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The golden rod and cat tail days have yanlabed. The county fair next week will be well worth attending. Electric light for this entire city is amonff the possibilities. New matting on the corridors and ai.-les of the opera house. The stone work on the new depot rapidly approaches corapletion. Rev. Mr. Coburn, o( Monroe, filled the M. E. pulpit last Sunday very acceptably. John Lawrence has the biggest imported agricultural story ever told in these parts. A large number of our base ball enthusiasts expect to attend the Chicago-Detroit gaine next Monday. P. A. Hunt of Ypsilantitakcs the place of Wm. M. Osband as membersof the republican executive committee. Geo. L. Moore will not close up his State st. bookstore, but proposes to eniploy a competent man to take charge of it for hún. With two prohibition pairs in Anu Arbor and two in Ypsilanti, that party ought to have windmills enough to grind a good sized grist. Tliere's a big scheine on foot to orjranize an anti-poks-your-nose-nito-otherpeople's-business society, rt ouglit to lmve i big memberstiip. According to the September erop report the condition of the winter apple erop n thla county Is 84 per cent., and the late peach erop 57 per cent. The county fair has every prospect now of being a very auccessfulexhibition, and greater preparations were never made tor a big show and a big crowd. Our thanks are due Louis Meyer, secretary, for a coiuplimentary ticket to the 13tli exhibitloa of the Market Fair Aasociation at Brlghton, Oct. 5 to 8 inclusive. Sawyer &, Knowlton's office has busts of Lincoln, Gartield, Douglas, Webster and Shakespeare adorning its walls. Therestiould be inspiration there gentlemen. C Blis8 & Son liave a new ad in this issue, and would be pleased to hare the public cali in and look over tlieir handsome assortment of silk uinbrellas and gold headed canes. The probable yield of wheat for this county this year is given at 1,401,455 bushels, wlth au average yield per acre of 19.Ü9 bushels. The average of oats was 28.56 bushels per acre. There is a strong sentiment in this comraunity fuvoring the converting of the old ceuietery into a public park providiug the title to tl.e property can be secured for that.purpose. Mr. Brush has not secured any trace of the thief who broke Into hi9 degk recently and atole $15 in silver. Biit If said thief should look for money there again he wouldn't fiad any. At the Germán M. E. conference receutly held at Lafayette, Ind., Rev. J. Buddeubaum, of tliis city, was tranjferred toDelaware,Ohio, and Kev. R. PleuUdeniiiiinii, of Lansing, statloned in tliis city. Those going to the Knight Templar Conclave at SR Louis next week ouxht to have carda to exchange. Cali at the Courier office and get soine wlth the Ann Arbor Coinmandcry seal embossed in gold. A combinatioii of house owner and agenta is being talked up in this city. They propose to organize for mutual pro tection against those who will not pay their rents, and prepare a black list of the sanie. A year ago one ounce of hydrochlorate of Cocainc was wortli $500. None was then manufactiired in this country. Now lt Is worth $7.00 per ounce. If a man had several oiüice of it last ycar it ha not paid liini to keep it. We invite the attetition of our readers to the description of the grand scènes to be enacted at St. Louis during the coming "S3d trien nial conclave of the Knights Templar, to be found in another column. It reads like a fairy story. Up on the county fair grounds thingg fcegin to look lively. The Floral Hall Is being entirely re-painted, so also are the ¦various round houses, and the grand tand. Everything about the grounds is being cleaned up and got lnto good shape for the coming fair. A few frlends of the Knights Templar could be accommodated at their house in St. Louis next week during the conclave. If any ot our citizens desire to go it can now be done very cheaply and at a time when there is inuch to see. Ka tes can be had by applying early either to Dr. W. W. Nichols, W. G. Doty, T. F. HUI or H. W. Hayes. Dr. Sniltli, tlie chairman of the coniinittee on Improvement of Koads, bas called a meeting of