarchist trial at Chicago was closed on tho lüth. Araong the wituessos wore ex-UoTernor Morrill and Judgo C. C. Cote, ot lona, who gave Hiirry L. Uilmer, the man wlio tistitied that b. saw th bomb throw.i, a good ñamo. It wai thoutrht that tbe lawyers would oocupy six days ín speooh-mnlaraíj. Oovernor Ikki.and, of Texas, on tho lOth issued a proclamation askhig for relief (or tbe drought suiTorers. Tuuke daughterg of Henry Ymau, a flsherman at Fur Kockaway, N. Y., wero drowned on tho lOth while b:it hm ;. They were twolre, ten and eight years oíd. Captain Fkank D. Lonusfoii, of Qloueester, Masa, wus impalod on the lOth by a sword-flsh which he had urpoonod, and would probably die. Thk mercury touchad 10! degreos ín tho hade t Dos Momos, la., on the lOth. One cose of suu-gtioke was reported. Advices of the lOth from El Puso, Tex., lay there wsi nothmsf new in the ('uttiug imbroglio. Both sidos of tho rivor wore quiot and awaitlng furthor duvulupini'iits from their respoctire capitals, butu Stato and National. Thb National Dopartment of Agrieultiure reporta for July an improTod oonditlon ot spring wheat in lowa and a marked rotrogressioa in Dakota. The beaviost doolino in the condition of corn i iu Illinois, Wiseonsin and the States west of the Missis sippi. The lmrrest throughout Europe is estimatod at ten per cent, livss than last year. A THnAsniNo-MArniNK boiler explodod on the lOth near Jefferson, Wis., killing Ore persons iustantly oud fatally injuring sereral others. Thb Comptroller of the Curreney on the lOth authorizod the Illinois National Bank of SpringHeld to begin business with $300, - 000 capital. Tde Augusta (Oa.)cotton milis shut down on the lOth, locking out tour thousand men. It was announced on the llth that large numbors of Chinamen were continually entering tho United States over the Mnxican border. Repokts on the llth from Green Bay, Wis., state that the damage done by the forest flree was greater than was at first stated. Whole counties had beon burned over, and the dames only died out when there was nothing moro to feed on. Hundreds of homes, dozens of saw -milis and lutnbor camps and millions of feet of timber were in asnos. Orer a dozon persons thus f ar had lost their lires. Reports reached San Francisco on tho llth that a rich ore belt had been diseovered near Livermore, Alameda County, Cal. Berxard Martin, of Woaver, A. T., sold bis ranch in July for four thousand dollars and startod eastward with hU wife and two children. Tbe corpsos of all four were found near Phcnniz on the llth. Toe impression was gainiug ground at El Paso, Tex., on the llth that tbe Cutting case would not be settled for some time. Near Erie, Pa., Mrs. Kreider and her tbr daughters were drowned on the llth while doing tbe fnmily washing in a creek. The youngust feil iitto the stream, and the otbers were lost in the endeavor to save hor. In the ricinity of Aberdeen, D. T., a tornado on the llth destroyed farm-houses, granarles, etc., causing heavy losses. Owivo to a European passenger rate war the Bremon line was on the llth selling tickets from New York to Liverpool for twelve dollars. The flrst rain since June foll at Spring field, 111., on the llth. In other portions of the State the thermometer ranged from 110 to 114 degrees in the shade. A storm of rain and hail a few days ago awept way all traces of tho embryo city of Lusk, Wy. T., along the extensión of tho Northwestern road. A niiK on the 12th at Hastings, Midi.. destroyed seventeen buildings in tho business portiou of the town. The acting Secretary of the Treasury on the 12th called $10,000,000 in three per cent bonds, interest to eease September 15. A piekck gale passed over Central and Southwestern Illinois on tho 12th, accompanied by heavy rains. Much damage was dono by the rushing winds. Hichael Mktz was hanged on the 12th at Unlontown, Pa., for tho murder of a brother Italtan named Cassidente. At the close of Juno the numberof sil ver dollars coined since remonetlzation was 233,723,280. The National Bankers' Absociation at its session in Boston on the 12tb adopted resolutions nrging all civil and politlcal bodies to make urgent efforts for a suspension of the coinage of silver dollars. Logan C. Murray, of New Yorlc, was elected president for the ensuing year. Mrs. Saiiaii J. Rooin'son, of Boston, was arreated on the 12th charged with poisoning her husbaud, her three children and ¦even other people of her family. The insurance