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K.VSO.VIC WIRECTORYAxv A.KHOR CoMvtANDERY, No. 13 meets flrst Tuesday of each mouth, W. O. Doty, E. C; W. A. Tolchard. Recorder. WASUTICXAW CHAtTKR, No. R, K A. M.- MeeU llrat Monday each inonth. lac Haady, II P-; Roath, Hecretary. BUSINESS CARD8. O. IMI. IMI-AJRTIÏT, li: Vl.KK IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Common Cofflns. Calis attented to Day or NlgHv. Kiulalmlnts ii speciaily. toreroom on B. WwfclugUm tret. Rei.ltuee Cor. I-ilK'rty and Flfth. W. II. JVCKSOX, 33ÜE3II KTIIfrilIIISIITII. OFFICE : Oyer Bach & Abel's Dry Good Store. Entrance neit to Natioötl Bank. WlLIJAin IIERZ, Bouss, Siga, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! PauerlnR, Gln.lne, Olldlng, and Calcimlnlne, nd work or every descrtptloa done in the best myle, and warranted to give satUfactlon. Jhop, No. 4 W. Washington St„ Ann Arbor. W. W. & A. C. WICIIOI.S, Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Masonic Temple Block. GAS or VITALIZED AIR Adminlstered for the palnleHS exttaction ol tfeth. STATE STREET iïuu Mui Establishment ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 1ka Sik: U 701 want a naat Solt do not order nntll you hftT ieeu JOSEPII BERRV, Merchant Tiitlor. State street, Ann Arbor, Mlcli. You will flnd a very flne Une oí hniillsh Worsteds for Dress Suits, nd a the Newesl hades and Weaves In Back. hulUngu nd trowsenngs lu stock and sainplt to orcíur'long experlence In Cuttinfe ennWer , n to eive you a neat and perfect Üt, and Clothes malle In örst-class order, at Lowest Living Prlces. Cali and see for yourse'f. 'SoSïftf ISTteY. Merehwt T.l.or CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Sccnrity held for the protection of the ppllcy holdan. CHRISTIAN MACK BepresenW the followlnu fl"t-e1V"LíE?,I}Sfiof which one. the JKtai, hae alone pald $5h,00ü,00O flre OBB''8 In nliu-U ve eare : tna, of Hfrtfori1 $.9,192,544 Kruiikliiiut L'hiliKlulpliU 3,4 18,71-i Germana, N. Y 3,700.729 Germán American, N. Y 4,065,968 London Assurance, Lonrton... 1,416,788 Micliifian F. & M., Detroit. . . 287.608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y ?,596,67!) National, Hartford 1,774,605 Phcenix, Brooklyn 3,7R9,Ü36 Losses Hberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies UsuttJ at Üe lowct rates of premium. LUMBER! LTTMBER! lf you contemplóte building, cali at FEROON LllKlIlll! Corner Fourth nd Depot Sta., and ge our figures íor all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own T,umber and guarantee AERY LOW PRICE8 4-Givc us a cali and we will make it to your Interest, as our large and well graded tock fully usuins our anertion. Telephone ConnectionJ rith Office. T. J. KHfitíH SbJK. JAMES TOLBKRT, Prop W. TREMAIN, GENERAL ir x ▼▼ IÑSÜBANCB - iGjjjjlCY } OFFICE, Oier Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, 00B. HÜBON AND KOÜRTH 8TS., ► North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edinburg. ICaplUl, 13.000,000, Oold. Detroit Flre and Marine Insnrauc Co., CñMh Aivuu. 80U,000_ Springaeld Ins. Co. 6f .Hassacliiisetln, Cah Asneti f 1,800,000. Howard Ins. Company of Xew York, Cuh Attex tl000,000. igrlcnltnral InH. Co., Watrtown,N.Y„ Vuh A-íi-'ü $1,300,000. Lossei.Llberally Adlnated and Promptly Pald. 1 1 1 f H I m"rc """"y t10 at "TthlnR else by Ui 11' I V IQK au igi'iicy rurtba Mst eulllng honk II I I '"" ifisadly. None 11 "-11 fall. Ternii free. Hali.íttBook Co., Portland, Milne. inrilTP WANTFfl for DR. scorr ILrRIV MI1ICU boauiiful Electrlo I I ,lCorsi. Sample Iree to tliow be"'T" ■ " 'omlnï agntn. No rluk. qulck aalM. Ttmtory (t1td, saUstacüoa fraarantd AddrcM ÜR.SCOTT,e42 Broadwoy St..N.Y. BERRY BOXES;Fr c.uirc ,,!, ikL DHOnL I 0


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