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You'll flnd lier smillni; nlght nnd day AlthoiiKh at linies slie is not gay, And should you wonder wliy yon meet rhll constant smlle, regard lier teetb, She only lniiKhs thosB K'niH to show. wiiich ozonos r mases white B wow. liiiiiírhfor Lenrts n w C'linrin 'I'o beautv when it dlsclosrs a pretty set of teetli. Whlteness, whrn nnture tril Bnpplied tliia elempnl of IotbHww, mv Iip ret:iiiicil tlnnuirli life by lisinjr tl'" fragrant SOZODONT. One rewon whj so few men nre héroes to tlicir vfiicts is because m t w men have valets.- Puck. Iteh, Prairü Mange, and SkïatclUê of evcry kind curod in tliirty 01) n tl tea liy Wondford'8 Simitary Ixition. Use no other. Tliis never f;iils. Sold by II. .T. Brown, driigííist, AnnArbor. 1288-1H40 "Tlie poet is boni, sir," .niil a niíin hanghtlly, as lic reoeived a roll of manuscript from the editor witli a ihake of the lieml. " Oh, is he 't" rcplicil tlic editor witli a pleasant smile. ltWell, when he (tets old enougli to write soroetliin, teil Uta to come a'id fee me. Gooi] bye,"' and he resumed Itis Idiïorf.- Washington Crilie. Biicklrn's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve In the world tor (Hts, Rruises, Sores, Dloera. S;ilt Etbeum, Pever Snrcs.'l'rtt'r, ('li:iiicil ll;uids, Chllblalng, Corna, and all skin Braptlonv, and poslLivcly cures I'ilcs, or no p:iv requlred. Ii is guarante$d to vive perfbcl sutitfactlon, or money refunded. I'rice 25 cents ier box. For Salo by Eberbiich & Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News