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Annual School Meeting

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The aiinual school meeting of tuis district was lield butt Monday. For the choice of school trustees there were two tickets in the lield, one known as the regular ticket, noininiited by the board and its friends, and a ticket nominated Saturday night by a caucus held at Sremab's hall by the prohibitionist. The result of the election was as follows: Cliristian Mack Wl Jiinlus E. lleal 564 Wra. W. Whedon _ 571 Samuel Haskell L28 Matllda Brown 188 EUza Suuderlaud 170 With a total of 790 votes cast. The Iadie9 turned out in considerable numbers as usual, but there appeared to be many who voted against the woraen's ticket. After the votes liad been counted the meeting adjourned f rom Ihe engine room of Fireinan's liall to the audienne room above to vote the appropriations and transact the yearly business. The sum of f19,500 was votcd for general purposes, a reduction of $3,000 from ast year. Kor the purpose of erectlug a new grammar school department and chapcl or hall, a sum not to exceed f34,000 was voted. The board was given power to lease the lot owned by the district to the south of the present lst ward school building, to the Ann Arbor School of Music for 4 per cent. on the cost as rental. On which it is understood the school of music proposes to ercct a $10,(100 building at once for its uses. "The funniest tbing ever in the CouKiKK," sakl a prominent democratie politician a day or two since, "was tbatarticle whlcli -i)o;iks about the prohfbltloniata lecnrlag votes from the democratie party; Did you ever see, hcar of or know a demnerjt who had any prohibitory lactlnaUons? l never did, and I know lots of tliem. Don't rely on that to help you out, for if you do you will ei rtainly fait. Ta! ta!" anl our democratie friend was )V. Wol!, his admlMlon is ot' ini porlano! if true. Hut we don't believe it. There are a groat many temperanoe democrats, hundreds of tlu-m, right in thls county, and we know pcrsonally of more than one who have told us that they should cither vote the prohibition ticket tliiü f all or not vote at all. There is no use of disguising the fact that the fusión ticket is very unsatisfactory to m:my demócrata. It Is pretty small business hen a Orand Army republloan stop In and by ly lug about Saulsbury Irles to wln votes from demócrata for Allen. It Is labor that will net very BMager returns.- Adrián Press. U's pretty small business for Saulsbury's cliiun who travelá a round with him to do the wind work, to lic about AUen's record as Indinn agent anJ make diity inilnuatloni In an anderhanded wav, t was done In a recent visit of the twaiB to this county. It is labor that will meet with itü legitímate returns and don't you forget it. The V.is8:ir Pioneer secms not to be entranced with one of our townsmen: Jas. Murphy of Ann Arbor, repreMnting the I. O. Q. T. gave a temporalice addreu in the opera house Wednesday evening. It was well attended but the address was delivered in such a halting nianner, In sueh poor and often ridiculous phrase, that the audience was not hilihly edltiud. The Prohlbltionlsts dlslaim all responslblllty for lila coming."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News