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Sore Eyes The eycs are al war 9 in sympathy wltn the body, and afforil an excellent Index of its conditlon. When the eyes become wealc, and tbe lidt inflamed aud sore, it ís an evldence tlmt the srstcm bas become disordercd by Scrofula, for whleli Ayer'i Sursaparilla is the best known reraedy. Scrofula, which produccit a painful inflammution in mv -yes. estMed me much ■ufferliiK for a mimber of years. By the advice of a physirian 1 conuneaaad Uking Ayer'g Sarsaparilla. After usiu;; tliis uiiulicinc a short time I ivas conipletely Cured My eres are now in n jileniliil innilition, and Í ara as Wéll md Wrong % mer. - Mi's. Wllliani Gaje, l omonl. N. II. For a number of reaM I was iroubleil with a humor in my éye, .nul was unable to obtain any relief until I eommeneeil usinpr Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ThW medicine has effected a conipIeU cure and I believe it to be the best of blood purifiers.- C'. E. Uptou, Xasuua, N. II. Krom chlldhnnd. and until within a few fnnnths. I Iihvp hliftn affilrtAil ivlth 'rak nd Sore Eyes. 1 have u-od for tliee complitints, with beneftoial reiuits, Ayer'a Sarsaparillï. and evacider it a preat blood puritier. - Mr. (,'. Tliillips, Qlover, t. I auffered for a year wlth Inflaniniatlon In my left eyc Threr uleen fonned on the ball, depriving me of sight, and caulng great pain. Af ter trying many other remedie, (o DOpurpose, I wal flnally Induced to use Ayer's Sarsaparllln, aud, By Taking three bottles of tlus niedkinc, have been entirely curd. My .si(;lit bat been retored, and there is'no tign of intlammation, sore, or ulcer in mr eye. - Kendal T. Buwrn, Sugar Tree Rl)ge, Oblo. My daURhter. ten yeai-s old. wai afflicted wlth Scrofulous Sore Eyea, Diniii tbe last two vears she never saw light of any kind. Pnysiclans of the highesl standing exerted their iklll, but itb do permanent success. On the recomniendation of a f rii-inl I purchascda bottlu of Aycr's .Saraparilla, which my dauchter commenci d takinR. Before she had used the thlrd bottle her slght was restored, and the can now look steadlly at a brllllant Ngnt witbout pain. Her cure is complete.'- W. K. Siitherlaud. Evangelist, Shelby City, Ky. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepred by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., I-owell, Mm. ■M kj ll DrufgiiU. Trice tl , ii bottlei, $S. FOR DYSPEPSIA. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERCY, INDICESTION, ETC, ETC ttorsfordb ACID PHOSPHATE. A liquid preparation of the pboapbMw and phosphoric acid. Recommended by riiyslii:n. Il inakes dellclous drink. Invlgoratlng and strenethenlng. 1'iiTiiplilet free. FOR BALE BY ALL DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, ProyWcnce, ■ - Kliodo Isiftinl. BT"BEWARK OF IMITATIONs. A Severe Case of Acute Rheumatism, which Baffled one of our Most Skillful Physicians, Cured in Three Weeks. Jac tatm, Wdt. May 39, 18S6. Rhfmu.iliv Syrup CO. ' Gentlemen- I,at Octobvr I WM Iricken down viiavry uvan tttmck of ,uute Hlirumatism and NannlrlSt my hrst irmptoma bein a yenend orcBCM all over me, with a ternHf pnin in my back and about my hips, thii cooÜnuing (bf .1 rivdin only before I was conlined 10 mv heri. Wt 1 litad me ot the most eminent phyvidlant "i 01 Stalt, who attended me vt-ry faithlnllv tor foir ireeks, under which treatment I made no Unprovamcnt. One ot our neihlxr calline on 01 ;id it-d me to tr ïiib bard's Rheumatic Synip, MYlng In h;id heard of ome wonderful curts etFectcci b il.-, dsc. We tent ootttei tnd T commenced uine il, dropninff all other medicine, and bef ore I had tuken all of the scrond bottle I was ahle to be up and dressed and aboul the house, and tnside of thrce weeks I was in mv store nttmliny to the trade. It is Inily a wonderful medicinr. I Kim it i% tlie beat tonic for the stomuch and difMÜVC OTgUM ever jivcu to Üie public. 'ery respeclfully, m5. sylVia powers. Dealer in ([eneral yrorerie, corner Wildwood arnl West avenue. Hibbard's Rheumatir Syrap is put up in larg-e bottles, and is sold by dnufg-isi penernlly. Prict $i.oo,orsix bot t les for $5.00 If umi draraist doe not have it wiite us ud re wfll send it to ;in addres on receipt of pricc, freifiht prepaid, Send for our aiedical phamplet. RIIECMATIC SYRUP CO Skie manuütturcrs, JtkioD, Mich.


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