tlie coinmittee for one o'clock, Thursday, in the common council rooms. This coinmittee has a good work before it and can help Ann Arbor to a great extent for yearst to come by seeing to it that good roads lead into our city. Tliere is a íine chance for improvement on siich roads as the Whltmore Lake road, the Dexter. the Dixboro, the miUdie Ypsilanti and many others. The state board of equalization bas completed its work and given it to the public. Oounty Clerk Robison says it Is nearer correct than tnepldone, but there are some counties escaping their just proportion yet. Washtenuw reinains at $30,000,000 and is fifth on the list, Wayne with $150,000,000, Kent with $45,000,000, Stgtaaw WÜh $:;i,000,000 and Jackson with $;il,000,000 only bcing placed above her. Lenawee is placed it $28,000,000, when she ought to be certainly even with this county, for Wie has 30,000 acres more land, and Is in every way eqiial. We can 'hardly see how Kalainazoo should be$6,'000,000 lower than Washtenaw, either. Dr. Jolin Alabaster of Trinity M. E. cliurch, Chicago, lias been appreciated well by his eoogngêOoa whicli unaniinously passed the following resolution al their last conference : HetoUed, That we esteein It a great picasure to lo assoclatel witli the Rev. Dr. John Alabastaran oar pastor, and we regard It as a greut privilege to have llHteued to til learned umi rluijiiunt MTiiKiiiK ilnrliiü the oonference year, and we hereby earnestly request the prrHldliiK eider und the hlshop prexldlng at the coming esHlon of Koek Blver Conference to lavorTrluity chureh by securlng for ub Ihe return oí Dr. Alabaater to our pulpit for uext year. Ut. Ahibaster is well known in Ann Arbor for his scholarly pastorate whicli closed foor years ago, and it is hoied tliat lie may accept a cali here agaln at ome luture day. J Itieo. L. Moore has bouglit ovt Urangers' State st. tare. The tratas to the state fair at Jackaon this week are loadcd. I.ewis & tiïbisou, of this city, took four tint premium and two second premiums at the tri-state fair at Toledo last week. The O. C. Social Club aie down for another hop. This time at the rink, on Priday evening next, for the benefit of the K. of L. Come to the county fair with your wife and your chiiiiren, and your sister, and your aun t and your mother-in-law if you want to have a good time. Eider Davis of this city preachcd at the state prison in Jackson during '3U and '40 when there were only50 prisoners all told confined in that institution. John Pfisterer has bought eight lots of Qeo. Clarken on W. Hurón and W. Washington sts., on which he intends to build eight liouses next spring. Store, nut and mixed coal is worth $5.75 delivered, domestic lump $4.50, and grate and egg $5.50, a Httle lower tlian last year on the first meutloned. A friend of ours says the music of the New Orleans Jubilee Singers is almost exactly like that used in the soutli 42 years ago when he lived thcre. Last Sunday about live o'clock, there appeared in the cüstern henvens, ono of the most brilliant, beautiful and well defiued rainbows ever sccn by any of our uldest inhabitunts. The Germán WorkiDgmcn's Asociation goes to-morrow morulng to Manchester acconipanied by the band to assist in dedicatlng a new banner by the society of tliat place. One of the largest grists of deeds and mortgages ever taken in at the register of deed'a oflice in oue week Is reported for the flrst of this month. There were 14 dueds alone tn one day. Seyen more new houses to be erected on V. Huron st. this fall, four of which, one each by Mrs. Burkhardt, Christian Helber, Gottlieb Lutz, and Louis Kohde have already been started. A market would not injure the produce trade of our grocers one-half as inuch as the peddling of produce from door to door by the raisers thereof does now. We believe 1t would help them instead of injuring thelr trade. Thesightorahandáotue night-bloomlng cerug wag enjoyed by the neighbors of Mis. C. Ii. liemlck, on E. Catharine st., last Wednesday ereuing. Tliis makes the lifth blossom Mrs. R.'s plant has luid within a few weeks. Mra. Alma Sumner, relict of the late James Sumner, and mother of J. K. Sumner, of tais city, died at her home 