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WnAT was said to be the greatost 'l well in the worlJ was stmek on the 2-lth kt Shoustown, flftoon miles trom l'itlsburgh. Tbk GoTornment at Washington has defitiitely decided to remove from Arizona the Apaches belonging to tho San Carlos reserration. The details have beon intrustod to Secretary Lamar and Goneral Sberidan. The total valuo of the export of merchandise from the Unitod States for July, lsii, was $r 2, 78,707; importa, 185,680,700; for the twqlve months euding July 31, 1-i, xports. JS9B,556,499; Import, 1641,853,878. On tho 24th two explosions of gas in a mine at Lykons, Pa., burned twonty mon sariously. A fcnseici.oud, accompaniel by hail, ¦wept oror San Antonio, Tex., on the -4!h, wreoking a numbor of buildings, including the Southern Hotel. DiKiNoJuly 31,:MS iinmigrants arrivecï at the six principal ports of the Uuitod States. Chicago was overrun with counterfoit silver dollars on the üli li Thbasueiïs in Minnesota and Dukota report an average yield of fourteen to sixteen bushels of wheat por aoru, notwithstanding the drought Mrs. Gii.bert Babb, living near AdairTille, Ky., whose parents had killed themselves, and whose sister is an inmate of a lunatic asylum, hanirud herself on the Íi4th. Twbnty persons in the town of Lake, n3ar Chicago, were on the ÍMth down with disease resulting from the consumption of diseased meat, and it was foared that soveral cases would prove fatal. Fcrtüer reporta on the 34th from the recent Texas hurricane say that Indianola was a complete wreek, not more than three houses remaining. The village ol Quintana was entirely swept away. Captain William Moore, his wife and five children, and Dolph Moore (brother of the captain), his wife and three children perished in the storm. The total loss of Ufe was placed at üfty. A mkbtixo of the Cleveland group of Anarchists was held in that city on the night of the 23d to take action on the conviction of the Chicago Anarchiste About one hundred were present audseveral speeches were delivered. Chris. Saam, tho leader of the group, said the reigning class, and not the Anarchists, had declarod war, and war they should have to the knlfe. The struggle would continue, he said, until the great Anarchist revolution swept away all law and dictation. Thon all men would be equal. After other speeches of a like charactor a eom mittee of nine was appointed to demand of Mayor Uarilner the right to use the public square for a meetine of 'unionworking people" to protest against the conviction of the Chicago conspirators. The mayor refused the use of the publk square, and told the oommitte ho would prevent such a meeting if it was within his power to do so. A mob on the 25th attemptod to prevent the Broadway line of streot cars. in New York, from operating their property. The pólice charged the crowd, and a number of heads were cracked. An appeal was issued on the 25th by the people of Victoria. Tex., for assistunce for the sufferers by the recent storm. Tub postponed yacht rac3 was on the 25th won by the Mayflowor. She was therefore selected to contjst for the Amer ica cup with the Galaten. Thrke persons were killed and a numbor of others injured in a collision which oc curred on the nigbt of the 25th at Milford Center, ü. Charles C Perkin1, of Boston, was on the aöth instantly killed at Windsor. Vt. by the overturuing of a carriage. Senator Eyarts and Miss J. Matthews, daughter of Judge Stanloy Matthews, who were in the same carriage, haJ a narrow escape. A NoKTHWESTERX mail stago wa stopped by robbers abut noon on the 24th at a point eighteen milss from Cal gary, and $435 in raoney was taken fron the passengers. The mail-bags were cu open, but the pouch of registered letters was overlooked. It was stated on the 25th that two hundred Iowa keepers had receired notiees to stop retailing liquors, and forty more were on that day warned to submit to the law. John Frowi.e, a colored lad of Boston, confe8ses haring made several attempts to murder his father with rat poison. A OOMPUOMISK was on the 26th effected in New York botween the street-car drivere and conductors andthe company,the former to return to work and try the neir schedulo. The company agreed that if the schedule required the men to work more than wel re hours, they would roluutarily return to the old one. WitxiB Sklls, the Kansas lad who murdered his father, mother, brother and sister, was on the 2öth aontouced to death, which under the laws in the State means imprisonment for life. A mektinu was held on the 2Cth at the Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, by