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Short advertlsenients not to exceed three iines, of Lost anü Found, Houses for öaleor Keut, Wants, etc.. Insertad tbree weeks for L5 cents. Sltuatlons wanted, free. FOR SALE- Qood safe buggy horse. Oan be Heen at 8. E. uurner Ingulls and Nnrtb SU. 16-18 FOK SALE CHKAP.- A Seven-Klghts Jersey, 5 mos. old Buil Calf, k"1 slze; a guod Top Buggy ; and a llght running gear, complete, for two-horse wagon. Rnqulre of J. B. SAUNDEK8. at Courier office, or at resldence 43 N. Pontlac st. (flfth ward.) I6-tf OUSE FOR 8ALE.- Well arranged and rommodlous, built bI years. Nu. 41 8. Statest. Inqulroou the premisos. 16-18 OR RENT.- A Hinall house on South Main st. four blocks from the post oIHco. Enqulre at IS West Liberty st., or box 144. 15-17 SITUATION WANTED- By a law student, to do chores for hls board. Ktock preferrod. Address, ULEN V. MILLS, Ann Arbor. 15-17 TWO LOT8 on Cemetery streel and four lots on Volland street for sale cbeap lf old at once. O. L. Matlhews, Real Eílale Agcncy. WANTED- A sraall unfurnlshed or partly furnlshed house, or several uufurulsbed r.Kims, conveuleut to Unlverslty. Address wlthfull partlculars as to location, rent, etc. Qeo. W. Whyte, Box 421. Lake Geneva, Wis. U-16_ trOR SALï: OR RENT - On reasonable terms: the properly known as the Henrlques Mansión, on Corner of División nd Bowery streeto. Zina P. Klng. 13-18. TO RENT- House No. 18, Cemetery street. Auply at Coubikb office. SEVERAL HOUSE8 TO RENT-ln good localltle and repair - for 13 to $26 per iiiimth. EnqulreofJ. Q. A. Sesslons. Renl Estáte and Insurance agent. Office over Express office, Anu Arbor. FINE FRUIT FARM FOR SALE near city. ia acres. Peaches and all kinds of trult. O L. Mattuews, Reul EsUUe Ageucy or HuKh O'Kane. -l2 LOANINQ-Money to loan on nrst-class Real Estáte Mortgage at Current rates of :nteret. Satlsfactory arriinnements made wlth capltallsts deslrlng sucu lnvestments. i''very conveyance and transactUin In abstrac-W of lltles ctu-efully examlned as to legal effect. Z. V. KINU. Ann Arbor. rilHE PROHIBITION CLUB wlll meet _L weekly during the campalgn at the Old Baptist Church. It lsexpected that good muslc wlll be in attoudance at all meetlnKs. Come. 14-15


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News