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Tú the committee having In charge the benefltlng of the streets of the city of Ano Arbor and surrotinding country. It a ptece of informatiou well worth lookiii' ap by the committee: "In convcrsation with General Echol?, wh hM traveled over most of Kentucky, :i state wbOM gOO 1 roads are now famous tlirougliout Ihe unimi, we lieard some interestlng facta of bow the iraprovement ca me to be general all over the state. The tiit man that Inangursted the road Iraprovement there m that famous okl Presbyterian, Dr. Robert J. Breokenridgc. lic o mmeoeed bj oin to see uelghbon alonfja üne of road. Ilis plan waa to nk ('ach farmer: "How much la yoor londworthf" When told lie would' s:i "Well, how mucb do you thiiik r macademlzed road would inereaae the vnlueof it?" Belng told $10 or $15 un acre, he would close by aaylng: " Well, suppase yon subscribe to a company we are formina t build a road, to the amoanl ol say $5 au acre of you r farm. In this way private companies rere formed. The roads cost $2,000 a mlle, of wliiili the countycourt of each county, aftorit was satisfieU that the private company was componed of responsi ble cltlzena, subscribed on behalf of the eonnty i the Stock, to the auiount of' $1.000 a uiile. The roads were built, toll-gatea were pot on them, and the etock puid the stockholders and county a dividend. In this way Kentucky has become gridlroned witli mctaled pikea. Now, [ook at tbe revolt of tlrf", taking four couDtlei in Kentucky, all ratlier ¦mail ones; Montgomery bas 97 miles of metalled turnplke; Clarke the adjoioing couniv has 166 miles; Fayette, whlch joins lliat, hus '250 miles; und Barbour, the iiexl county to it, lias 300 mili-s- ne.irly 00 miles of macadamlzed road in four sm:ill cniiiitics. Wliat has been the resnltin Increaslngralue? llemeniber, they are all small eooDttei aml DOthing like tbe " Of Aufxiistii! The real estate In Moiitiroraerj Is assetsed at 4,000, 000; Clarke, $6,000,000; Payette, fx.000,000; and Barboar, $.000.000. An Increase "i ralue which Ig Uie direct reaait of the road-bulldlnj(" Brinv mmh iliing in to the eounty fair, Sept. '1 to 24, inclusive. Tüedemocratedon't Jumpon toShank's iiorse witbany greatgnsto. Too gpavined umi crlnpled. It is but a few years since the democratie party was huntinj; laborers with blood houiids. The daily fusión organ of Detroit É mat on records, will it picase publiah Dr. SliankV military record? To the boy from Mendon : You'll find 11 mini to cook your j;oo8e 'n tuat f!111' old (ranger Farmer Luce. If the Detroit base ball club would pay more attention to batting and loss to mas cott's It would picase their admirers hugely. $100 a in. mi li and the prestige of having run for congress in Michigan will be a big card to commence business on out west. Won't it though ? Will thnt funny man on the Free Press now be kinü enough to publish that Yaple boy's record ? It would be snch a cam()aigu docuuieut, you know! The Democratthinks that the Coukiku will makfl votes for A. O. Crozier. Well, the Democrat ought not to oomplain. That's what it is trying to do. It is wonderful theenthusiiism tlmt prevails In the rural and labor Uistrlcts over the nomination of Luce and the entire repablioan ticket. It is not a boodle ticket. Win. L. Webber, East Saginaw's big democrat nnd capitalist, is said to be disrusted with the democratie ticket and platform. A little too iniicli for liini to swallow. There never was a time wlien the weight of personal character had aucli an inlluence in the election of men to office. This fact weighs in C.ipt. Allen's favor. - Yptilanti Commercial. Fuuuy isn't il, tliat in one item extolling itaown candidate, the Argus belittles the prohibition candidate, calllnj: hlm " jerkey," etc, and In the very next item praises hiin way up tothe red, red sun and stars? This the Bort of political dirt the Adrián Press serves its readers wlth: The wlfe of a prominent republlcan of Ann Arbur publlcly flogged her nuxband In the Btreets for Infldellty, itnd at last accounu was huntlng tur the wuiuhii who had led the fraln voter astray. California sets a good example for Michigan in providing text books for her schools. There the stilte prints the books mul the parents are saved .mé one-half the cost over firmer prices. Why caniiot Michigan do llkewke? "We suppose Mr. Allen will not this year wear a red ribbon in the button hole of hls coat," says the Adrián Press. No, nor Saulsburv will not be endorsed by the prohibitionists and