prominent manufacturera of the country to inquire ato the use and abuses of the conTict contract labor system. It was uuireraallydenoanceü, and the National AntlConrict Contract Association was formed. W. T. Lewis, of Racino, Wis., was choson president, and Qeorge 3. Redfield, of Chicago, secretary and treasurer. Natdaniel S. Bates died on the scalTold at Richmond, InA, on the 3Oth in expia tion of the murdor of his wife. H confessed the crime. DuniNO the recent absence from Washington of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and the assistant secretary of tbe same office, Miss Minnie S. Cook acted ai the head of the Indian office. Strikkrs on the street-car Unes in Ne York City on the 27th agreod to the proposed compromiso, and would return to work. The deficit of Chief Clerk Gay in the Pittsburgh pension office was on the 27th found to be $11,337. His peculations extended over fire years. The town of Bayou Sara, La., wai almost destroyed by a fire of incendiary origin on the 27th. Tho loss will amount to orer $118,000. There were 150 business failures in the United States during the aeren days endod on tbe 27th, against 139 the previou soven days. Citizens of McCulloch County, Tex., on the 27th adopted rosolutions expelling all Mexicana from its borders on pain of instant hanging. A fire on tbe 27th at Franklin street, Chicago, causad dam age to the amount of 18,000. The chiof suffereri were Jaoobon & Perlson, manufacturera of fur oods. Nine men were for some time imrisonort in the elevator, which stopped jetween the second and third floors. Sister Eulalie, supprioress of the Immaculate Academy at Newport, Ky., wai mrned to death on tho morning ot th 7th. She had been confinad to her bed hrough sickness for some time. When aking medicine in the early morning the langlngl of her couch caugbt Ure f rum a amp. She was widly known in the Catholic Church. Her parents, namod Uaynor, resido in New York. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Hon. Jami:s ( Hi.AiNF. made his opening speech of tho State political cmnpaign at Sebago Lake, Me., on the 34th. Tme following Congreesioual nominations wero made on the 24tb: Kopublican - Iowa, Seventh district, Edwin H. _'onger (renominated); Ponnsylvania, Twelfth district, J. A. Scranton (ronomioated). Domocratic- Indiana, Eleventh district, J. C. Branyan; Goorgia, Ninth disu-ict, A. D. Candler (renominated); Minnesota, First district, Thomas Wilson; Peunsylvania, Tweutysixth district, W. R. Boe; TwentysSTenth, W. L. Soott (rouominatod). Pro aibitionist - Michiean, Second district, A. O. Crozier. Labor, Maiue, First district, 0. A. Moulton. Tuk Greenbackers of Tennessee hare nominated Thomas Snodgrass for Governor. Tuk Republicans of Ohio mot in Stato convention, at Columbus, on the 25th. The following nominations were made: For Secretary of State, James S. Kobinson (renominated) ; Supremo Judge, Marshall J. Williams ; Clerk Supremo Court, U. H. Hester; School Commissioner, Kli T. Tappan ; Member Board of Public Works, W. M. Hahn. The platform condemned the admlnistration of President Cleveland; favorod tariff not only for revenue, but for protection of American labor, and commonded the Dow law. Rev. James C. Beecheu, brothor of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, committed suicide on tho 25th by shooting at Eliuira, N. Y. Cause, ill health. At Des Moines, Ia., u the 25th the Republicans met in State convention, and nominated the following: Secretary of Stato, Frank D. Juckson; Auditor, J. A. Lyons; Treasurer, V. P. Twombley; Attorney -General, A. J. Baker; Clerk Supreme Court, G. B. Fray ; Superior Court Reporter, E. C. Ebersole. Tho platform demands protection for American labor; laws for the suppression of the liquor traflic, and donounces President Cleveland's Administra tion. Congressional nominations on the 25th were as follows: Fourth Minnesota district, J. B. Gilfillan (re-nominated) ; Fifteenth Illinois, J. G. Cannoa (renominated) ; Twentiotu Illinois, Rev. D. S. Foor; Sixteenth Illinois, Charles Churchill; Socond Michigan, L. H. Salisbury; First Texas, Charles Stewart (renominated) ; Fifth Missouri, John F. Phillips; Tenth Indiana, H. D. Hattery; Second North Carolina, J. M. Abbott; Eighth Toxas, L. W. Moore. General John Newton, U. S. A., was on the 25th appointed Commissioner of Public Works by Mayor Graco, of New York, vice Squire, removed. His term of office will expire May 1, 18S9. Repubi.icans of Michigan on the 2Gth at Grand Rapids nominated Cyrus G. Luce for Governor; James H. McDonald, for