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AVCD'Q Sugar Coated If the Liver Ql I Q comes torpid, if the i I Las LO ■ bowels are constipated, or if the stomach fails to perform its functions properly, uie Ayer's Pilis. Thcy are iuvaluable. For some years I was a victim to Liver Complaiat, in consequence of which I suffereil from General Dcbility and Indigestión. A few boxea of Ayer's Pilt restored mo to perfect lioaltli.- V. T. Brightncy, Hendereon, W. Va. For years I have relied more upon Ayur's l'ills thau unytuiug else, to Regúlate my bowels. TIipso Pilla ;uv mild in action, and do tlicir uork thorouffhly. I have url them with Rood etr:t. in cases of RUeumatiem, Kidncy Trouble, and Dvspepsiu. - G. F. MillerAttleboruugh, Mass. Ayor's Pllls curcd me of Stomach and Liver tronóles, from which I had suffend for years. 1 consider Hum the best plUj made, and would not lic without tlicm. KorntOate, Dowiisvflle, N. V. I was attaeked with Kilious Fever, which was followed by Jaundicc, and was so dangerously ill tliat ïny friends deapalrrd of my recoven-. 'I commenced taking Ayert l'ills, and .soon regained my cuitomary atrengtn and vijor. - John C. Fattison, Lowell, Kebraska. Last spring I suflered preatly from troublesome Inunor on my ilde. Iu spite of every effort to cure Lhia eruptlon, it iucreased until the flesh hrcame ontirely nuv. t vj troubled, at Hip ume timp, wilu Indigestión, and dlatreulag pulns in The Bowels. Hy tlie ndvice if a triend I began taking Ayer's l'ills. Jn a ihort time I was free from paiu, ïny food dlgeated properly. the sores on my body coinmenced brallng, nl, in less thnn one montli, I was cured. - Samuel I). Wliite, Atlanta. Ga. I have Ion;; uted Ayer's l'ills. in my Family, and believe them to be the beat pills made. - S. C. Darden, Darden, Miss. My wife and little girl wcre taken with Dysentery a few dayi agoaod 1 at once began Elvlng them imall doaea "f Ayeri Pilis, thinking I would cali a dector If the ilisease became uny worte. In a short time the bloody diachareea stu)]ied, all pain went away, and liealth was rettored, - 'l'iu-oilore Baling, lüelimuml, Va. Ayer's Pills, Prepared Dr. ,T. C. Ayr & Co., Lowell, Km. Sold by all Dealer la Madlciu. FOR DYSPEPSIA. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERGY, INDICE8TION, ETC, ETC. u uoï$for(k ACID PHOSPHATE. A llquid preparatlon of Use phnsphntea and phosphorlc acid. Rccomraended by PhyblciaDR. Il makes u dellclous drink. Invigorating and strengthening. Pampli let free. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALEUS. Rumford Chemical Works, Proyldcnce, - lthode Isiand. 0TBEWA1ÍK UK IMITATIONS. Salt Rheum and llow to Cure it. This i an invett-rdte and verv trouhlcsnine erop Üon or "brea kinff out " whuh ftpptan on dirtcrent part of Üic body, but moet caoummlj on tbc h.tmlt and face. W have teen many eUM rhen te !kin bas nearlv all pecled oñ the hamls, k:iving thrm raw and tender. The affvetion is too coinmon and too wr 11 knmvn to need murh description, tor it la s;itc to bh one oí every five ot tlie hamma fmnily is atflited more or less witk this troublrsome dÏMAM. Out ward applications often aflorj tempor. iry relief, bul to effect a pcrm.ment cure the blood mtUt be i leansed and the diifcntiveorífans r-torcd to lu-.illbv action, which c;n best be accoinplishcd by tlie use of Hibbard's Rheutrutic Syrup. We havp nevw found a cas of Salt Kheum, 'i'ettcr or trvsipeUt that Rheumatic S),Tup woild not cure wnere 'hc patiënt would continue its use a sufücient lrnth of time to worlt the impuritiet out of ht biooc -nut system. Hibbard's Rhrumatit Svrup is cotnpounded i ivelyfrom the extracte of root, berbs ant frulta, arid ron taina nothine that would injure thr mot fieehle coosütutioo , but on the inrttrary it i1 compouodad of auck remedies as are neecssarv to builil tip ihr brokea down system. It strentfiens the trchlc, it Buppliea the veins with pure and rit h blood, it cbanjres the sallo w complexión to rus y luie, tctreng-thens the weak and ft'ivvs to the ftffed tlu vigor ot youth. It shoiild hè used in prefcrenei to allother to-called rcmctlic fcr all dilWJM of thr kidneys, as tt has a aootl.inir n htühnn et1r t instead oí excitinjf and irritatinfc, ax is Iw.iy tincase witk all bitters and and otber alcohol ie prepa n ü on recommended and ad vertí sed lirtlv lor tks most prevalent diseases, but whuli hava doM more to increaac them than otherwtse. Do not b deceived or iofluenerd by an nut to usr any mi these quack nostrums, which art only forced ■pon tfce market simply to t:ike monci trom the poor, skk aod suflerinfr, who are culv tOO cf.rr ti. ffrasp at anythinf that may be aiWci tist-d for dïs rases with which they are afllutr.l. Kibbard'i Rheumatic Svrup is nota patent medicina, bui i proprieUry article which bas been trie-1 and lested by many of our leadinf phystcians, who lo da; ar ufcing it in their daily tice. Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup i pul tip in boiües, and is sold by drugists gtOMW) P $1.00, or six bottles for $5.00 It your druffif i&' i1vh-s not have it, write us and w will senu il v address on receipt of price, fraiht prepaul Stn.l for our medical pamphU-t. RHKUMATIC SYRUP t Soi manufartureri, Jacksun, Mkh.


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