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E. B. Abel has returned from hts eastern trip. Miss Mi 11 nii' L. Miley is visitlng in Detroit tlils week. Mrs. Mcdarias, of Toledo, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. B. Hall. Mrs. C. W. Waldron, of Hillsdale, is visiting friends in the city. Dr. I'. B. Rose, of Chicago, lias been in the city duriug the week past. Mrs. Thos. Doyle and chlldreu of Flint, are visiting relatives in this city. John Ferdon is going to hang out bis shingle n St. Paul, Minnesota. D. E. Osbornc goes to Boston wherc lic has it in mind to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Edward May have returned to their home in Washington, D. C. J. L. Hudson, of the Thompson-Heuston Electric Light Co. 6pent Tuesday in the city. Miss Ashton, of Columbus, Ohio, is la the city visiting her sister, Mrs. J. T. Jacobs. Miss Pliillipg, of Kalamazno, is the guest of Miss Allie Curtís, on Washington st. Jas. W. Kobison i very sick with a low type of fever, and is progressing very slowly. J. T. Jacobs, J. A. Gates, and Aid. Wni. Herz took a business trip to Detroit yesterday. Samuel Cushman and wife, of Slüiron, have been visiting at Mayor ltobison's th is week. Kev. J. Neumaun returneil Iwt Friday from the conference of his church at Buffalo, N. Y. J. M. Allen, of the Dexter Leader was in the city Monday and Tuesday, on a business trip. Miss Bertlia D. Hill lias gone to Atchinson, Kansas, wliere slie is engaged in teaching inusic. Miss Lonic Swceney rcturned from Jackson, Friday, where slie had been visiting relatives. Mrs. Geo. B. Alexander and daugliter Grace left for New York this morning to remain soiuc time. Mrs. Clias. W. Wajrner, who has been 111 ith typhoid fever for some weeks is slowly improving. Will Haten appeared in bil place Saturtluy, but lie doesu't seem to be very "strengthy " just yet. Mrs. EL M. Koys and children, of Farwell, are visiting Mrs. R.'s father, D. S. Millen, of the Bth ward. Wallace H. Steele hu rcturned from his trip to New York and Samtoga after an absence of ten weeks. The niany f riend of Dr. W. W. Nichols will be more than pleased to learn that he is once more on his feet. Hudson Ellis left Monday for West Branch, where he will remain a couplcof years in the bank of that place. Paris Banlield and family left last eveniiiR for South Lyon where Paris expects to enjoy a day's sport in the woodg. Hon. C. R. Whitman and fainily, liave been camping at Cavanaush Luke, Chelsea's famous watering re.sort, for the past week. Prof. Louis McLouth, who accepts tbe presidency of the Dakota agricuKural college, is a brother-in-law of A. M. Dotv of this city. Miss G. Fannie Steele returneil this week from her visit to lier brotlier, D. C. H. Steele, of San Francisco, after an absence of six iiimit h. A. F. Freeman, of Manchester was over to the county capital Thursday lust perfecting the papers in the sale of the nering mi Uu of that place. Mrs. W. J. Colegrove and family have returned to their home in this city after havinsr spent a few weeks with hor sister Mrs. Gildart of Stockbridge. Henry Cocker, formerly of this city but nowof Whatcheer, Iowa, ns secretary of the Miuneapolis Coal Co., has been in the city during the week jrreetinit old friends. Miss Mollie L. Hall has returned to her art studies at Cincinnati, and her sister Grace D. Hall accompanied her to reniain for a few weeks, with another sister, Mrs. McDowell, of that city. Miss Flora Storms, of tho Fifth ward, who clerks at Stofflet's bazaar, while passing under the new rail-road bridge had her leff broken by a plank which feil froin the bridge, this mornlng. Dr. J. C. Wooa carne over from Ann Arbor, with his flyer, in six hours, last Monday, driviDg in as fresh as from a five mile drive. The doctor Is .pending the week in Motiroe.- Monroe Comiiier" cial. Heury Kyer wliile ridiiig on his bicycle Monday afteriioon was thrown from the vvlieel, causee] by the giving out of soine part of the machine, and was severely bruised about the face and wrists, remainnr unconscious for a time. He is setting along well now. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bliss, Dr. P. B. Rose and wife and Dr. W. B. Smith and wife went to Detroit last night to attend the 25th marringe anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Alva T. Hill, at their home on Fourth Avo. Mrs. Hill is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bliss. Miss Nellie C. Jenkins, of Duluth, Minn., is visiting Misses Lou and Saté Giles, and at Mayor Robison's this week. Miss Jenkins caine from Duluth by boat and reports that not a boat or eraf t of any kind was sighted the entire length of Lake 8uperior, from Dulutii to Sault Ste. Marie, the great storm ha ving driven tliem uil into ports.