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short udvvrtlscmenls not to exceed three iiiies, of Lost ana Fouud, iloases for Salcor Rent, Want, etc, Inaarted three weeks for L5 centa. SItuatlons wanted. free. GOOD HOUSE nnd Hve acres of land la good oondltlon wltb good water onMill Street, city, for sale oheap. Apply toO. L. Matthews, Reftl Eatate Agency. 193 FOR SALE- A number of Ilolsteln Calves by Mlll.s Brotheis. 18-90 Horsi.s T RENT- Cheap, pleaaant- one corner of HaroD umi Tbayer street, one du Mosely slreet, second honse wesl of Mis. Milis on Bouth Main street. K. .1. Knowlton, 3t Noiiii state street. 18-20 WA.NTED- A. Suite of unfurnlshed rooms and In Private Family for gentleman nndwlfe. Uooil referenoes. l,ock box27tó. UK). OR HENT- COTTAGE- Flve rooms, larKO basement and cellar. New, clean, warm, water linloorK, fuel sluiter, l.css Uian oue blook li 1 1 1 Campa. Cit. L. L. James, 44 E. Onlverslty avenue. 1 ( ( AURES best farm wllli stook and Xv)l' tooi In Iienzle Co., Michigan for sale or exchaugo for Wa-htenaw Co. property. 17-19 Apply to L. MATTHfcWS. FOR BALS- Good safe bugcy horse. Can be seen at 8. E. corner Ingalls and Norlh Bt3. 16-18 FOR SALE UHEAP.- A Seven-Klghts Jer r, :, mos. old Uull i'alf, good slze; a good Top BuCgy and a light running gear complete, for two horse wagon. Knqulre o J. 1!. SAUNDERS, at Courier office, or at resldence -13 N. Pontlac st. (fllth ward.) 16-1 OUSE FOR SALE.- VVell arranged ik coiumodious, built slx years, No. 21 s Hlale si. Intuiré on the premlses. 16-18 SITUAT10N WANTEU- By a law student to di) chore (br Mis board. Stock pre ferred. Address, ULEN V. MILLS, Ann Ar bor. IW1 TWO LOTS on Cemetery street and fon lot on Volland street lor sale cheap lf noli at once. O. L. Matthows, Baal Estatu Agency f.-'Oli. SALE OR RENT - On reasonable I" terms: the property known as the Hen rlqaes Mansión, on Corner of División tind üowevy stveuls. Zma P. Klng. 13-10. rpo RENT- House No. 18, Cemetery street -L Apply at Couhiek office. SKVERAL I1OUSES TO RENT- In good lOOallUes and repair - for $13 to $20 pe inonth. EnqulreofJ. Q,. A. Sesslons, Rea Kstiit and Insurance agent. Office over Kx presa office, Ann Arbor. LOANING- Money to loan on first-clasi Real Éstate .Moiigago at Current rates o Interest. Sntlsfactory arrnngements mad wlth oapltalists deslrlng sncli lnvestments J-:very conveyanco and transactlon In ub stracts of tltles carefully examlned as to lega effect. Z. P. K1NU. Aun Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News