on their lires was said to hare been the actuating motive. In July, 1S36, the total ralue of tho exports of domos tic breadstuffs from the United Btates was $U.57ü,64'J; July, 1S.S5, $8,721,811; seren months ended July 31, 1888, $81,432,215; sama period in 18S5, $85,473, 135. The schooner Orlion capsized in Boston harbor on the 12th, and four persons were drowned. A few minutes later tho sloop Frolic unk, and six of her crew were drownwL Twejjtï stores and offices at Kosciusko, Miss., were destroyed by flre on the 12th. Rkv. F. M. Bandt and John Darla, of Graysville, Tenn., the latter a prominent farmer, had a difllculty on tho 12th over the attentiona of Davis to Bandy's daughter. Tbe young lady's brother joined in the affray, during which knives wore usod, and all three were killed. The forest fires in Northern Wisconsin were dying out on the 12th, material on which to feed haring become exhausted. There was much sullering in the devastated región. Homeless people were sleeping on the ground, with gcarcely any cov01 ing. Public meetings were being called in rariuus parts of the State to próvido immediate relief for the suiTerers in tho way of food and clothing. A oai.e on the 13th at Edina, Ma, orerthrew a circus tent while a performance was being giren. The canvas and poles feil upon the audience and many persons were injured fatally and seriously. A fire on the 13th at Folsom, Cal., dostroyed twenty-six of the principal busi ness houses, causing a loss of $150,000. It was reported on the 13th to Governor Hubbard, of Minnesota, that 102 families in the ricinity of Marshall were homeless from tbe effocts of the Julv storm susns-g jo }ou}sip qqjno eq} ;o sjbjoo -moa e1? o, ubuissojSuoq joj pe}BUimou WI eq} uo svm. Kinivjï Kuof HDanf sjuojf oojqi-Xtxis poStf 'qin eqi no 3(JOL 9M n! P!P 'W -nisstis-HU sbm oq JO}JB piohjbq }nopis9jj Mpil)}B oqM 'KOl'IIKVH HKVUJ a SJO[ -jop jo.]!s jo pjtioq oq} jo }.iBd B jo soooid !Bnoi}oBjj o}ni hKhiiio.m.1 oq} puB SuBiiop oah joptin so}ou jo onssj oq} jo oousnnuoo -sip oq} pofjed unijjopai u joj 83bu]oo joajis jo uoisiiocIkhs b joj iioíjb} oq puB}s o }q} áuiSjii qooiinoow q.3nH mojj pB9J sba .m i jn y 'Kjoqmotu 90f 'l SB1 uoi}Bi3 -ossb eqj, -ssojppo jBnunu eq} poJ9Ai(op 'o2BDtq,-) jo 'e3iif) L q iu.ptsa.i,{ 'qin 11 ao uo}so[ ui }9iu sjojjnBfj jo uoi}Bl3Ossy IBUoi}bi aq} jo n,,i)ii uuui p-mmu aiix "U,i XiiBqiy }B uoi}neAno3 fiis O p(Oq UJM K.I.!].illlIIO.l) 3(JOJ M9fJ MII -sjbojC euo-Xjij po3u 'qjoi q jo iinii.i.1,1 eqj no i[.njoo 50 poip 'Vi M8)J JO (JOUISip pilIcilsMUliii,) I)U.i.iJI eqj aiojj 0A}Bues9ad9}j 'oovag 6iAiai t)DU?sip bidiSji 58JI..II 9qi jo .")1M.)OUI9a 9qi Ai) IlimiSMUaiKi.) 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Tuk Demócrata of the Fourteenth Missouri district, after balloting six hundred and forty-one times, have nominaled James Walker for Congressman. In thi Becoud district C. II. Mauson is the Democratie nominoe. Thi Prohibitionists o( tha Thirteenth 111i in district on the llth nominated James D. Wickiïer for Congrossnian. Wii.i.iam G. Lanopok was on the lltb appointod by the President to bo Associate Justice of the Supremo Court oí Washingtou Territory. A. M. Kïii.ey was on tho 12th appointod to represent tho Uuited States at Cairo as a member of the coiirts croatod by treaty for the trial of mixed civil cases in whicb foroignors are involved. Robert L. was nominated for Govornor upon tho flftoenth ballot in the TnMMns-1-n Democratie State convention at Nashville oa the 12th. Mr. Taylor is a brother of the Republican candidato for Uovernor. Tim Tuxan Domoorats met at Gatvston on the r.'ih and nominated Ueuoral 1. C. Iliiss for Governor. R. C. Stevksson, the father of the railroad ticket brokerago business in the Unitod Statos, died on the l'Jth in Pittsburgh, Pa. Tuk following Congressional nominations wern made on the t.'th : Ohio, Sixth district, William D. Hill (Dein); Seventh, David C. Kennaa (Dera.); Eighth, T. R. McMillan (Peoplo's party). North Carolina, First district, Louis C. Latham (Dom.). South Carolina, Sixth di,rict, Goorgo W. Dargan (Dem. ) renominatod. Alabama, Third district, W. C. Oates (Dem.) renominat'd. Michigan, Niuth district, Byron M. Cutcheon (Rep.) renominated. Georgia, Third diütriet, C. F. Crisp (Dem.). Indiana, Twelfth district, Henry C. Stanley (Ind. Dem.). CnitiBTiNB Nilssox was married on tho 13th in Paris to Count de Casa Mirando, of Spain. Tuk Knights of Labor on the 13th