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Doii't Experiment. You canoot afford to waste Unie iu cxwrlmenting when yoar lungs are n anjer. Conaumptton al wars seema at first. only a colil. bo not permlt any dealer to ntpoae iii)Di] you willi somc clicap itnitalon of Dr. Kin;'s New DIscovery for ('onsiimption, coughs and rolds, bot bc sure you get the genulne. Booauie lie can nakè more profit lie may teil you he has somctluMg jusl as good, or just the same. Don't be dceeived, but insist upon gettlng r. Klng's New Diacovery, which is ruarintced to give relief iu all Tb roa t, luí g nul clicst all'uctions. Trial bottlea f ree ut Eberbach's drug store. The Appetite May bc Increased, the Digestivo orgaiu ¦trengthened, and the Bowels rcgulated, by taking Ayor's Pilis. These Pilis are purely vegetable in thcir composition. Thcy contato nettbereatomel noranyotheidangcrou9 drug, and may be taken with perfect safety by persous of all ages. I v;is a great siiflerer from Djipep1a Bnd Conitipation. I had m appetite, becanie greatly debilttated, and w;is con¦tantly affllcted with Headacheand Dizziness. I connilted our family doctor, who presertbed for hip, at raiioni Umea, uithout affording more than temporary relief. I finally commenced tHkin;; Ayeri l'ills. In a short time uiy digestión and appetita IMPROVED niy bowell were regulated, and, by the time I finished tvvo boze of these l'ills mv tendeney to btadaohfi had dlsappeared, and I beoame strong and woll. - Duriua SI. Logau, AVilmiugton, Del. I was trouhli-d. for over a year. yvllh Loss of Apin'tiie, and General Debllity. 1 cominenced taking Aycr's l'ills. and, before finishing half a box of this medicine, my appetite and strength were restored. - C. O. Clark, Danbury, Coun. Aycr's Pilis are the best medicine known to me for ragulaUng the boweli. and for all diseases iaused bï a disordered Stiiniaeh and Liver. I sutiered for over three yeftr with lieadache. Indigestión. and Couftipation. 1 had 110 appetite, and v ei k Und nerrotn mot of the time. BY USING three box ca of Ayer" Pilis, and, at the same time dtÜDg niyself, I w as completi'iy cureu. My dlgertive orgam are now ín (rood order, and I ani In perfect kealth.- Pbilip Lock wood, Topebt, Kaaa. Aycr's PiJla havr lirnrfite.] ine wonderfiiilv. Kor montbi 1 auffered fronj ludigeation anU llcudacbe, was regtleia al nigbt, nhil had a bad taste in mymontb every mornlug, After taktng nne box of Aycr's lilis. a;1 these troublea dlsappe:ti il, ín roon ïii -ui o vu leep whs refreshinsr. - llenry ('. Hemiiu uw a; . Uockport, Mats. I waa eured of tlie Piles ly the use of Ami's Piils. They not only relieved me of lliKt pamftil dierder, but gave me 11creased vigor, nntl reatored my heakh. - John Lazarus, 8t. John, Ñ. B. Ayer's Pilis, rrapsred by Th. .t C. Aywft i'n.. I.owrll, faes. bolil Ly all DrugguU ui Lfcülcru iu Mcdiciue. FOR DYSPEPSIA. MENTAL ANP PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERCY, INDICESTION, ETC, ETC [f i uorsjördb ACID PHOSPHATE. A liquid preparation of the phoapnatea and phosphoric acid. Recommended by Phyfclolani. It makes a dellcious drink. Iuvlgoratiog and strenethening. Pamph let free. FOB SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, Proyltlcnce, Rhode iSSod. A CKEAT DAMOEB. The late Ray.ird 'l'aylor, who probably traveled more over tlie snrface of tbe globe than any living man, rlaiined tbat he could uot only teil t he nntionality of any persons whom he niet, y the way in wblch they con versed, bat could alsotell the locality of the particular country from whii'b ihey cama, 'l'his rennnds us of an incldeut vrblcb oocurred to tbe wrlter iu couvemaclon with Mr. Taylorut one time He snd : " I have 8060 every land and poople, ml do not he-it.ito to say tbat for eneruy. intensity nul enterprlM, the IsbabUanta of America exceed any on the face of tho glole. 'J'liese (inalities are tbeir inheritance. Their ancentor9 landed lipón a blcaU coast in winter, wit b savages before thein and n orean bebiiid, and they not only conquered the country, but eveu causeil nmcb of it s harren soil to bcconiu richly productiva 'l'his enarsy, this intense, inhoiited by their descerníents, an.l peopla of America to day aro ancquallod by any people In tbe world in the nualities abuve named. It is, iiorhaps. unfortunate tbat these ([ualitie nave been aecureri to often at the expense of health, and we nnd exbanstlon of the physiral powers, nervousness ftnd debility more cobdod aroong the men and wonien of America than in any olher locality on the f nee of the globe.'1 Mr. Taylor spoke from iich ezperience, and ho Spoke the truth. Tbe iiervons, inental and physiral eThaustion whicb la nnderjrooe must be replaced by blood miikinir, nerve making and brain-makinu elements, or this state of depression will continue. Albumen in the system is preciely the clement whicb ís renuired; nnd beef, malt nnd hops will produce albumen qnlckeraod in crenter quanilty tlmn any other known com bina t ion These el en ie nis have been happily comblned in tlmn rent preparation. lioptonic. nnd the revival of physlcal enerves iu thousands of paopfi fully proven ils power nnd value These are not remarka giren al randotn. but serious and earnest íinih demanded by facts and rontirmed by scientists. Tliore are hundredsof men nnd nomen In tboir grave who niiuht be ulive and happy had ihey kiidwn the trulha and acted nponjlhem In time, and it Is paluful to tliliikoftha intense 8i. ffeiin:,' extcn slve Bickneas and vast iiumbür ol deathH, all or willen mlght hav been avoldad li people bad only realied ml knuwu.


Ann Arbor Courier
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