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ii isovir iiitic Toitv A.NS Akuok OOM m vvimuï, No. 18 meots flrst JTueday i saoli moutu, W. O. Doly, K. c.: W. A. Foletuu l. Eteoorder. ïVaSII l'KNAW l'IIUTUll, No. 6, R A. II.- M.'.'is lirst Monday aacb inontli. Isaac, li P. .. Koath, Seoretary. BUSINESS CARDS. CLOTH CASKETS, METÁLIC A tul ( ' tu ai. u i 'oilliis. Calla at tentet] i Daj or Niglit. BiutMlmtng speclalty. sio .¦' room on E. Washington streel. Resldesuv Cor. Liberty uil Flflti. W. il. JVtiisov, DüElllïSrilTIIIIISIITIL OFFICK : Oï(r ach & Abel's Dry Oood Store. Ba trance nexl to Xttional Bank. 13 II ll I1ERZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Haperlne, Olszlnt'. Qlldlnff, and ('alcimlnlne, and work or i-very aourlptioii done In tht lrrt tylr.iiad warruutod lo glv yatisfaction. op, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W. W. &. A. C. MCIIOLS Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savins ltunk, M.i-miic Temple ltlock. GASorVIÏALIZED AIR A'lmi!iírit'rt'il por Iho pAiuleH fxtraotion f __ teeth. STATE STRËET Msrchant Tailoring Establishmen ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, DkakSik: [f yon wint neat Huil do nol order muil you !mv; I4en josepii iii:rrv, M'-i vü.uit Tullnr, State streot, Ann Aitior. MU'ii. Vou wilt and a vit.v Bne Une or Enguata Vfonledi for Dren Suits and all the Newest Shades aii'l Weavea in Saek suitiii!;s anti trowsenngs ui st jck anti saniplus to order from. Our long experienoe In Cuttint; eimhles ur to kIvc yoa a neat and perfeot lit, and Clothea made in lirst-class oRnr, ;it Lowasl Living i'iii'i-s. Oalland Me lor yourae L UcfiDCt'.Ll'u'.U' ouis, JUSEl'ir BK!ÍUV, M.MCli.uil T.illor CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $20,000,000. Security held for tho proteeUaa of the pllc CHRiSTlAN MACK Bepresent foilcuvlnL' Hrat-clapfl eompRDte, o which oue. the .Klim, hiw i.iiil t,ti,OUU,UOO Ur I OM iiinilli-liviJStna, of Hartford $ 0,188,64 Franklln of Philadelphia 3,118,711 Gerni.-iiiia, N. V 2.700,73 üeriimn American, N. Y 4J06íi,96 í.ondon Assurance, London.. . 1, 116,78 Michigan F. A M., Detroit. . . 87,801 N. V. ünderwtiters, N. Y 2,590,671 National, Hurttonl 1,774,501 PhOBtiix, Brooklyn S,#9,W Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid I'olieics iMusd at the lowest r:ites of premium. 1191tf LIJMBERÏ LX7MBER! LTTMBER! It yon contémplate building, culi it FEROON yiji tutu! Uomer Fourth anil Depot BMt, and gt our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lümber and ItaaraQtte AERY LOW PRICES u3 a cali and we will make it to your intt-ri'st, as uur larre ;unl wcll ffradcd stock fully ¦ ustains our assertion. Tclephone Connectloni with Othce. r.J. KKHCII Slipt JAMES TOLRJÏRT, Prop W. TREMAIN, Cir.M.KAI. OFFICE, Qycr Casiicr Rinsey's Grocery Store, OOR. HURÓN AND FOÜRTU BT8., North British Insurance Co., CU Ijondon aiul Kdiuburj;. F'apltal, IS,000,OOD, Gold. Detroit Flrc and Marino Insurance Co., Oaeh Aset $UUü,ooij. Sprlngflrld Ins. Co. of Massaclinsctis, Oaeh Amjets $ 1 ,800,000. Kovranl Irts. Company of New York, l'sh AshuIb $1,000,000. Viírknltunil Ins.Co., Watrtown,?í.Y., CashAssnf tl.iOO.OOO. Ioe:i.lberally AdJiiHlert and Promptly Pata. 80TUMflCURED! Hu I lililí SIHLR TKÜI, con ¦¦ ¦ llf 111 rinr.ithemoitjkrptlt! GERMÁN ASTHMA CUREÜSl'ít Inimrdliitp, dirrcl i r.rluiti, „„,1 ourei effectedlu uil ( IKA1II.I! CASES II [tarmntntlj onred me. Befcr to ras mí uj time " ¦ ¦ir . . A"' r" "ril. Cranwille a c' ¦7 pjjilolao ncomenl) a Uermu Áathma Cur ' n


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