Lieutenant-Go vernor; Gil R. Osmun, for Secretary of Stat3; George L. Maltz, for Treasurer; Henry H. Aplin, for Auditor; Mosos Taggart. for AttorneyGeneral; Roscoe D. Dix, for Commissioner of the Land Office; Josoph S. Estabrook, Superintendent of Public Instruction, nml 8. B. liubcock for member of the State Board of Education. The Dlatform declaros Lr tariff on imported products; enactmont of arbitration laws; local option on temporáneo questions; and denounces President Cleveland's policy, the importation of Chinese and foreign con tract labor, and lawj for tho suppression of polygamy. Jerkmiah P. Ronixsox died suddonly at his home in Brooklyn on the 2üth, agod gixty-three years. Ho was worth $15,000,000. Coxoressioxal nominations on the 26th were as follows: Eighth Virginia, Samuel Griffln, Dem. ; Fourth Texas, David B. Culberson, Dem. (renominated) ; Second Arkansas, C. R. Breckinridge, Dem. (renomi nated) ; Ninth Ohio, J. C. Loavering, Dem. Tenth Illinois. P. 8. Post, Rep.; Ninth Iowa, John U. Keatley, Dam. ; First Maryland, Charlos H. Gibson, Dom. (renominated). TnE Demócrata of Illinois, in convontion at Springfleld on the 36th, nominated H. F. J. Ricker, of Quincy, for Treasurer, and Prof. J. F. Olát for State Superintendent of Schools. The platform adoptec was: Approval of President Cleveland's Admiuistration and of the release of Cutting in Mexico favors reduction of the tariff to a revonuo basis; the ownership of land to American citizens or those that declaro their inten tion to become such ; boards of arbitra tion to settle disputos botween employers and employés, opposes the importation of foreign contract labor and prohi bition of the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors. Pexnsïlvania Prohibitionists at Harris burg, on the 2(5th nominated tho fol lowing ticket: For Governor, Charles S Wolfe ; Lieutenant Governor, A. A. Bar ker; Auditor-General, Charles T. Hawley Secretary of Internal Affairs, John N Morey; Congrossman-at-large, Rev. J. M. Palmer (colored). California Republicans on the 27th met m State convention at Los Angele and nominated the following ticket: For Governor, John F. Swift; Lieutenant-Gov ernor, R. W. Waterman; Secretary o State, W. S. Moore ; Treasurer, J. H. Neff John F. Swift was one of the throo specia envoys sent to China to negotiato a treaty between the United States and China. James McMillan and ex-Congressman John Nowberry each subscribed $100,000 toward the building of a free homeopathie hospital at Detroit, Mich. Tho hospital i designed for those too poor to pay for md ical aid. Hexry Georgb offered on the 27th to accept a nomin.'ition for Mayor of New York on condition that thirty tboniani laboring men sign an agrooment to vot for him. Ax ordor was issuod on the 27th at Washington placing General John Newton on tho rotirod list at nis own request, in consequence of forty years' service. It was reported on the '37th that Thoma E. Benedict, Deputy Comptroller of th State of New York, had been appointed Public Printer at Washington. Ii.LDiOis Prohibitionists mot In Chicagi] n the 27th and nominated the following or Congress: First district, Georgo C. Christtau; Socond, Rey. J. W. Lee; Third, oseph L. Whltlock; Fourthv Rev. tt W. Uray. I FOREIGN. j FritTUF.n adviees say a loss of $5,000,000 was occasioned at Mandalay by the recent jurstmg of an embankmeut on the Irrawaddy river. Nearly one thousand perons were drovned and fifty thousftnd were homeless. It was stated on the 24th that the releas ol Cutting by tho Mexicana would haT8 no elloct npon tho mission of Mr. Sedgwiek, wbo had orders to Investígate the affair aud rotura to Washington. Mr. Gladstoxe made a powerful speoch on the lnsh question in tno British House of Commons on tho 24th, and Mr. Parnell spoke at length, saying that he and his folowers had every reason to be satisfled with the present outlook, and that "the rish will never submit to a Government not their own." TnK Bulgarians and Roumanians wore on the 24th battling over the deposition of ?rinco Alexander, and in a skirmish at Jassy many were killod and wounded on ¦ut h sidos. Sevekai, Tessels were wreeked and flv ives were lost off Nova Scotia on the 24th during a storm. At Sheffleld, Eng., on the 25th tho walll of a warehouso collapsed, eaushiK the death of soveral chüdren who were playïng on the sidewalk. Sevon of those killed jad boen recovered. The news received on the 2Cth indicated tliat the provisional Government estabished by the revolutionists of Bulgaria aad been overthrown. Three of its memjers were in prison at Sofia, and the old inimstry