27 Thompson st., last Monday, aged about 78 years. Funeral services tbis afternoon at Z% o'clock, f rom the heuse. Mrs. Sarah A. Brown, widow of Uriah Brown, died of neuralgia of the heart August 3Ist,at the residence of her son-in-law, at Fort Worth, Texas. Deoeased wag 58 years of age. The remains were brought to Pinckney, Michigan, for interment. " Rosey " put in a píate glass mlrror last Saturday at his billiard parlor, which is 00 inches one way by 96 incites the other, wlth a two inch bevel edge. It is a beauty, excelling anythlng in the city, probably, being without flaw or blemlsh of any kind. It cost 140. Rer. Mr. Pope, who was sent here as pastor of the A. M. E. church by tbe recent session of the Indiana conference of the African M. E. church, which embraces the state of Michigan, commenced his pastorate last Sabbath. He appears to be a man t f good talent, and will help that church. Tlie school board held its llrst meeting li st evening and organized by the election 01 W. D. Harriman, president; L. Gruner, triasurer; and W. W. Whedon, secretary. C mimittee on Teachers and Text-Books -Harriman, Smitii and Mack. Com. on Flnance- Bach , Beal and Whedon Corn. on Buildings and Grounds - Gruner, Doty and Whedon. In another column will be found a letter from "Greenbacker " in reference to the politica! situation in thiscounty. Almost any person may see at a glance, the justice of his demands. But Uien it is none of our funeral. He will have to fight for his life with hls political allies - and tlie chances are ten to one that he will be swallowed alive. . There are some silverware and erockery peddlers going about the city solicitIng the sale of thelr goods on the installment plan. We understand that they recelve about two or three prices for their goods. The persons who trade with a legitímate business house with whoin they are acquainted know wbat they purchase and can rely upon the quality and price alao. Mr. Sawyer says anything is fair in politics and ílshing, so he gives us another lish story. Up at Chelsea the other day he went out in company with exPostraaster Crowell, ex-Deputy Sheriff Hudler and Dr. Armstrong, and caujrht 96 bass Instile of three liours, the smallest % 'b., and many of thera welghlng 3 lbs. each !!!!!!!'! Furthermore he suys tliia is a true tish story. The death of Miss Lizie Reed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wagner, at the home of her parents on south Main at., on Thursday last, Sept. 9th, has caused a feeling of sadness to pervadethe wide circle of the famlly's frienda. She was but 19 yeara of age, was still pursuing her studies at the university, and was possessed of sucli a sweet and pure character that she was universally beloved. The cause of death was termed remittent fever. Funeral services were held on Sunday last f rom the house :it .'!'._. o'clock p. in. On Friday night last the G. A. R. post of this city selected Col. H. S. Dean as a delégate to go to Hillsdale and meet with the ofiicers of the Southeastern Association of the G. A. K., to endearor to secure the next encampment at this placeIt is understood that our worthy mayor will also accompany the Colonel on lus misslon, to curry extra weigbt to the inducements to be presented. At the recent Hillsdale encampment the highest day's attendance was 25,000 people, the lowest 10,000. So it will be seen that the encampment draws a crowd, and is worth working for. At Firemen's Hall last Friday evenlng Prof. Dlckie, of Albion College, abused the republlcan party before an audience composed of about 225 demócrata, 24 prohlbitionlsts and one reporter. Hla arguments for probibltion consisled aolely In the assertion that the republlcan party had outlired Ita usefulness and that those who still clung to it were politica) aters, etc., and 80 on. The republican party wttl without the least doubt stlll outlive the professor' usefulness. Afler the learned professor had tinisticd his speech a gentleman by the name of A. O. or O. A. Crozier, we believe, was introduced, hut hls eloquence dldn't appear to attract, for a general stampede ensued, whlch would have been yery embarralng to a republican or democratie ipeaker