nominated W. L. CarpeutorforCongressinanin tho Soventh lowa district. FOREIGN. At Randa, Can., engraved plates, paintn, etc, used in raising figures on American one and two dollar bilis were found on the 9th in a houso occupied by Joseph and Jnstice Wethuroll. Tho western part of Ontario was floodod by the notes, and nmny peoplehad beenswiudled. The crimináis escapod arrest Tiikiik was further rioting at Belfast, Ireland, on tho lUtu, ueveral porsous being killed. Six laborers were killod on the llth at New Rosa, Ireland. by the collapse of a railway tunnel. The cholera returns 'rom Italy on tha 12th were: Barletta, 'Jl nowcases, 50 deaths; Padua, 10 new cases, 3 deaths; Poncantina, 8 new cases, 3 deaths; Bologua, C 6 new cases. 8 deaths; Ravenna, 37 new cases, 11 deaths; elnewhere, 58 now oasos and 12 deaths. Is anti-Jewish riots on the 12th in Kioft, Russia, the housos of many Ilebrews were wrecked. A nii.i. provlding for local solf-ifovernment throughout Great Britain and Iroland was 011 tho VMi said to bo in pri'paration by Lord Rtindolph Churchill. Tuk Huugariau town of Sillein was destroyed by flre 011 the 12th. Four hundrec Iidu.-.'s were btirnod, and 0110 thousand persons were made bomeiess. Thekb was no change in tho Cutting aifair on the 13th. The üovernment's demand for tbe surrenderof the prisoner was still on file in the ollioe of Mexico's Secrotary of State. A deficit of f 1.500,000 in the tamil in charge of the Public Debt Board of Havana, Cuba, was unearthed on the l.'ith. On the 13th 131 new casos of cholera and 63 deaths were reported at Barletta; 36 new cases and 9 deaths at Ravenna; 61 new cases and 30 deaths elsewhere in Italy, and at Trieste 17 cases and 5 deatus. LATER NEWS. The st.uilinir of tlio Niit.i011.1l League base-hall -luls at the close of the week eiulud uu in, ¦ 11, ii was as folio m: Detroit, painos wou, ¦"'.); lo-it. 21. Chicago, won, 5ti; lost. A Now Vork, wou, W; lost, 1. Philadolphia, won, 40; lost, 28. Boston, won, 35; lost, 4'X St. Louis, won, 26; lost, 54. Kansas City, won. 18, lost, 56. Washington, won, 13; lost, G2. Jony Shohts, a wife-murderer, was lynchod on the 14th near Telville, Ark. At twenty-six leading clearing-housoi iu the United Statas the exchangos during the week endod on the 7th aggregated $884,707,054, against $850,833,571, tho previous week. As comparod with the corresponding week of 1885, tbe increaae amounts to 21.1 per cent The steel works of Park Broa. & Co., at Pittsburgh, Pa., wero destroyed by flre on the 15th, causiug a loss oí $100,000. ('1 mu. ka returns f rom Italy on tho 14 th wero: Barlette, 111 new caies, 41 deaths; Padua, 13 new cases, 3 deaths; Bologna, 11 now cases, 4 deaths; Ravenna, 29 non cases, 17 deaths; Vu-onza. 14 new cases, 4 doaths; Bruudola, 11 new cases, 3 deaths; and IU new cases and 6 deaths elsewhoro. Extknsive coal -flolds havo been discovered in Alabama. A cyclone which struek Newburg, Ind., 011 the 14th caused great destruction to crops and property. The roofs of a numbor of dwillingH and business houses were blown away. At Yankeetown, near New burg. barns and houses wore wrecked. T11 1; total footings of the school consus, complet jd on the 14th, givo Chicago a population of 703,817, an increase during tho last two years of almoat 75,000. Riotixu commenced in Belfast, Iroland, on the moraiug of tho 15th, and frora the housetops and tbe streat-corners wollarmed partinans fought a bloody and hard contestad battle. The military wat called, and cbarged tho mob, which fled, loaving dal und dying on the Rtreeta Tiib mininr mlll of Geddes & Bertrand, at Secret Canyon, Nev., was burned on the 15th. Loss, $200,000. An attempt was made at Atchison, Knn., on the night of the 1 5th to blow up the house of J. W. Tnffts, who was appointod reonntly Aasistant Attorney-General to enforoe the Prohibition law. A twenty-üveponud can of powder was usod. The floor, doora and Windows were shattered and a portion of the roof was lifted. Taylob'8 livery stable at Valparaíso, Ind., was burned 011 the 15th, and nino horsos perwhod in the fiamos. Advicks of tbe 15th say that sevon hundred families, ropresenting thirty-flve hundred persons, had been loft homelass by the forest lires in Wisconslo. The damage to lumber and standing pine was estimatod at several million dollars. Pifty saw-mills ware burned. Hundreds of cattle and horsos parished for want of water.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News