again held power. The commander of the yacht on wbich Prince Alexander was said to be a prisoner had been ordored to return. All commuaication between Turkey and Bulgaria had been stoppod. Five batteries of artillery and several squadrons of cavalry had been ordered to Sofia frora Philippopolis. TuiRTr men who had been convicted of taking active parts in the recent riots at Belfast were on the 26th sentenced to various terms of jmprisonment - one of them to thirteen montbs. The British Foreign Office received on the 26th Information that Prince Alexander was on his way to his forraor home la Darmstadt, haring been set free at Reni. It is generally thought that Russia would not pormit the deposod Prince to reaseend the throne. Tiie British House of Commons on tho 26th by a vote of 341 to 148, rejected a motion by Edward C. Russell to adjourn the House. All the Gladstonean and Parnellite members arose in support of the motion. Tiie Bank of England on the 38th advanced its rato of discount froui 2i to 8} per cent DisrATCHES from Prince Alexander on the 27th from Breslau to his father at Darmstadt stated that he was treated lika a dog by the Russinn ofllcials at Reni. De Giers and Bismarck held a prolougod conference at Franzonsbad on the 27th. A late dispatch from Vienna brands as a hoax the circular regarding Bulgaria signed by the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs. Attkmpts were made in Irelanil on the 27th by the pólice and soldiers to enforce ovictions. Only one was accomplished, when the poople attacked the pólice and military with stons and thy were forced to desist. The British House of Commons on the 27th, by a voto of i)04 to 181, rejected Mr. Parnoll's amendiueut, after a two-hour spoed by Mr. Sexton. lx tho British House of Commons on the 27th Lord (üiurchül gave notice that the Government would propose the abolltion of the secret-servico fund, which amounts to L10,00ü yenrly. LATER NEWS. About nine o'clock on the inorniug of the 29th tho citizens of Chicago wore startled by an explosión resulting from stroke of lightning at the powder-magzine of Laflin & Rand, near Brighton Park. Windows were broken in the business portion of the city. One person was killed and six other? ffttally injured. The pecuniary loss in the immediat vicinity will reach $15,000. The Bridewell sustained damage to the amount of $2,000. A wild panic occurred in the Jesuit Church, on West Twelfth stroet. The explosión dug a hole twenty feet deep and one hundred feot long. Mouxt Vesuvius was on the 29th in a state of eruption, and the people Uring in the vieinity had fled to the interior. Gexeral, on the 2Sth succoeded In removing the Warm Spring and Chiracahua Apaches from the Apache reservation toFortUuion, N. M., there to walt tha final disposition of themby the authorlties at Washington. To aceomplish this has been General Miles' principal labor since he assume.l command in Arizona. Thb pólice of Chicago on the 29th arrested Anarchists named liouis Juhl, Henry Batzol and William Kloth, all residing on West Seventoenth street. They had been holding meetings at night, with their followers, in Kloth's cooper-shop. Guns and swords were found in their houses. Cleveland Anarchists on the 29th danounced the jury that convicted their brethren in Chicago. Should the reJs ba executed Saam promised 200,000 avongers would rise frojn their blood. A collectiOB was taken up, $10.96, for the purpose of scuring to the Anarchists a new trial. Anti-Cleveland Demócrata in Washington were on the 2Sth organiiing a Presidential boom for Governor David B. HilL, of New York. Tas standing of the National League base-ball club3 at the closa of tho week ended on the 23th was as folloics: Chicago, games won, 66; lost, 24. Detroit, won, 65; lost, 26. New York, won, 61; lost, 28. Philadelphia, won, 52; lost, 33. Boston, won, 40; lost, 48. St Louis, won, 33; lost, 59. Kansas City, won. 23; lost, 6i Washington, won, 14; lost, 71. Lawrence Donovaü, a pressman in New York City, on tho 9Sth jumped from the Brooklyn bridge, and escaped injury. preparations wore on the 2Sth baing made at Sofia for the reception of Princ Alexander. Thousands of peasants were gathering there to wlcoine him. The Russian Consul had left the city, aai it was thougbt the Czar's governmont would not maintain diplomatic relationi with Bulgaria under Alexander's rule The date of the executious of the ringIoader8 of the conspiracy in Sofia wil not be announced until the Princo has re turned, as tha rerdict raust be submittei to him.


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