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The Happiest Man In Washtenaw County

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If thare s n. man iu the county of Washtenaw wlio should feel proud of hit succes in the present political field, that , man is Gcorge A. Petera, of Scio. To hls slirewd muMfMUnt, aml adept hnndling of the poli t leal wires is due not only the sending of ju9t tho sort of a delegation he desired to Grand ltupids from both the democratie aiul greenback ranks in this county, but much of the success his party attaincd over the democratie party lo the nomination of a state ticket. Mr. Peters bas always been noted for his Wubsterian head, but never before has he shown so much ability and consúmate skill in the management of political wires. At both the democratie and greenback conventions of this county lio was present, and his suggestions wero well listened to in the former, while iu tlie latter he relgned supreme. At Grand Rapids he was one of the leading greeuback managers. As a member of the "marrying committee" he ingUted that his party should have the frosted side of the wedding cake, and to hisdogged perseverance must be ascribed the greenback viotory iu that respect. He knew there was no hope for the deuiecrats in this state except infusión; he knew furthermore that the „democrats knew it; and he knew from past experience that the democratie leaders would sacrlflce anything for the sake of gettinji even a sinall portion of the spoils. When lt came to the adoption of a platform hls "fine ltallan hand" was again showu. The contest was somewhatsharp, Don Dickinson.üghting hard to save a resolution eadonlng the presiident and his policy unqualitiedly, but our Scio statesman was too much for lüm; aided by the graanback managers as a unit the financial policy of the president was coudemned, and the only thing the doughty Don saved as a sweet morsel for liis president, was a petty approval of his civil service policy. (A democratie conventiou appproving of a civil service law! Shadesof the imuiortal Jackson! arise! arise ! and gnashyour teeth in horror!) It will be seen by the above that Mr. Peters has a right to feel proud, and f he chuckles a little over the result it is not to be wondered at. Kelthet cm he be blamed for giving a knowing wink when asked how he likes the fusión ticket and platform.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News