elected by them eilher, probably, eh ? It was to be hoped that it would be a decent campaign In this congressional district, but Mr. Sanlsbury's henchinen have commenccd to thiow mud the flrst thing. Well, if they can niake any votes by it they are welconie to them. W. D. Fuller, of Newaygo, is smart enough to see the handwriting on the wall and so gets out from nnder. He has witlidrawn his name from the state amalgam;ited agregatiin, and the bosses were looking around for a substitute at lust accounts. Will the greenbackers please keep their eye on the congressional nominationsand see how many of them are given to their party ! In congress is where tlie laws aro uiiiOe, auO i'itjrt; Is Jul wherc Lhry will not secure one representative in this state, or a nomination even. After oiir greenback friends have casta wishful eye on their nhappy fate congressionally, it miglit be a jood thing for them to gaze upon the legislative noininations and see how many of them they will capture. We predict not one where there is any hope for an election. An aristocracy, builded on the swcat and blood oí slave labor is what the repubücan party crushed out. To-day the republ'iean party joins hands with all true ]atriots in their endeavor to build up the classes that "earn their bread by the sweat of their brow." And still the boodle rolls in ! Now G'andidate Curry, the wealthy mine owner ol the upper península, who wants to be lieutenar.t overnor on the fusión ticket, Is said to have pledfred a $25,000 subscription to the campaign fund. What lots of budjje money the ward strikers will hare! In his convention speech i'oung Yaple said these words: "The policy of the republican party is treason to the rcpublic.'1 We would advise the boy to read up a llttle. The history of this nation shows that the party with which he now aftiliates can rive liim more points on treason than he ever dreamed of. The prohlbltlonlst counly convcntlon In Leoawee was attended by 177 delégate. In Illllsdale by 150. All reported themselves nnanlniouHly opposert to votlng for usolltary deraocrat or republican. Poor comfort for Allen.- Argus. And poorer comfort for Saulsbury. Mr. Allen never had their votes, and Mr. Saulsbury has been elected prosecutiuj; attorney of Lenawee county by heiligen doned on the prohibition ticket. He won't have those prohibition votes any longer, according to that. The Argus accuses Capt. Allen of bcn;r a poor man. Well, he pleads guilty to the charle. Mr. Saulsbury is probably rlch, so it is n crime for Mr. Allen to be poor, and he must needs have it flung in his face. There are a great many honcst poor men besides Capt. Allen, who are voters, and the bond of sympathy betwccn them is stronger thls year than ever before, that's one consolation. Mr. Saulsbury probably made his great wealth proBicuting Lenawee county saloon keepers, after bein? elected by the prohibitionists,whoui hfi will lose tliia year, according to this ?ame Argus. Wellington R. Uurt, the mlllionalre mugwump of Saginaw, who left the republican party beciuse he got imd at Hou. R. G. Horr, is awful sick politically. Af ter declaring all things in a chaotlc state hesaysofthe fusión declaration of principies (?) as follows : " The democratie platform was such a stunning blow In the face that our people have not yet recOYereil their senses. U's hard tosay what will be the outcome.7 And still further: "The yonng men who engineeml ilus re-uil diil not appreriate their mistake. Tbey diii not underetand the people. Their action has been a most UDWlM polltical blunder, wtiich may have serious resulta.'' He adds that the fooi platform wlll lose the ticket 10,000 votes in the Saginaw valley alone. Considerable disgust was wrltten on the face of the Fraternlty hall audience of prohibitionists Wednesday night when a callow youth, possessed of mucu egotism and little else, attemptcd to interest liis hearers n bis two hours'liarangue on the "only Issue of the day." His speech - if his si'lly talk can be dignilied by that name - was a jumble of incoherent utterance and coarse personalices. We understand hiü name was Orozier, a younjr man who is gAug ubout from place to place inforinlag the people that he is running for congress on thethird party ticket in the second district. His appearance in Detroit was not hailed with euthusiasm and delight by his party frlends. Hisdeparture undoubtedly was. The general Impresslon is that he was picked too early. - Detrolt Tribune.


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